3rd person p.o.v
2 days later,
"So the note that you wrote at the class,you mean to pass it to me?"Merula said blushing to Michael.
He smirk before nodding.
"I meant to confess but,Snape bothered me"He rolled his eyes,can't regret how stupid that incident.
"Why don't you tell me in the courtyard?"
"When you said our kiss was a mistake?"He rolled his eyes.
"Oh yeah..I'm sorry"She admit her fault.She shouldn't have jumped into conclusion.
"I meant to confess,but hearing you said it was a mistake,I couldn't help but think you rejected me"He rub his neck,embrassed how stupid he is.
"Guess you don't realise how I look at you before?"Merula said with a grin.
"No,I am too blinded by my own feelings to realise yours"
His word melted her softly.Her cheeck turn into bright red before she rested her head on Michael's chest.
After their passionate kiss,they always quietly goes to the Artefact Room and spend all their remaining day,sitting and chatting.
Michael wrap his arm around Merula and hug her tightly,God knows how he felt happy to have her with him now.
"But,I heard you are planning a date.For who?"Merula ask carefully,didn't want to be hurt if Michael suddenly said he bring Penny.
"I haven't ask her yet"He said casually.
"I'm scared she will said no,I'm scared of rejection"
She gulped,did Michael like someone else?
"Who is it?"She ask,risking everything.But Michael didn't answer it.
"Wanna go to Madam Pudefoot Teashop tomorrow?"He change the subject.Merula felt frustrated.
"You didn't answer me yet"She frowned and pull away from Michael.
He just smirk before pulling her again,this time tighter to prevent her to escape.
"You don't want to?"He ask again.Merula rolled her eyes.
"Sure,I'll meet you there at six"
She just then realise that all their friends didn't know about them.
"But,will you tell the others about us?"
"What about US?"Michael smirk as he saw Merula blushed.
"I don't know"She just reply shortly before close her eyes.Didn't want to see Michael laugh at her.
"Don't worry,I'll handle it.You just need to make sure you wear a beautiful dress tomorrow"He whisper to her ears.She just blush before nodding.
With Michael,it felt like she could be herself.She didn't have to be strong,she can rely on him.She always know she love him,but never expect that her loved will be returned.
But now here she is,in Michael's arm,enjoying the silent together.
After a while of resting and eating some sandwich,they quietly head out to their Common Room.
Thankfully everyone is busy with Quidditch friendly,Hufflepuff versus Ravenclaw. Many Slytherin student are on the pitch,become a supporter.
They enter the common room and headed to their own dormitory.
"Merula"Michael said loud enough for Merula to turn around and facing him.
"See you tomorrow"He said with a wink and left.Merula blush and enter the common room,counting hours until tomorrow.
"So,have you ask your date?"Bill ask Michael as he take a sip of butterbeer. They have been promised each other to meet at The Three Broomstick.
"Yeah and she said yes"Michael said happily,haven't exposed Merula yet.He want to give Bill a surprise.Bill always be the one who help him,even when the celestial Ball,he help him to pluck up his courage to ask Merula.
"Wow!congrats to you!"Bill pat his shoulder,congratulate him.
"So who is it?"He ask curiously.
"The most Powerful Witch at Hogwarts!"
"Merula?"Bill shocked but also happy for him.
Michael nod,approving his answer.
"Wow,you bring her to the ball too,right?That must be your destiny!"
"I hope too"He proud as he still get to steal Merula's heart.
"But I haven't tell her that she is the one I'll bring to the date"Michael laugh as he remembered how flustered Merula is,trying to keep steady about it.
"Why?you tried to make her jealous right?"Bill laugh too.
"She is too cute,I can't help it"Michael raise his hand as he seriously mean it.
"Are you sure that is Merula?"Bill ask curiously and also teasing him.
Michael roll his eyes.
"You just jealous you don't get Emily didn't you?"Michael fire back.Bill face turn to frustrated and hate as the mention of his ex crush who rejected him.
"Well,this isn't about me"He cover his blush.
"She is,Bill.I wonder why I take too long to confess my feelings to her"Michael take another sip of Butterbeer.
"Maybe because both of you can't stop arguing before this?I barely can't see any romance"Bill shook his head,still disbelief Michael's crush is Merula.
"Of course you didn't saw it,I'm good at hiding my feelings"Michael said proudly.
"Fine mr.Good at hiding feelings,don't you have a date to attend?"Bill rolled his eyes.
"Oh shit,I almost forgot.Andre ask me to meet him at Transfiguration class now,I better go"He said and taking another sip of butterbeer before standing up and get ready to leave.
"Goodluck on your date!"Bill shouted as Michael dissappear behind the door.
"Thank you!"He heard him shouted and let out a chuckled,finishing his own butterbeer before paying and leaving too.
"How do I look?"Michael said nervously to Charlie and Tulip.He wear a black long coat with red shirt,a classic dress that he chose among three option that Andre give to him.
"You look great!"Tulip exclaimed make Michael blush slightly.He felt nervous about this first date,eventhough he sure enough Merula like him,but the scared won't run tho.
"Yeah,go and win her hearts"Charlie shouted cheerfully to Michael.
He just smirk.
"Don't worry,I've already win it"He grin again before asking them to leave.
He headed to Madam Pudefoot Teashop as they promised to meet there.He check himself again,making sure everything is fine before remembering his plans.
"I just have to take her arms,pull the chair for her as a very gentleman and ask madam pudefoot to bring us a nice cup of tea,and I-"He stopped as his eyes landed on a pair of heels.He darted his eyes upwards,meeting Merula's.
"Hi"She said awkwardly like they haven't just snogging yesterday.Michael smile as he look at Merula's hair,which she've done perfectly and tidely.Her black dress just show how much she didn't tried hard to change herself,and he like that.
"Adam?"Merula throw her hand in the air,asking for his attention back.Michael gulped before offering his hand to her,nervously.
"Shall we?"
She smile before taking his hand.She wipe her sweat as Adam lead them enter the shop.
The pinky small shop is empty,which make Adam relief.He forgot to ask Madam Pudefoot to keep their evening private,but probably Tonks just make it up for him.
He slowly let her hand before pull out the chair,gesturing her to take the seat.
She smile blushly before do as she should.They awkwardly smile to each other,not knowing what to say.
"Where is Madam pudefoot?"Michael ask nervously.
"I don't know,you the one who did everything"Merula said in a matter of fact.
"Yeah"He muttered again before everything turn out to be awkward more.
He gulped before rubbing his neck.
"So,how did I look?"He muttered but enough for Merula to hear him,eventhough she misunderstood his question.
"You look like Adam?"
"No I meant,how did I look today?"
"You did a great job on yourself,I should probably said that often"She blushly said and receive a wide grin from Michael.
Suddenly things became less awkward until Madam Pudefoot show up.
"What should I bring for you two today?"She ask while looking at the two pairs.
"Err,two non spilling tea,I guess.Don't want anything to spilled"He said nervously.
Merula brow knitted in confusion but just let it go.
"What should we say?"Michael still nervous.
"I don't know,we kept arguing if we talk"Merula said too,blushing.
"Yeah,do we ever talk about our class together?"
"No,cause when we're in class,we'll just-"
"Arguing,I know"Michael finish her sentence with a sigh.Things go awkwardly between them,this shouldn't have happened.
"But we aren't arguing when we in Celestial Ball,that's a real talk I guess"
Merula said blushly and it drive away Michael's nervousness.
It change really drasticly,he smirk.
"We've got a very great talk yesterday too,with you in my arms,I'm kissin' your-"Merula quickly close his mouth with her hand,blush hard.
Michael raise his eyebrow,Merula could feel him smirking.Her eyes darted to her left and quickly pull hrr hands before asking him to keep quiet.
Now his eyebrows knitted in confusion,then he saw Charlie and Tonks entering the shop,without looking at them.
They sit at the table behind them casually,at least Tonks.Charlie face felt guilty and annoyed at the same time.
"They are here?Charlie and Tonks?"Michael whisper slowly but enough for Merula to hear.
"I don't know,they are your friend,beside who care?that doesn't have anything to do with us"Merula said in confusion,eventhough she felt a little bit uncomfortable.
"Yeah,but let just pretend to didn't saw them"He suddenly suggest a stupid idea.Merula chuckled.
"Is that a deal Adam?I'm on it"She smirk,Michael too.They started their "pretending talking" competition.
They talk about the potion,how snape always did the same movement and laugh at it.Without they realise,they actually talk.
"I'm gonna win this"Merula smirk.
"Not gonna let you"
they chuckled slowly and Michael eyes accidentally fell on Tonks,who is eavesdropping on their little conversation.He rolled his eyes before darted it back to Merula.
"What?"She said,frowned.
"Don't you think we should just invite them sit with us?"He said feeling guilty about their date.
"Yeah,they practically sit with us too"She rolled her eyes,Michael chuckled.
"Tonks,Charlie..over here"He said to them.
"I'm nothing with this,This is Tonks idea!"Charlie said feeling guilty.
"Just sit with us already,dumb"Merula rolled her eyes at them.
"I'm sorry Michael"Tonks said too.
"Its fine,you helped me with this,so you are practically part of it"Michael said matter of fact.But he didn't realise that Merula didn't know about it.
"What do you mean by that?"She ask confusely.
"You haven't told her?"Charlie interrupted them.
"Told me what?"She ask again.
"You are his,Ouch!!"He interrupted by Michael,kicking his leg.
"Sit Charlie"Michael demand and he follow,even still confuse.
"What is it Adam?"Merula ask,feeling uneasy at this little secret.
"Well urm"He quickly put his hand on her's,making her to jumped but blushed.
"Just let's talk about this later"He wink at her.Thankfully it work and Merula smile nodding.
"Where is madam Pudefoot?"Tonks ask again after finish teasing Michael about holding Merula's hand.
"I don't know"Michael said with a sigh,all his planner was crushed.
"Hey cheer up,let me show you something"Tonks said and raising it hand,before mocking a rock singer.
They laugh but after three times she do it,she nearly crushed the cup building.
"TONK!!"Charlie shouted,thankfully it didn't dropped.
"Chill,at least I didn't crush it"She said and raising her hand again without realising it,she crushed it.
This time it dropped.
The sound of cup fell make Madam Pudefoot walk out from her kitchen.She gasped at the vision.
"I'm sorry,it an accident"Tonk felt guilty again.
"Oh dear,you better go when I'm cleaning this mess"She said with a half pity and mad voice.
"Walk out?"Michael ask dissapointly.
"Yes,go back to Hogwarts now"She said again firmly.
"Now we don't even get our tea"Michael said and they went out.