The best laid plans could always go to off the rails, this was a fact that the teen who called himself the digimon emperor knew far too well even as he worked late into the night, tampering with forces part of him knew he shouldn't be, but the rest of him frankly had stopped giving a fuck.
How many brilliant plans had he come up with, only for those snot nosed kids (never mind he was the same age as most of them) to ruin it over and over again!? Clearly facing them head on wasn't a winning solution, nor was even laying a careful trap for them to blunder into.
He had stumbled upon the source code for the digi world itself a few months after he'd started coming here, seeing how the humans would interact with the games data and had toyed with messing with his own digital avatar but had deemed it too risky, what if it crashed the game? (of course those digi destined losers kept claiming this wasn't a game but real but since he had the bigger IQ by far he wasn't exactly willing to hear their pathetic whimpers out)
Still a man (or mad tyrant in this case) could only be driven so far and thus after his latest defeat Ken had shut himself in his control room in his base working for 3 strait days (his parents thought he was at some sort of soccer camp) only taking breaks to use the rest room and drink a version of coffee that's caffeine content made normal coffee seem like water in comparison. As his work was finally done Ken let out a manic life, his eyes bloodshot and shaking and weaken from his efforts, he retreated back home..his plan to destroy the digi destine embedded in the digi gate and so the next time they would go to enter the game, his realm, he'd have them hook line and sinker.
the thought of what was to come made him feel warm all over as he slumped into the cool sheets of his bed and went into a 14 hour sleep, losing critical information about what he had done in his manic state as he dreamed of his undisputed rule of the digi world.
"So, Is it weird that Ken's mostly been quiet since we saved primary village?" Davis asked, him and the rest of the team were gathered in the computer lab after school, discussing their next move.
"Not really. even if he still refuses to believe us that it's not a game having it pointed out that it's a re-spawning point for digimon would of course make him back off as he'd have to be more.." and TK grimaced as he said the next part. "Careful with his limited resources if digimon couldn't re-spawn."
The blond looked like he wanted to throw up, the words had left such a foul taste in his mouth.
"Still, it wouldn't hurt to go and check on the village and make sure that the guardians we left there are doing alright." Kari said, a hand going onto TK's shoulder to comfort him and instantly making Davis jealous though he was doing his best to hold his tongue. The others agreed on the course of action and so, plan in mind they brought up the digi gate and got ready to transport, but this time there would be vast changes in what happened as they were transported.
to begin with, instead of just Davis, Yolei and Cody's clothes being affected, it would be TK and Kari as well, and while normally the first three would get idealized versions of attire they wanted to wear this time.. well it was highly doubtful that any of them wanted the attire they showed up in, let along all five of them having the same desire.
since as the heroes and they're digimon showed up, the digimon were transformed into themed onesies, and each of them was in a massively thick diaper under said onesie.
standing there in shocked and seeing themselves in the reflection of a window, it would be Cody who finally spoke up.
"Uh..what?" the little guy asked.
"There you are! just in time!" came the call of a Renamon, coming up towards the group. it was wearing a apron and had a warm smile on it's face as it came over, ushering the confused kids with gentle butt pats and tugs towards a school house. "your little friend has been waiting for company ever since he came in, he's been OH so fussy but I think he was just waiting for all of you." the Renamon giggled as she got them inside where a large preschool setting was in place.
colorful murals on the walls, plush carpeting and changing tables, diaper pails, everything you would need to look after SIX big babies, Six because currently in a baby bouncer in one corner and wearing a wormon oneise, was the digimon emperor himself and it was clear he was padded like the rest.
"WHAT DID YOU IDIOTS DO!?!" He cried out at them, outraged and then a muffled farting noise was heard and Ken started to howl as the would be ruler of the digi world was clearly filling his diapers to the brim.
"..I repeat..uh...what?" Cody said, though a big smirk was on his face.
After waking up for his semi comma the digimon emperor had decided to head back to the digi world after getting a large breakfast in him. he'd had to dodge some questions for his stupid glory hound parents (as if they actually cared about him!) and with them pacified for the moment, had gone to return to his throne room.
It was only as he found himself pampered, and wearing his top servant wormon as attire and appearing in primary village, that Ken saw a fatal mistake in his plans.
He'd set it up for the heroes would be put back in diapers and seen as nothing but simple babies to be trained in the eyes of the denizens of the digi world, and even made it so any attempt to come to the digi world would lead them to primary village even if they had been trying to go anywhere else.
His fatal flaw however, a factor he had never considered..was that with him having a digivice he would be considered a digi destined and thus..was a victim of his own programing. Of course Ken's ego was such that he refused to believe that this was his fault, that he hadn't considered everything (even though he knew it to be true) and ergo somehow the digi destined had done this to him to discredit him! the fact he was facing them in the baby bouncer which was making the horrible breakfast of prune baby food mix up in his tum tum and of course he would end up using the damn things in front of them.
"Oh wow, you uh, must of been really backed up." TK said, smirking and shaking his head, clearly loving what he was seeing.
"Oh yeah, Renamon you might wanna think about giving him lots of enemas, I think part of him being grumpy is he just needs lots of big poops!" Kari quickly added.
"GO SCREW YOURSELF WITH A RUSTY KN-" Ken started to scream, before a large pink pacifier was popped in his mouth and strapped around his head, leaving him to finish making his mess in blessed silence..unless one counted the comments from the other humans or all his farting.
"Oh man, that's SO gross! Barf a rama!" Yolei complained, holding her nose and tongue hanging out.
"What a big baby." Cody said, giggling lots and was tempted to go up and smush the seat of Ken's smelly butt.
"Ah guys..I hate to be the voice of logic here..but.. we're in the same boat as him.. don't you think we should be a little nicer since if we don't get out of here in time.. that's gonna be us?" Davis asked, jerking a thumb at Ken as the Renamon tickled the fussy stinker's sides, trying to cheer him up. "..Oh Shit on a stick." Kari said, paling and also getting Renamon turning around and locking onto Kari with a glare, frowning.
"What was that little lady!? we do NOT use curse words here!" Renamon said and came over, scooping up Kari with ease and heading for a sink.
"W-wait! I'm worry! I know where this is going! TK HELP! I don't wanna be a bubble breath!" Kari cried out, over Renamon's shoulder and her padded rump getting a material slap.
"Enough of that, take your punishment like a good girl then you can go and play with the others." Renamon said.
"..All in favor of running for it while she's busy with Kari?" Cody whispered to the others.
"Don't even think about it cutie."I'm not the only on on shift" Renamon said in a sing song voice, and then a Lilymon was standing in the doorway, a playful smile on it's face and wagging a finger.
"Fork me sideways." TK groaned, at least savvy enough to change his swear and face palming.
"Uh...anyone have a idea what we should do?" Yolei asked, raising her voice to be heard over the last of Ken's diaper filling and Kari's gurgling cries as she was having dish soap used as toothpaste on a toothbrush brushed in her mouth, foam and bubbles running down her chin as she kicked and waved her arms to no avail.
"...Play with the toys in the play area?" Cody suggested, shrugging his shoulders.
"Sounds about least for now." TK agree.
"I call dibs on the building blocks!" Davis said and raced past the others (well as much as he could with the bulk of the diaper as the other three rolled their eyes.
"anyone shocked Davis is a natural at being a toddler?" Yolei asked the boys.
"Not really no." TK chuckled.
"...I wanted the building blocks." Cody huffed, crossing his arms and stomping over and looking for something to play with.
Kari rejoined the group with tear stained cheeks and having a large bottle of water to drink to help her wash the soapy taste out her mouth, chugging it greedily even though she knew it would mean she'd likely be the first to wet her diaper.
Ken had been gotten out of the baby bouncer and after a quick diaper change was in the play area with the others, though he was keeping to himself as far away from them as he could, arms crossed and huffing like a pouty toddler, ironically making TK and Kari's suggestion from before seem to have weight. TK and Kari were mostly just cuddling at the moment, TK comforting her after her mouth washing and Yolei had gotten her hands on some chalk and a chalk broad and was drawing different things.
Davis was sharing the building blocks with Cody, not out of choice but from a stern look from Renamon when he had tried to tell Cody to just go and play with a teddy bear or something else babyish, building a castle was a man's work.
"..You DO know we're both in thick diapers and onsies right?" Cody had lamp shaded, and poked Davis's butt to drive the point home.
"Finnnne you handle lower parts, I'll work on the towers." David huffed.
it would be part way though doing the towers when Ken spoke up, having come over.
"..your towers all wrong, and it's gonna fall.. you're making it too top heavy."
"oh good, mister stinky pants is here to help." Cody said, rolling his eyes. Ken went to say something but then a low rumbling fart was heard and Cody was hunching over, blushing badly.
"heh, Instant karma. just add water." Davis snickered.
"W-who's side are you on!?" Cody growled, though more poots were escaping out of him now and Ken giggled and stood next to Davis.
"Hey, I pointed out we're all gonna have to do it at some point, you might as well just give in and let it happen. -I- plan and going all out when I'm up." Davis said. "Total shameless pooper!"
"Well I'm glad you have a goal in life, now can you all stop looking at me!" Cody snapped, going crimson in the face. "I happen to be a shy pooper!"
"You know, I always pegged you as the type." TK Called over, getting giggles from Kari.
"JUST SHUT UP AND LOOK AWAY!" Cody Yelled, dropping to his knees and farting like crazy, it was clear he had to super go but his shyness was making it next to impossible and he was suffering the belly cramps to prove it.
"Kid's, be nice." Renamon said and came over, picking up Cody and cuddling him close to her, walking away to the employee bathroom with the little guy. "before you get silly idea, I'm just giving you somewhere semi private to go."
Cody, who was cramping up super bad wasn't in a position to argue and just nodded, though even behind the closed door they could hear the little guy unloading.
"Welp, thats two down, who do you think is gonna be nice?" Davis asked, smirking and looking to Ken.
"oh well, I'm gonna say it'll be Kari for sure." the genius giggled babyishly, something about having already gotten his poopie out of the way had him feeling liberated.
"W-what!? No I won't!" Kari huffed and glared, her bottom lip sticking out.
"Geez Ken, why you being a jerk!?" TK asked, going and standing up, Balling his fists though Lillymon cleared her throat and he relaxed them. "It's simple really, Soap has a effect on human when ingested, which can give said person the runs. How much soap do you think princess bubble breath there sucked down while having her mouth washed out?" Ken asked.
"I..Well..uh.." and Kari's cheeks turned red, she HAD been bawling a lot and her tummy was started to gurgle and grumble as she thought about it.
"Honestly, if I was you guys I'd try and get all your poopies out now, you'll be starting class soon and once it starts it'll be 2 hours before you get a diaper change." Lillymon commented.
This got the attention of four of the five big babies in the play area, Cody was either still unloading or getting diaper change and a collective 'WHAT!?' rang out.
Ken of course knew what was coming since he had set it up and was trying to mentally prepare himself.
"Yeah, we have lots of fun programs for you to watch and download everything you'll need to know right into your baby brains!" Lillymon coo'ed, clapping her hands together. "Wayyy easier then how you humans normally learn!"
"..and what exactly is it you think we need to learn?" Yolei asked, huffing and glaring.
"Trust me, you don't wanna know." Ken said then covered his mouth as everyone turned their attention to him.
"Ken..How much do you know about what's happening here?" TK asked in a icy tone. "Nothing! not a thing! well almost nothing.. Maybe a bit.." Ken said , backing away as the other babies moved in on him.
"What did you do Ken?" Kari demanded, even as a bubbly fart escaped from her rear.
"You don't wanna know." Ken mewed, looking to Lillymon for help/protection.
"I think we do!" Yolei snapped.
"yeah..then..I don't wanna tell you..Oh look Cody's back!"