Title at the end

As I am just sitting there waiting for them to get this over with. I know I'm intimidating but fuck get your shit together. As I am sitting there waiting one of the finally grew a pair. Surprisingly it was ole chubs "Sir, what brings you to our glorious city." I just stare at him "sightseeing and I'm not a knight" I just snigger. This struck them dumb. Then the guard looks me over and whispers to the men right behind him, something I couldn't make out.

Chubs continued to talk to me "Would you be kind enough to hand over your weapons and armor to enter the city?" Did this Lil bitch just tell me to disarm? "No, I...." Before I could finish my sentence the guard on the ground makes a swooping motion with his and then a guard on the wall shoots a ballista bolt at me.

As I watch it heads toward me painfully slow. Right before it hits me I just catch it. I look over the craftsmanship and get a feel for its balance. I look it over at the shooter he flinches and I cock back my arm and lob it back at almost the speed of sound as I watch the guards within 3 feet of the ballista unit. They turn into red paint on the ground.

I just turn my head to the people in front of me. I pull my shield off my back and flail out. I let the ball just smash into the ground kicking up a small dust cloud. I had a feral grin on my face and I simply said "My turn." I rush forward and start to spin my flail around all of the guard's lock shields together and hope it holds. The moment my shield smashed into theirs that whole section turns into a pile of screaming limbs. My flail was not idle Limbs scatter and screams rang out begging, pleading, running it didn't matter. I lose myself in the carnage. Wading into their ranks I turn into a giant blender of blood rain, limbs flew, dying men crying. It was music. It took me less than a minute. to kill everyone on the ground.

Finally able to cut loose felt good physically. I let out a ground-shaking roar. Looking for my next victim and everyone is dead except chub who was hiding under a pile of bodies. Striding over I grab him by the front of the toga. He starts muttering about how he would give me anything I want. I just grinned "Can you fly?" I don't give him any chance to answer I just toss him at the gate with a sickening crutch.

. Viewing my handwork for a moment. There is not a whole corpse. I turn my head towards the gate that's sealed shut with a red smudge on it. I have a thought I lean down and get into a runner's stance. I kick off hard enough to leave a trench behind me, bringing my shield forward in front of me I slam into the gate. It groans in protest for half a second, and the caves in. I'm disappointed that I don't take it off its hinges but it's opened. After stopping my momentum I look down at my shield or what's left of it warped into an unrecognizable mass. Heading back into my hub world I find the Unsullied and Yell out "Have nine thousand prepare to take a city. Be ready in ten minutes."

I exit my hub world and just stand underneath the gate. Waiting on my troops. As I wait on my troops in front of me there is a congregation of the city defenders, mercenary troops. I don't bother to count them. They move forward and stop about one hundred feet in fount of me. The commander yells "Surrender monster you cannot kill us all by yourself." I look at him for a moment "Who said I'm alone." I open a portal behind them inside the city my troops didn't need any more prompting.

As they start to push out I charge forward. I cover the distance in seconds. I kick him in the chest into his troops he goes tumbling into them killing quite a few. Using this I charge into the fray spinning my flail and tearing anything it touches. Blood flies and organs fall I don't know how many men I kill I don't stop to think about it, I just keep going tearing people apart. I see them start to run Raising my hand I box them in between me and the Unsullied. Looking at their options they charge me. I raise my flail high as I can gathering magic as it reaches the crescendo, I slam it into the ground and send a wave of fire forward turning the front of the gathering into ash. Waving my hand the dust and ash get blown away from my view.

I'm kind of sad there is no one left. Looking at my troops it seems a few died. I order "Kill all who resist capturing the heads of the bank, station one hundred people outside the house of black and white tell them ill call them with everybody else, but they cannot leave. Also, send people to take over the sea lord's palace and take it over fast and hard.."

Well, I seem to have a city now.

A/N: What do you guys think of my fight scene leave me a comment. Thank you for reading.

title: you done fucked up