Chapter Five

To his right a group of horses burst through the tree line. Approximately 30 men dressed in black armor speedily towards the tree, completely ignoring him.

Bev quickly hid behind the closest tree to observe the situation.

'They couldn't be coming for me right? No the have to be. What else is out here?'

As they approached the tree they quickly came to a stop. The whole place silent.

It seems he acquired some amazing vision because even at this distance he could still see the situation clearly.

The man leading the group was the first to dismount. He must be the one in charge as he was the only one with multiple medals on his chest and red detailing on his chest piece.

Once he approached the gelatinous blob on the ground, he knelt down to examine it. In obvious confusion he looked around him in the distance.

Alright so they were definitely looking for him. He wanted to run away as fast as he could to avoid these dangerous looking people but just as he went to turn around a twig snapped.

'I'm too far away from them, they couldn't of heard it right?'

But looking back what he saw was a hair raising picture. All of them and their horses were looking in his direction.


The 666,666 day after the new ruler of the underworld is crowned, their queen is born. Unlike all other demons, the queen is born from a fruit instead of their mother's womb. It begins with a ritual on the day of a king's coronation where a sliver ones soul is sacrificed to god. It is said that it's used to find their soulmate for the price of the immense power in that sliver of soul, which is why only the most powerful are able to be king. Anyone else attempting it would instantly die.

Once the queen completes a blood ritual with the king, the demon world's power will rise and the 3 realms will stay in balance.

And most importantly King Suran will be happy and hopefully his reign of terror will end. His temper has been getting worse and worse lately.

The Commander of the Fifth army Jareth was given the important task of retrieving the queen and bringing her back to the Demon Realm safely.

Jareth didn't think that by the time he got to the Tree of Life the queen would be gone. Although there has only been a handful of kings in history, it's widely known that the queen is imparted the knowledge of what her role is along with how to use her powers.

A full grown woman should be here waiting. But she's not.

Since the queen can be any species of demon, Jareth thought that maybe they just missed her. Perhaps she's a evil spirit who can go invisible or a shapeshifter who's current form was overlooked. Even with the last queen it is said she was flying in the air as a massive dragon. Luckily she had a humanoid form so she didn't have to stay outside.

Just then he heard a noise in the distance. Jareth and his men immediately stopped what they were doing and looked toward the source of the sound.

"Hello! Is anyone over there?"

Instead of an answer all he heard was footsteps running away from them.

Frowning, he unsheathed his sword and pursued the person or creature. Although they were currently in the human realm, illusion magic was put in place to prevent them from invading so either what was ahead of him was a strong beast brave enough to come near Ykaris, a rogue demon living in the forest or the queen. But the queen has no reason to run from them so it must be one of the other two. This entity could have even kidnapped the queen and that's the reason she's not here. Thinking this, he ran even faster.