CHAPTER 15: Departure

Everyone in the arena gawked when they witnessed such scene, they were laughing just now but upon seeing such destructive and sharp saber sword aura emanated through the whole arena , they were speechless and stupidly stare at the black red hooded robe figure

The three Valley masters above ,sitting at the top of their flying steed , they already knew beforehand that this boy isn't simple despite of having no cultivation.

"Sword Valley Master, what can you say about this young one?" Sun Valley Master asked Sword Valley Master since he's a sword expert.

Sword Valley Master shook his head disappointingly "although he's a good seedling, even if he were to achieve truth realm at his young age, it wouldn't be easy to achieve its future levels and will only consume most of his time, it's a pity that he lost his cultivation, otherwise he would be a very a promising genius in the future, but if he were to join our Valley, he's welcome, it'll be up to him, what future he will have"

" You're right, it's really a pity, we'll just let the fate takes its course" Sun Valley Master agreed, if only Xung yhel hadn't became cripple, he would be valued by the Valleys.

In this world, where strength speaks everything and the king, and weak ones will be the slaves and the thieves.

"Elder envoy, Did I pass?" Xung yhel asked respectfully.

"Yes pass, yes. . . "The elder envoy was really shocked looking at the very bright red glowing on the stele, everyone can tell that Xung yhel's casual move was much stronger than the two heaven defying genius from the two Clans of the Emperor's City but when he looked at Xung yhel again , he shook his head discreetly, seeing Xung yhel being crippled.

Xung yhel nodded and left the stage.

Nobody laughed at him again when he carefully slide at the edge of the stage so that he can safely land on the ground from the stage.

Among all the people in the arena, only three figures can't accept the reality in front of them, they were Su Lingyan, Xung Tian and Xung Tan.

Su Lingyan, mixed feelings can be seen on her eyes, regrets, fury, humiliation and reluctance.

She regretted on her decision of despising Xung yhel of being cripple yet unknowingly he achieved such truth realm , a realm that is very unattainable for everyone.

She felt anger and humiliation when she attempted to renegade her promise, yet Xung yhel acted as if nothing happened and undisturbed, he even laughed.

And also reluctance, Su Lingyan was very reluctant for she had a very good memory of him in her childhood but they became so distant now.

Su Ting looked at his granddaughter , shaking his head, he naturally knew what happened between Xung yhel and her so he only gave her an advice, "Just do well on your cultivation and make it up with him in the future".

Su Lingyan clenched her fist and determiningly said in her heart "Ill become strong and prove to you that we dont belong to the same kind anymore"


"Tian'er, I know that you've been disturbed by that brat's power, but no worries , as long as you diligently cultivate on Sun Valley, you'll surpass him in no time" Xung Tan adviced his son. He too was quite shocked seeing such realm One with the sword's power.

"Yes dad I will" Xung Tian naturally knew that he have been conceited all this time , that's why Xung yhel always ignored him not because he felt inferior but it was Xung yhel looked at him like a fool.


Tantai Xu'er already saw him since first test but she remained still, since Xung yhel choosed to hide his cultivation, she will naturally hide it for him.

She even laughed when she saw Xung yhel, climbed the stage , she was not shocked when Xung yhel unleashed his truth realm, because she already knew that this man can't be define by natural logic, he's a freak.

She chuckled a bit but when she smiled, she looked very beautiful ,

The third prince frowned, "Why do I smell something between this two, hmmmf just try something funny and you'll truly vanish in this world" he looked at Xung yhel below and a killing desire flashed in his eyes.

Xung yhel noticed someone gazing at him with killing intent just now but he ignored it and acted as if he did not noticed it, he just sat crossed legs and waited for the declaration of the admitted youngsters.

Tang Li's eyes beamed and his fighting spirit aroused especially when he saw Xung yhel's temperament, Tang Li have an easy going attitude and likes to be friend with strong ones.

"Eherm, listen everyone, among the 488 of you who took the second test, only 54 passed and will have the privilege to have an outer elder as their masters and the rest can still be admitted but you have to do your outmost effort on your cultivation and be recognized by the elders, perhaps you will have the privilege to have them as your masters too" the envoy shouted

"Those 488 young ones , Ill give you 2 hours too think what valley you'll join and after that, hop on the back of the flying steed of the valley of your choice" the envoy once again instructed them "time starts now!"

Xung yhel exited the arena and right away went to his Courtyard.

Upon arriving at his courtyard, he saw a silhouette of a girl, facing her back towards him.

Xung yhel naturally knew whose back is this, he smiled and right away hugged her from her back .

"Ahhh... you~" her face suddenly turned red, she was not used to being bodly hugged by someone, she was really embarrassed.

Xung yhel, naturally saw her blushed face"So beautiful" and kissed her cheeks " ~~Xu'er how did you find my courtyard ?"

Hearing Xung yhel's question, she really want to hide and find a hole from embarrassment, she naturally knew that its not good and inappropriate to a girl to intrude a man's crib, but she can't help it.

When she greeted and paid respect to Xung Jun after the second test, Xung Jun acted as a good host and let his wife attend Tantai Xu'er and brought her to Xung yhel's Courtyard.

Xung Jun naturally knew the relationship between Tantai Xu'er and his son from Bai Chan and told his wife about it, they are also very satisfied of this future daughter in law of them, so he let her wife entertain her.

"Ah, it was Aunt Ji who brought me here" she said in a very low voice and freed herself from Xung yhel arms with a reddened face.

Xung yhel faced her in front and teased her "really?" He looked at her eyes with a teasing smile .

"You brat! You only know how to bully me!hmmf" she acted angry but was so cute to looked at.

"Hehe, let me pinch my girl,come on" Xung yhel raised his hand and attempted to pinch her cheeks.

"Youu stop u brat~t, " she dodged Xung yhel's hand from pinching her cheeks

"Still calling me brat?" He really like to tease this celestial beauty of his and pinched her.

"Woowooo let me go you bra~~~ Xung yhel!" She almost said "brat" again but stopped midway

" Okay here's some tea here" His mom Li ji suddenly came and Tantai Xu'er grabbed her oppurtunity to free herself from Xung Yhel's clutch.

"Yhel'er, dont tease Xu'er too much or I'll spank you, come here you two and have some tea" Li ji acted as if, she knew everything and saw nothing earlier.

Xung yhel's expression flinched, hearing his mother taking side with Tantai Xu'er, When did my mom started to call her by her name? He shook his head and scratched it.

Tantai Xu'er still blushed and stealing glance on Xung yhel expression when his mom took her side against him, "such a mama's boy" he laughed in her heart and satitsfied seeing Xung yhel's defeated expression.

Li ji looked at her son and asked "Yhel'er, have no worries about our safety here, we already talked about it with your father about your departure to join a Valley"

"Yes mom" he knew that his mom already decided it all before hand, and suddenly knelt, "I swear and promise that I will get stronger that can make you and father safe and proud"

"Silly brat stand up, you dont have to do this, just be sure to protect yourself at all times, we're always here with your father, waiting for you to come here, We're already proud of you" she helped her son stand up and hugged him.

"Be sure to treat Xu'er well in the future, okay? Or I will spank your butt red" Li ji, reprimanded her son,

Xung yhel was very embrassed and looked at Tantai Xu'er in embarrassment.

Tantai Xu'er chuckled seeing Xung yhel maimed by his mother , she felt very satisfying and got her revenge for teasing her earlier.

"Xu'er keep this necklace with you always, this thing have been with me since when I met his father many year ago and now I want to give it to you" she handed it to her and put it on her neck

The necklace looked very simple jade and was carved into a phoenix, but when it was on her neck, she felt very refreshing.

"Thank you Aunti Ji" she happily thanked Li ji and bid a goodbye after some time.

Li ji looked at the two, and a streak of tears rolled on her cheeks, she's naturally reluctant to part with her son since she's been with her son for 16 years,but she knew that a bird must learn to fly with their own wings so she can only pray and hope for her son's safety.

Tantai Xu'er did not stay for long to avoid unnecessary trouble for the Xung Clan and discreetly left the Courtyard and heed towards her elders of her Clan.

Xung yhel too, left the courtyard right after Tantai Xu'er, he have only some minutes left for his departure with the Sword Valley's flying steed since he choosed this Valley

"Sword Valley here I come" his eye flashed with excitement and anticipation.