First Date : part 2

Michael's p.o.v

That's it.I'm tired already hearing all of these stupid discussion about me and my crush.Why they just don't leave me alone.Is it really weird for someone to have a crush?or is it weird for me to have a crush on someone?

Ever since I left the potion class,everyone can't stop staring at me and whispering at each other.Ben also one of them.He can't stop forcing me to reveal my crush to him.How could I?Even Merula haven't know it yet.

The worst part of all is Rowan,out of everyone join Ben in his little mission to find out who I have crush on.Did friend really ask this so many question?

"Michael,we just want to know"Rowan said to me after arranging back his broom on the table.

"Yeah Michael,can't we know?"Ben supported him,much to my annoyance.

"Can we stop talking about my crush and notes now,my stomach are fizzing all of the way"I said in honest.My stomach did hurt,due to I haven't take any food since morning.I skipped breakfast because thinking of how to confess to Merula,And ended up not working at all.

"Maybe its because of thinking all this rumors make me sick"I added.

"Or you just hungry,let just take lunch now"Rowan said as he look concerned.I smile at him but then I just remember.Shit.

"Not now,I have a study date at the library"I said didn't realise the mistake I've done.

"Study date?!"Ben said cheerfully like he just solving a big case.

"I mean study group,with Tulip,Barnaby and Charlie"I fix my mistake and quickly walk away from them.


"Michael,tell me about it!"Tulip exclaimed as I take my sit next to her.I jumped a little.

"Shhhhh" Madam Pince glare at us.

"I won't talk about my notes and how Snape read it again"I said directly to them as Charlie look very attracted to my story too.

"We don't care about your notes"He suddenly said make me confuse.

"You don't?"I ask curiously.

"We want to know who is it!"

Tulip voice almost shocked everyone in the library.


"That's a second time,I think we should keep pretend to study if we want to stay at the library again.

They nodded and we pretending to study.But it ended up we did study.

After a while,we decided to stop and go to lunch.But as I just remember that the Great Hall will be filled by many students,I can't face the stare anymore.

"Maybe I'll just take the lunch and go somewhere else"I said and they nodded.

"Stay strong Michael"I smile at Barnaby.He is the only one who seem don't care about my crush and that makes me happy.

"Thank you,Barnaby"We sepparated away.

I take my lunch from kitchen and go to the courtyard.Thankfully there is no one here.

I sit alone,enjoying my sandwich until I hear a cracked sound from my behind.

I turn around and saw Merula hiding behind one of the rock.I furrowed my brow in confusion.

"Merula?"I yelled her name,enough for her to hear.She finally goes out after a while.

"Yeah,Adam?"She prentending like I'm the one who is peeking now.How cute can she be?

"Why are you hiding there?"I ask her.

"What do you mean?I just pass by here and accidentally saw you"She answer me in annoyance but all I can see is that she look like stalling.

"Okay then"I decided to let her go.I don't have mood to picking on her again.

She didn't respond so I thought she might have left.I sigh before turn to seeing her sitting right next to me.

I jumped a little,my heart beat so fast.We really closed to each other.

"Err,wanna sandwich?"I offered her as a silent awkward fill us.

"Thanks?"She said and take a bit of the sandwich.I look at her eating and she furrowed her burrow.

"What?"She mumble as there is still sandwich on her mouth.I laugh at her childishness and how cute she is.

"Nothing"I said and turn my gaze back to infront of me.A silent take us again,but this time it isn't awkward.

But I can't help myself but steal a glance of her.She look so pretty while eating,her mouth is so full like a child.I grin.

"Will you stop staring me?"She finally turn her gaze to me.Weird is her cheek look red.Is she got a fever?

"are you okay?your cheeck look very red?"I said concerned.But after I said it,her face turn to a brighter red making me confuse.

"Stop it"She said and turn her gaze back to the front.I kept staring at her and found that there is some dirt on her corner of mouth.

I tried to keep my hand from cleaning it,but I can't.Without I realise,both of my hand are on her face.One holding her chin softly and another wipe the dirt off her mouth.

She look stunned.Her eyes widen but she didn't say anything.

I took the chance to observe her pretty face again but now closer.It only one inch sepparate our face now.

I look at her purple eyes,staring at them make me feel like I'm the king in this world.Then my gaze fell to her button nose,that I wish I could kiss so badly.Then it fell to her..lips.Her pink little lips that look kissable.

I got to caught on the moment and without I realise,I lean in.

It so slow,I saw her eyes slowly closed.Without another word I press my lips againts her softly and gently.Her lips feel so soft yet satisfying againts mine,all of my body trembling as this is my first time kiss someone.

It take a while but I feel her kissing me back.Our kiss is so soft,no rush and it feel like this world is ours.I didn't pull away,neither did her.Her hand rested on my chest while my hand already grabbing her waist.

We got too caught up on the moment and I just realise that someone is yelling my name.

"Michael?"I heard Tallbot's voice from our behind.Merula heard it too and she pull away first.We both shocked before I decided to turn into my animagus form and fly away from there.I fly straight to the tree and acting.

"Did you see Adam?"Tallbot ask Merula coldly.They never been in a good terms even Merula did agree to keep our secret.

"How should I know where is Adam?"She said coldly and I felt thankful that Merula did that.

"Just say no"Tallbot said again before walk away from there.As he is seen nowhere,I turn to human form back.

I standing infront of Merula and she didn't said anything too.Probably awkward too.

"Merula I-"I just want to tell her that I like her,but she interrupted me.

"I'm sorry,that was a big mistake"She said looking straight to me.

I taken back by her words.

"A mistake?"I repeated her,still in disbelieve.

"Yeah its a mistake that no one should know"She said confirming my thought.

I felt horrible and hurt.How could she said it was a mistake.

"Fine"I said coldly and leave her.I can't bear rejected by all we've done together.We even go to Celestial Ball as a guest together.

I walk from the courtyard,leaving her alone.