
Heading to the Far North for the last time hoping for it to be the last time. I decide to visit the Crows. I shrink to my shortest height walking up to the wall from the south. I head to the gate "Who are you". I look up at the ugly-looking fucker I have ever seen. "I am here to see Your Maester." he looks at me "Fuck off.."

"You have ten seconds before I make you regret every life decision you have ever made up until this point." He looked down on me and walks away..." And one" I mutter.

Reaching behind me I grab a war hammer time to crack some crows. Walking up to the gate I rear back the hammer and bring it forth with the power of a thousand Memes and the destruction of a gaggle fuck of trolls. Instantly turning the section of the wall into a fine powder. When the dust settles I look around for the little arrogant shit of a dead man. While walking forward a group of ten men charge me. I look them over shitty equipment, and shitty training and most of them criminal this shit hole is just a penial colony at best, at worst a political dumping ground for unwanted.

After removing a few spines I step over their twitching bodies, looking around for my target I turn a corner and find him at the head of a hundred Crows looking smug. "Well did you come to die" I am speechless? I just wave my hand and bring out three hundred undead. Looking back at his white face. "Well, how do you want to die, foot up your ass or should I give you the old scarecrow treatment" he just looks confused. As I was about to send the skeletons forward. I hear an aged voice "what is the commotion" Looking over I find the man I am looking for Aemon Targaryen, I honestly feel bad for the poor old fucker, Sent here to die by the Citadel, sent to the citadel by his family to not cause political upheaval. Who knows how long since someone gave a shit about him. He would probably love to see his family after who knows how long I think the last one he saw was Blood raven the crazy tree-hugging fuck.

I look at him it seems he is still blind "Well I got lost, while I was looking for a shitter, but the gods smile on me as I found the perfect toilet that asshole's skull seems good. The stupid fucker who insulted me don't worry about his death I will make it will hurt a lot." he seems pensive "can we not discuss this so it does not result in fighting." I sigh "I will but he has to eat Horse shit." I get a lot of weird looks, but I just shrug besides I will compromise a little about the old man. The shithead in question is about to start cursing, but before he can do anything a few smarter Crows grab, gag him and drag him off. Towards the stables.

I turn to Aemon "I wish to speak to you and the Lord Commander Qorgyle." He nods and motions for me to follow. I follow him to the main area. Entering I see an old white-haired fucker who looks on his last leg. "Lord commander I am taking Aemon."

He looks over at me judging me. "Why do you want to take our master?" I look at him "I want to introduce him to his great grand Nephew and Niece." As I say this I look over at Aemon. "They live?" I smile at the uncertainty in his voice. "Yes." "Why do they want to see an old man." I smile at his deflection probably not wanting to get his hopes up. "Well someone told your family that you died so they did not even know about you, so I thought I would give them a surprise." Did they I don't know but sounds like the truth. The Commander looks happy for his old friend "It's a shame that the cold finally got to you, my friend. We will surely miss you. The funeral pyre will be a good send-off." He says while trying to look regretful. I like him. "Go and grab your things and we will leave."

While waiting on Aemon I send off a few dozen marines on basilisks with a few white walkers just incase they run into other white walkers but we are still a good bit until they get back. to go and conquer and bring into the fold some of the tribes the ones that don't want to join will leave them to do what they want.

After I'm done with that I grab Aemon and bring him into my sitting room. I call on Rhaella. As we are waiting I debate on weather or not he will survive a ritual to extend his life even a few decades, but then again he might not survive it ill leave it up to him.

While pondering the door opens and in walks a dressed-up Rhaella. "You called me?" I nod "yes do you know what for?" She shakes her head. While she does this I take a drink of water. "No, but do you want more sex....?" I choke on my water. *cough**cough* "Maybe later but I wanted to introduce your granduncle to you Aemon. "Yes, my niece it's nice to see you so active." He chuckles while she just turns red. "I will leave you to get to know each other." I smile while walking out and leaving them. I think ill go and see my dragon. It's been a few days since I have last seen him.

A/N: Not feeling good today ill try to get more chapters out but the quality may fall a little I'm trying to get the together

hope you enjoy the chapter