Qarth and beyond

I want to test something I command the Pile of the dead to go underground and burrow. The shocking thing is that they do this and it works great, Kind of reminds me of that movie with giant worms they burrow underground and move at a decent pace and can keep up with my trotting wolf. I think I will keep them underground for now.

Arriving at Qarth with the blue-lipped bitches, these fucks have been looking for me a lot probably to try and control and siphon magic from me. Well here I am and I am not the hunted. Laughing like a loon I cast several revealing charms and can tell some of the so call warlocks are just inside the gate probably going to come out and try some spells on me. This will be fun.

I am just sitting there on top of my mount and waiting for the delegation to come out of the gate. It seems they want me to come knocking. As I prepare to do just that, I hear groaning at the gate it seems the party is arriving.

The delegation stops just in front of me "Hello there traveler what can we do for you." He is just a distraction while the warlocks get on either side of me. Acting oblivious to this I boom out "I have come for the surrender of this city. if you surrender I will spare your lives if not you will all die."

The delegation looks at me like I am a crazy man. I feel the warlocks charge up a bitch ass spell it seems they only know simple Illusions and lower-tier dark magic. I am honestly disappointed. He looks at me with disdain "You shall not be leaving today alive." This seems to be the signal the two warlocks drop their illusion and cast a bone breaker at my leg. As it hits my armor nothing happens.

It is good entertainment watching their expressions. "Was that it? If it was you shall all die here today." As they hear this they turn to flee. I let them as they get closer and closer to the gate. Only One by one, they get dragged into the ground I have the skeletons kill all but one warlock. I tell them to bring him to me reaching over I drag him out of the ground. Opening his eyes I rip all of the reverent information out of his head. He goes limp I just break his neck and toss him aside.

Quickly going over the information which turns out useless, they are like the inbreed blonds that only know how to use shitty blood magic and that's for this Pathetic amount of power. It seems a fetish for killing newborns. Does not matter after today though.

I turn to the spectators on the wall I speak just loud enough to be heard "You had your chance". With a wave of my hand fifty thousand skeletons spring out of the ground just on this side of the wall charging it and using each other as footholds to climb the wall. I know I can just tear the wall down but I want to see the limitations of the skeletons. Can they problem-solve what will they do in certain situations? Do they have problem-solving skills? Will they get smarter over time? Those are the questions I am asking myself.

I give them a mental command to kill everyone armed and everyone who is in charge of the city then herd everyone else into the city center to see what they do. As they reach the top of the wall it was one then ten one hundred more and more start to get over the wall they do not even fight the opposition no they toss them into the hoard.

After watching them for a while I decide its time to kill the warlocks. Riding to the gate is lift my hand and a jet of ice roars out of my hand and supercools the gate. Heading up to that gate I slam my hand into it and it just shatters to pieces. After I pass the gate I look around at the bodies of the fallen defenders, Instead of lifting my arms to raise the dead I just send out a mental command, and boom they start putting themselves back together like some fucked up leggo pieces. After that is done I have them guard the gate no living is to leave.

Sending another command to the skeletons spreading out to the corners of the city to gather all of the survivors into the market square not the city center to see if they can differentiate the difference. Opening a gate to the Unsullied training facility I order one thousand to loot the city to the bones and bring everything to the market square. Time to finish an order of druggie hippies.

Making my way to the giant penis-shaped building in the city. I head towards the front door I 'knock' very gently with my foot so the door slams into the jackass on the other side. After raising him to form the dead I send him hunting. While watching him kill his old comrades was a good time, by watching him I figure out another ability of the dead they can sense the life or heat of the living. This is funny because all these warlocks think illusions will trick the dead.

As more fall and rise they start to get overrun by the growing number of undead zombies. In less than ten minutes the whole building is over run I command the zombies to grab everything not nailed down and bring it to the first floor. After storing everything in my hub world I check the building over and it seems they took everything. I think about what to do now. While pondering this I make my way to the center of the city where everybody is located. I guess they didn't know the difference between the market Squair and the center of the city. Stepping passed the undead I become the center of attention.

Looking over the gathered crowd I don't even bother to talk I just leave that to Alice and Roseline they seem to be happy with the human resources type of work. I am glad to have them for it. I just have the undead garb people and take them into my hub world. Hell all of them will be living a better life than they could ever hope. Heading to the market Squair having a look over the gathered loot I just start storing it. Then I recall all of the unsullied to go back to training. I then raise all of the dead in the city and send them where I store all of my skeletons. Ahh, I am such a nice guy I smile to myself. Leaving the city I chuckle as I cause a sinkhole in the middle of the city. In a few hours, Qarth will be but a memory of people I think of as I ride out of the city.

A/N: Zombies are what I am calling freshly turned undead and skeletons are well skeletons just clarifying for anyone who may seem confused about me switching names.

Thank you for reading hope you enjoyed