CHAPTER 16: Sword Valley

Xung Yhel boarded the Lion Headed Eagle that Sword valley brought it for the newly recruited outer disciples, there were 87 of them who choosed to join Sword valley and they were all cultivators who uses sword as their weapon,

Although Xung Yhel's weapon is a saber sword, he already achieved Truth realm of the sword way and his astral was also a Katana Sword-a saber looking sword, so even if he were to use saber, he can still execute his skills and will automatically revert into saber way to its peak.

Xung yhel's Truth realm, although experts said that his Truth realm is a way of swords, but in reality, Xung yhel's Truth realm is a peculiar one, because his Truth realm is a saber sword way, a way higher level than sword way or saber way, In three heavens, it's a legendary achievement for someone to achieve it, that's why they only saw it as sword way because Xung yhel choosed to only show his sword way for he will join the Swords Valley and act as a swordsman.

He already knew that his Truth realm is a peculiar one, when he cultivated few days ago, he felt that it wasn't only sword aura emanated on his body, and it was the system who told him that his Truth realm has evolved after reaching the peak of One with the sword and evolved in to One with the saber sword.

What made him cautious is that he knew that when showed off too much of a talent, someone might provoked their jealousy or felt threatened by his existence, so he choosed to hide his saber way since with the help of the system he can easily conceal his saber way , but as he will cultivate his sword way and got stronger, his saber way will be automatically elevated too in same level with his sword way.

Xung yhel silently stood at the back with his black red hooded robe and his saber looking sword hanged at his back. He looked very intimidating with his blood red hair and sword like brows while closing his eyes.

No one approached him not because they are afraid but because they disdained him for having no cultivation, and Xung yhel doesn't care about it.

The Lion headed Eagle spanned 20 meters width and its height were 10 meters, so it can naturally fly with everyone without a problem.

They flew for about 4 hours already and they were about to arrive in the outer Sword Valley

"Eherm, everyone listen!" An envoy from Sword Valley shouted.

"In a bit, we are going to arrive Sword Valley, we three great Valleys choosed this day to recruit young geniuses for a purpose" the envoy's words ,made these new disciples pinged their interest.

The envoy looked at them and swung his hand


Suddenly, a blue and yellow badge flew to each one of the new disciple's hands

"After we arrive in our outer Sword Valley, those badges in your hands have a number carved on it, that will be your cave from now on" the envoy instructed them as they are approaching the Valley

"As you can see, there are two diffrent colors of badges I gave you, yellow badge is for Human Cultivating Cave and as for the blue badge will be an Earth Cultivating Cave, so only those who passed the second test can have the privilege to enjoy the blue badge" he looked at the beaming faces of this new recruited disciples.

"But don't be too happy, because you have to fight for that badges as there were so many semi-outer disciples eyed to have your cultivation cave" the envoy shook his head seeing their dejected faces.

Xung yhel still has indifferent expression on his face, for he knew that its not easy for a disciple to acquire such privilege without exerting a sweat.

"Elder envoy, how do we protect our cave from getting snatched by others?" A thin looking young man asked.

"Simple, next two days, we three Valleys will open the [ Gale World ] every 10 years and next two days will be its time to open it , it is a small world where we will let all of our outer disciples that haven't yet exceeded 20 years old , have their fortunes inside the Small world for a month" the envoy looked at them and continued ;

"So that time, you will have the chance to preserve your cave by gathering points, someone will explain it to you next two days, so cultivate diligently in your cave this two days " after he told them everything, he turned around as they have arrived the Sword Valley.

" Okay everyone get off now, and familiarize yourself" the Lion Headed Eagle landed on safely in front of a gigantic gate of the Outer Sword Valley,

Everyone including Xung yhel dismounted the Lion headed Eagle and right away entered the enormous gate.

As he stepped inside the gate he was amazed, not only him but also those other new disciples felt the sudden change of the atmosphere.

"Woahh, no wonder those three Valleys called as the Scared place for cultivators "

"Indeed, let's go familiarize ourselves here first"

Xung yhel also naturally felt the very rich yuan qi of heaven and earth, roaming throughout the in each and every corner of Sword Valley "As expected of one of the well known Sacred place for cultivators , really astonishing"

As the new recruited disciples about to roam, there's a bunch of people ahead blocking their way.

"Fellow new recruited disciples , I am Tan Xiang, a top ten genius of outer Sword Valley, come and we will welcome you and join our Fire Sword Dragon Alliance" Tan Xiang, robust looking teenage exuding a very frightening aura that is about 18 or 19, middle level of Black realm.

Everyone was confused including Xung yhel

" What is alliance?" One of the newly recruited disciples asked him.

"Alliance?"Tan Xiang sneered, and released his cultivation.

"He's really a Middle level Black realm!" Everyone was amazed but Xung yhel remained indifferent as if he did not care at all.

Tan Xiang proudly showed off his grand self to the rookies "Alliance will be your protection but it won't be easy because you'll be handing 10% of your monthly spirit crystal resources to the alliance and you can enjoy an exclusive cultivation place at our headquarter mountain peak called fire dragon peak, so even if you can't preserve your cultivation caves, there will be no worries anymore!"

Almost all of the newly recruited disciples were tempted with the privileges but they were reluctant because of the pay off 10% of their monthly resources.

Monthly resources for semi-outer disciples will have 3 Consolidation Pill for Consolidation realm disciples or 2 yuan pills for Black realm disciples and 5 spirit crystals;

Outer yellow disciples will have 7 Consolidation pills or 5 yuan pills for Black realm disciples and 7 spirit crystals;

Outer blue disciples will have 10 Consolidation pills or 7 yuan pills for Black realm disciples and 10 spirit crystals;

Outer Top ten disciples will have 20 Consolidation pills or 15 yuan pills for Black realm disciples and 30 spirit crystals;

These newly recruited disciples naturally newly the distributions of the resources.

"What a show off you have there!haha" a handsome young man that age about 17 or 18 appeared.

"Feng Li!, What are you doing here?" Tan Xiang a fear can be seen in his eyes because he's just a top 7th among the top 10 geniuses ang Feng Li was the Second of the strongest so he naturally knew that he's much inferior.

"Do you really have to ask why Im here? Haha, naturally Im here to have them join my Sword Mammoth Alliance" he laughed and looked at the newly recruited disciples, "Do you all want to join? My alliance isn't to be trifled with and isnt inferior to theirs"

"Feng Li!, aren't you afraid of our alliance leader?he will soon become the Third Sword Monster if our whole Sword Valley, you know what's that mean right?" Tan Xiang snorted and boasted .

In Sword Valley, there are five kinds of disciples, semi-outer disciples, outer disciples, inner disciples, core disciples and the Sword Monsters.

Sword Monster of the Sword Valley are the disciples that reached Sky realm at the age of 30

Feng Li naturally knew that matter but he wasn't afraid.

"Hahaha we don't know when he will be promoted haha, maybe our alliance leader will surpass him in no time!" Feng Li bellowed while laughing and his cultivation level revealed .

"Late Black realm!"

"Woahh so young yet, he's already an expert of a late master level!"

"I want to join yours Senior Feng Li!" More than half of 87 newly recruited disciples joined Sword Mammoth Alliance.

Tan Xiang's expression turned grim, because only 30% of the newly recruited disciples choosed to join their alliance and the rest had joined the latter, but as he is about to leave, he saw someone at back wearing a black red hooded robe still standing and doesn't plan to move or join neither of two alliances.

Feng Li was full of smile and he too noticed Xung yhel but he shook his head as he knew already that one of them was a cripple but have attained the Truth realm of the sword way, but still he approach Xung yhel "Brother I already knew that you have no cultivation but still I want to invite you, what do you think? He sincerely ask Xung yhel.

"Senior Feng Li, Xung yhel thanks for your generosity but I have to decline for now" Xung yhel sincerely declined.

Xung yhel naturally can distinguish between grudge and gratitude so as long someone doesnt threathen him, wants to kill him or harm his loveones then he will pay them back of the good will they showed him.