The fundamentals of magus arts <Part 1>

"Opening his own mind link while he's still an infant... extraordinary!!" Danelius had a voice filled with awe as he said this.

"I think I'ts remarkable regardless of him being an infant, and even at that to 5 people simultaneously... Incredible, but clearly it took quite a toll on his mental strength, which is to be expected." Said Lea.

Suddenly an idea sparked into existence within lauras mind, as she said "If he's already developed awareness and can understand speech, we could begin his training in magus arts"

"That... I guess it makes sense."

"Then it's decided once he wakes up he'll begin learning magus arts under me!" Laura's voice was filled to the max with joy, as it was not every day you meet a child this remarkable.

'It seems my luck is looking up... hehe.' She thought as everyone else left the room, leaving her and Clovis alone in the room.

"Oh by the way we have to discuss the name we'll give him, as he will be our child and we will be his parents!" She sent a mental conversation to the others, as they all sent a message back at her as a sign of acknowledgment.

Several hours later...

I slowly opened my eyes as a mind-breaking headache continuously slammed my head, it felt like my head was being knocked on as someone cried out for me to open it, causing me to groan slightly.

Suddenly I began to feel relief as the pain began to subside, it felt like I was wrapped in a smooth embrace as every cell in my body was soothed to a calm state!

'Good morning Clovis, how are you feeling?'

I was instantly awoken from my stupor as I began searching around hastily, knowing I did not physically hear the voice physically but mentally.

'Relax... I soothed your brain using some mana manipulation, though it was hard as you rejected a lot of it quite strongly.' She said this trying to explain and ease up the tension, and it seemed to work.

'You had previously strained your brain by talking to us mentally, leading to you going unconscious for quite some time. I will refrain from asking how a child could do that, as well as many other questions as I take it you're just as clueless as everyone else.'

'As for my goal here... well, I will be teaching you the origin and the foundations of magus arts!'

She said and I seemed to be instantly captivated and fully awake. I knew not what it was, but I was drawn to the way it sounded nonetheless!

'Any questions Clovis?'

She asked as I pondered on several, but chose to ask only one...

'Who and what exactly are you people?'

'My my... quite a mature tone and pacing! As for who we are, we are simply normal people trying to live subtle lives!'

I looked at her with a face that said "I know I am a baby, but do you really expect me to believe that?!!"

'Without further ado, we shall begin! Once again I am Luana Maria Adora, an arch magus but you may address me as mother or mother Maria, whichever you find more comforting.'

'That will take some time to get used to, but I'll go with mother when with you alone, and mother Maria when in the midst of the others'

'That works fine for me.'

She said this calmly, but her heartbeat fluttered ever so gently as she was touched to be called a mother.

'Over the years you will grow up here you will be taught many skills, ranging from magus arts, martial arts, weapon arts, all the way to smithing/crafting, inscription, alchemy, and seals. It may be tough at first, but it will be worth it.'

'I for one will begin your training in the magus arts as I deemed it possible to begin, given you're developed awareness and perception.'

'I see...'

'Now that we have that out of the way, I'll begin! What is mana? Why is it here? How can it benefit us?'

'Mana is a substance that is not perceivable by the eyes as it is present, yet not at the same time! It is an unlimited energy substance, unending nor faltering for dozens of millenniums gone by. We know not why it is here, but we are more into the fact that it is here!'

'Who exactly is... "we"?'

' "We", is every living being on Eathen, which is the name of the planet. Over the millenniums, mana has sprouted from initially being a non-existent factor in the bodies of living beings to being essential to our daily way of life!'

'As time did its job it slowly enhanced all humans, allowing for uncapped growth and limitless potential opportunities but of course, human beings were not the only ones to tap into this energy!'

'Slowly mana mutated other living beings, and in some cases brought mythical and fictional ones to birth. This threw humanity at the bottom of the food chain... at least until certain individuals learned how to awaken their latent abilities!'

'Humans had gained the ability to cast magus arts. Now, casting magus arts was simply manipulating the already existing mana, to take the shape and traits of a certain element. The traits the mana took were based on an individual's awakened element.'

'Humans had abandoned democracy, as power was the new way of law and order! Though to be fair to all humans instead of a dictatorship, many nations agreed on a round table system, where those at the peak of power would decide the courses of action.'

'When this system was initially put into action, many refused acceptance of the new reality and protested in every was humanly possible.'

'Slowly they came to realize that it had already been set in stone, and there was no way of changing what has already been decided. This left them with one option essentially... accept it and integrate into the new system.'

'As years passed people knew only this system of living, as some select individuals began attaining inheritable skills beyond that of just being simple magus arts, changing the power balance once again!'

'As some of these skills were highly powerful and had incredible battle potential, the clans began to form.'