The fundamentals of magus arts <Part 2>

'We called them blood arts or bloodline limits! The abilities greatly varied from telekinesis to Aegis, which is essentially being able to move objects without making physical contact, to a nigh-impenetrable shield respectively.

'There were several others in the bunch but that is irrelevant for now. But what is important is that along with the appearance of blood arts, the fae was born.'

'The Fae were humans that had mutated, and were possessing some non-human traits! Society had initially scorned them harshly, calling them all sorts of names but the fae did not take it lying down, forcefully taking a stance to earn their place as well as their rights.'

'Many were still scornful of them, forgetting that they did not choose to become what they became, but they still did. Eventually, those who were wiser and more open-minded decided to try and understand why the mutation took place in them.'

'The reason of their initial interest? Well, it was because after the initial mutation of millions of humans becoming "Fae", it never happened again!'

'It came to the light that those who were "Fae" were more capable of housing, and most importantly manipulating mana. But of course, man's greed seemed to always triumph "man's humanity"!'

'For dozens of years, they were secretly experimented on and thousands of Fae were enslaved and subjected to these inhumane acts. After humans found out they could not use the Fae's to do the same things to themselves, they were utterly dejected.'

'The fae on the other hand did not sit still, and united around the world and formed kingdoms. The rulers brought together all the tormented, tortured, and abused fae they could find, this happened all over the world as the fae declared themselves as an independent race!'

'The humans realized what they had done but of course, the damage hole dug was far too deep to be filled up by apologies, and they were too prideful to apologize for it anyway! Slowly war waged between humans and Fae, millions died across the planet before the war came to an end.'

'Why humanity waged war on the fae cannot be answered, as they themselves did not know. All anyone could tell was that humanity declared war due to their pride, a truly shameful reason to sacrifice all those lives'

'The two races became hostile to themselves after the war as anyone would expect, but as dozens of centuries passed, the hostility grew less... as of course, the next generations were wiser and the fae also had the advantage, causing humans to cease !'

'It was labeled in history as "The idiotic war started by the humans", and that too by humanity itself. The irony, cause, as well as who was to blame was apparent!'

'Though this was not the main reason the hostility grew less though! As time passed on both races realized that the fight was meaningless and that there were greater threats were lurking.'

'During the time humanity spent across the world wasting resources and lives in fights, mana beasts were using that abundance of time to grow to ridiculously powerful levels.'

'Humanity swallowed their pride and the fae let go of centuries-old grudges, they joined hands to suppress the mana beasts and as fate would have it they succeeded. After the battle to suppress the mana beasts, humanity and the fae continued to work hand in hand.'

'This action surprised many, but it was a necessity to progress for the future as the two sides needed to share knowledge to improve, and that's how the rankings came!'

'As they had begun advancing in strength, they developed a way to rank themselves as well as a ranking system for mana beast, which went as follows:

Monster Rankings:

Rank 1 - 7

**After rank 7, the last 3 ranks are named**

8 - Predator

9 - Chaos

10 - Carnage

Magus Rankings:

Awakened magus (10 stages)

Spirit Core magus (10 stages)

Advanced magus (10 stages)

Magus warrior (10 stages)

Magus King (10 stages)

Great Magus (10 stages)

Magus Emperor (10 stages)

Immortal Magus (7 stages)

Magus Grandmaster(5 stages)

Magus Saint (3 stages)

Arch Magus (3 stages)

Origin Magus

Rank 1 being the lowest and Carnage being the highest for monsters. Awakened magus being the lowest, and Origin Magus being the highest for humans and the fae.'

'Each of these 12 levels provides large increases of power upon reaching a higher rank, whereas the stages provide smaller boosts. I for one am at the 3rd stage of the Arch magus level, hence meaning I am a peak Arch Magus!'

'Potentially before you reach the age of 15, we expect you to have reached the Magus King rank as well as fully mastered dozens of magus, weapon, martial arts, and crafts beyond our skill, that is why we will only expect you to reach the magus king rank if not beyond.'

'That will be all for today, I will feed you your breakfast as you have a lesson with Aria on alchemy and inscriptions...'

And that was how it began! I for one was amazed at the lore and potential this world held and was eager to grow up but at a point, I did wish I did not grow up as the moment I could walk; they instantly threw me into hellish training and inhumane natural body strengthening techniques.

It was a perfect description of hell on earth but of course, the labor did reward wonderful fruits as I improved rapidly by the day. I functioned as a sponge for it all, absorbing every last bit of teaching and advice.

I pushed my body to the limits, but as time went on I realized that my body is in no way constrained by any physical limits, and mother Luana and the rest realized this as well.

This led to almost five times the difficulty of the training I received in any task that was physical... which was every training except magus arts.

Don't be mistaken, as due to me possessing what father Danelius had described to me as aether, known by few as the source/origin or simply put the mother of mana. As mana itself was only about equivalent to 1% of aethers potency!

And for some reason, I conveniently had an unending universe load of it! Lucky me... no no no, this was the reason I had to deal with over 20 times the initial magus training regimen. It was a strain to my mind but of course, I recovered exceptionally quick!

It could only be described as a "living hell"... in fact, I could not find another statement better than that.