Chapter Four

Black under the Tree of Life in Aldas.

Bev had a burning pain throughout her body as if she was being engulfed in flames.

'Didn't I just hit my head? Why does my whole body hurt? Maybe it's even worse and I broke every bone in my body?! But it wasn't that many steps...'

Slowly the pain started to subside and she had the energy to open her eyes.

All around her was dark with only a large red moon casting its light on the trees several meters away. Above her was a massive tree. Similar to a Redwood yet longer branches and a much more beautiful trunk. The thin bark was swirling in strange patterns and symbols if you looked close enough.

This surely wasn't her home, or hospital, city, and Earth? The moon didn't have its normal pattern and was much closer to this planet that she's ever seen before on Earth. There were also tiny glowing flowers scattered in the grass to the left of her vision.

Moving her neck seemed fine and she could move her legs without pain so she slowly made her way to stand up.

Only now did she notice she was completely naked. She was covered in a red sticky fluid and mysterious red bits of who knows what were stuck in her hair and all on the ground. Mostly near an unrecognizable mound of gelatinous fluid.

Naked, afraid, and chilled she walked over to a medium sized rain puddle that was formed between two protruding roots.

Although a puddle of rain water wasn't clean, it was good enough to get rid of the stickiness on her skin and wash her hair. Scooping up the water in her palm, she first started with her arms. It was actually pretty easy getting it off and so started moving on her her chest. Immediately she noticed something was off.

Looking down she noticed her chest was gone. Although it wasn't much to begin with, it was still two obvious lumps! Now it was flat. Flat like a man!

She suddenly got a bad premonition and shot her hand down to check between her legs.


An quiet groan was heard. Swinging down too fast knocked something that shouldn't of been knocked and she was left rolling on the ground clutching herself. Well now it's himself. Luckily no one was in the area to witness such an idiotic act.

Bev sat back up after feeling better.

Being a very open minded and curious person by nature, Bev spread his legs to get a better look. That was definitely penis. No doubt there. Maybe a little small if compared to his previous boyfriends. At least it wasn't ugly and was proportionate. Getting back on his feet, he crouched back over the puddle and finished washing this rest of his body. The hair was last as hard stringy shoulder length hair would completely dirty the water.

About ten minutes later he was finally cleaned off.

His skin was a pale white with a pink glow from the red moon. Shiny black hair tickling his shoulders. Two black nubs growing out of the sides of his forehead. At this point, nothing could surprise Bev any further. A new planet, being completely naked, added body parts, why stress over horns now? Maybe it's normal here.

What matters now is to figure out where to go. Every direction looks exactly the same and it's unknown how dangerous this forest is.

With literally nothing to lose, he made his way forward. Let's just hope there's civilization close by because walking around naked is very embarrassing and clothes are needed ASAP.

Just as Bev reached the tree line he suddenly felt the ground shaking.


It was getting stronger and stronger until horses were heard neighing and the clinking of chains and steel rang out.