
I am currently in the Sea lords Palace and it looks like a mansion form Venice, pretty cool. Walking into the throne room I see and a middle-aged man and Lo and behold one of the best characters form the Tv show Siro Forel the first sword of bravos. The dude held off a few knights with a wooden sword he has my respect. Looking back at the cowering sea lord I cant help be sneer at him. All of this privilege and he has done jack shit besides fuck some whores, and count his gold.

I speak up "Get out of my seat worm." He complies almost immediately. I go over to his chair and look it over, looks uncomfortable. I just pick it up and toss it to the sides. Grabbing a recliner form my hub world. I sit down and *sigh* Nothing like a lazy boy after some carnage. Looking over the cowering sea lord. Looking over at an Unsullied "Bring them" I tell him, and he immediately heads out.

I don't have to wait long until the bankers walk in with their heads held high like they own the place. Behind them are the Faceless men. Looking over them "You only get one chance to sign these contracts with blood or die. Simple you have one minute to discuss with your piers." One of the bankers stands up "Who do you think you are, we at the iron band don't..." was all got out until the earth around his feet covers him from head to toe with only small holes for a mouth.

Looking over everyone in the eyes one by one. No one meets my eyes. "Anyone agrees with him *Silence* Anyone wants to save him *silence* ok.." After nobody speaks up I start to crush him from toe to head. Then I speak up "you have twenty seconds".

After that, the bankers sign the contracts. I look over at the faceless men and they didn't sign the paper. I look at him. her? what ever and he speaks up "This one only serves the many-faced god." I nod its respectable I may not like Religious nuts but these guys mostly keep to themselves and only kill when paid I can respect that.

Deciding to make an acceptation to these guys. I pull out a different contract. Simply they cannot attack me or anyone close to me or everyone in their order dies. While he looks it over I tried to read his thoughts and nothing... No shield nothing. He looks at me and smiles knowingly. After that I have them all stay. Telling the to Wait for a little bit.


With a quick pop, I'm back in Dorne. Heading to the best whore house I find the man I'm looking for Oberyn. I stun and grab him. Look around for Doren I could not find him anywhere. I leave a note to Doren -Hey I need Oberyn for a while, he will be in Bravos-. yea that will work if not they can always write to each other.

Popping back into Bravos I dump him onto the ground looking over the gathered people. Pointing at Oberyn "He will be in charge". and wake him up "Whats going on" He looks confused. "Hey I kind of sort of took over are in charge of Bravos you have nine thousand Unsullied to command....Bye"


Time to deal with some ravers. I am currently floating north of iron island. I start to push cooler air towards the warmer water of the Iron Islands. I keep pushing the Cold air into the warmer area. Not enough I start putting some effort into it. The area is still for a moment, the waves get choppy waves to get higher and higher, and the winds get stronger and stronger.

A massive storm starts to form I stand in the middle of it and force the air to swirl into a spiral faster and faster, Waves get bigger and bigger, and Clouds descend bringing colder air, this clashes with the warmer air and starts to rise higher and higher this cycle starts to get self-sustaining. With in an hour, a Hurricane starts to rapidly form.

Urging it to go faster and faster I start to push it toward the islands. Floating inside the storm Lightning flashes all around. Getting closer to the island ships start to fly up into the air screams are every where bodies are torn apart from the wind, and rain and hail pelt into anybody that is not covered. To them, it looks like the end of the world...It does not just look. While the rain pelts the ground I start to pull down castle after castle, building after building, island after island, after today there will be no more iron islands.

A/N: STORM GOD DESCENDS. What do you guys think about the chapter? Thanks for reading