Ice ice baby

So I may have gone overboard with the Hurricane... I pretty much-sunk oldtown, the citadel, and killed most of the Reach that is on the coast. Now I have to ask myself do I care no not really. I mean when you make a hurricane you tend to cause huge swaths of death and destruction. Oh well, shit happens. I never liked the Reach very much they sit in their castles and enjoy lavish feasts no starving, no struggling just sitting and draining kingdoms like the Dronish and the North.

I check up on my remaining Unsullied the conversion process has pretty much been streamlined, and watched over by the children of the forest. So far I have two hundred and fifty marines, and only around half of them are combat-ready. It's a pretty decent timetable I should have around four thousand ready to go in around a year.

Checking up on the other project I have the Children looking after it turns out it is over with. Looking over the cages I can see a few of the freshly made white walkers with the same bloodline as me. Going over their files I see that instead of regular obsidian, they have been trying different materials the most promising ones are dragon scale, covered in obsidian, covered in Valyrian steel buried underneath the heart.

Their abilities are that they have control of ice, and raise the dead. The raised dead don't have the weakness of their counterpart of the Night king they could be burned and ripped limb from limb and still try to kill anything directed at them as long as they have pieces they move. They also make a great manual labor force. They mine like nobody's business. Anybody can be raised dead, also something interesting is I can raise them as just bones and be able to reform them. Deciding that I want the procedure done.


Heading over to the Weirwood forest I find the Children had the process ready to go. It just consists of just standing against the tree having them cut my chest open and shoving the device underneath my heart while they chant their Voodoo nature magic. While they try to get to my heart it's kind of a pain in the ass because of my healing factor. While they are putting the device underneath my heart they start chanting and I can see my breath in front of my face.

Chills roll over my body and I can sense the ice particles in the atmosphere focusing a little on them it starts snowing even though it is well above freezing. Focusing harder the temperature starts to plummet colder and colder. Stopping myself the temperature starts to raise again.

I can feel the new magics assimilate better with my body the more I use the power. After that is done I can feel animal corpses underneath the dirt around us. It takes a minute to automate this process now I can only feel them if want to. I decide to test my limits with these new powers and I have the perfect place in mind. The Red wastes and I have some people to visit.

Before I do all that it's time to grab my armor and make some new weapons I am thinking war hammers Big fuck off war hammers. Making war hammers is pretty easy all I need is two Dragon leg bones shape and enchant them and I'm done in no more than a few hours and they are ready.


Arriving in the red waste I focus on the ground I fell the dead miles in every direction calling and asking begging for something I can't focus on one specific person pushing down these thoughts. I send out a wave of power. A small shock wave spread out from where I am. I close my eyes and call out to the dead and they respond. Then time seems to freeze the world goes quiet.

Then the grinding starts hundreds, thousands then more and more. After it goes quiet again I open my eyes and I am greeted by a wall of skeletons in every direction. I open a portal and send them into the tundra on my world and have them on standby. I scour the red waste and raise every skeleton I find. There were even some dragon skeletons but all they could do is walk and bite.

I cannot sense every individual of the hoard in front of me and send them into my hub world. Looking over the hundreds of thousands of skeletons I can only wonder what my limit is my I feel. I hardly feel a strain at about fifty thousand that should be enough, so I have most of them bury themselves below ground and dismiss them always nice to have backups.

Bringing out my hoard I have them get into a pile Calling out my werewolf mount. Getting on the wolf I look over at fifty thousand skeletons in a pile. Then I look towards Qarth and command them to charge. When they start forward it was slow for a few seconds. Then they turn into a tidal wave of skeletons I feel bad for anyone caught by them only to be torn to pieces.

A/N: Hope you enjoyed the chapter Thanks for reading.