
I decide it's time to start wrapping up. I called Eddard and Doren to meet at my island. While sitting there and pondering where to go from here. Who will leave with me, Who will stay? Thinking this over I am debating on how much to leave this world intact if both Doren and Eddard decide to stay. I mean if they stay they will have to deal with the Night king. Thinking this over I hear both of the enter.

"I am in the study," I call out. Both of them come in as we sit there and catch up on what going on. "So The 'King' tried to force your sister into a marriage with him" Eddard nods "It got to the point where I had to leave kings landing in fear of him trying to arrest me and my men then after that I started breaking all ties with the king and Jon". Doren looks pissed "He tried to threaten Dorne with being invaded if we did not hand over my Niece and Nephew and also to come to kings landing to bend the knee, even though we know the kingdoms are fucked harder than a two sickle whore." We both can only nod, I smile at the good job I did.

Ed speaks up "Yea after a few months after the incident Jon sent a message about raising taxes by over twenty percent. I broke all communication with the rest of them and stationed troops at the Neck and had the Reeds prepare for an invasion that I hope doesn't happen. I think when they thought we couldn't pay they would 'kindly' offer a break for concessions." "It's what I would have done" "I agree but I would have done it somewhat differently" myself and Doren agree.

"Let us get to the point of us meeting here." I nod "Have you both decided to join me on my adventure or have you decided to stay in this shit-hole world?" They both get pensive and look at each other... Doren speaks up first. "I will join you. If I can bring my people all of them." I nod "You can bring them all and even build your city's with the help of my people. You will be in charge of running the cities and have a place on my council to run the day-to-day, But you will have to have everyone sign contracts that state they will work toward the betterment of my world while remaining loyal, and it is my world if anyone fucks with it I will make the gods of death blush."

Both of them just soak in what I said. Eddard looks at me stone-faced and pondering after a few moments he cracks a smile "Thank you, the warning you gave about the Bolton's Bastard, We caught him in the middle of raping and skinning some small folk. I would like to also bring my people, If I did not I am sure we would be in deep trouble because of the white walkers coming 'soon'." I nod grinning and we start going over planning on how to move this many people.

"Before both of you go Rhaella will be invading after both of you leave, I mainly just wanted to see if you would stay or go." After a few hours of catching up on what else is going on, we go our separate ways."


While checking up on Bane, yes I named my dragon Bane I walk into his cave. While entering I see I'm laying there practicing harry potter type of magic, it is not too bad he needs more refinement, so far he can shoot lightning out of his arms it is pretty cool. He has grown fast as of right now I am still a little nervous about him carrying me without a saddle and armor but the problem with that is he keeps growing.

I just sit at the entrance waiting on him and start looking for any flaws I see a few but not too many. While I am thinking I hear 'Papa you came early today.' He sounds excited and still sounds like a child I mean he is almost a year and a half old. He is growing bigger and bigger every day right now he is around fifty feet long, in the Tv show the dragons on there grow up to or even a little bigger than eighty feet at least that is how big Danny's dragons are but in the books, they say that they grow to the size of a castle. Which fucking castle, They are all sizes that is a shit way to measure something. God dam jack asses.

'Papa you are thinking too hard, don't hurt yourself'. "cheeky little fucker." ' I am not little' I just scratch his neck and head having an enjoyable moment. Thinking back to the kids I left behind I can only sadly sigh and think about how after the divorces I couldn't even see them. I didn't even do anything wrong but it only took the judge to look at me and give my ex-wives total custody and no visitation at all. As i brood over this Bane nudges me hearing my thoughts and start distracting me. "I spoil you too much you will get fat.." I get a face full of smoke. I think ill just forget the past. it is best left there. Soon I will ride you into war. I hum a toon for him to go to sleep.

A/N: Hope you enjoyed the chapter still feeling rough but I'm toughing this out

thank you for reading.