To help or to condemn

While making the queen wait I talked to some blacksmiths, enchanters, and scientists "Sir it is possible but is it not overkill? To make a 30 mm autocannon into a personal weapon?" I smile "I want one for me and some for at least thirty of my marines to go to battle with just imagine thirty big fuckers getting in line shooting a General Electric GAU-8/A Avenger, 30 mm hydraulically driven seven-barrel Gatling-style autocannon 3,900 Rounds per minute, with a max range is 12000 feet, and don't forget they are anti-tank units, that is why I want the enchanters to go over the Scorpio designs for the larger caliber and add expanding runes, auto cleaning, and feather-light rune and whatever else you can think of. Also, add the same runes to the gun including cooling runes don't want the death machines to overheat. Also start working on armor that has no gaps and can tank a lot of hits I don't need them very mobile." The scientist is sweating "It can be done but it will take about a week since we already have the guns and ammo for it from Twilight earth, also before we go we have had success in making tungsten and doing the Valyrian steel forging method on it, making it heavier and harder than normal Valyrian steel" I nod "Good make me a set and a set for all the thirty Marines getting an autocannon I want to rip apart anything on this world. Speaking of how goes the working one Nanobots?" *cough* "No progress so far." I nod "Well it was just a thought in a moment." I let them get back to making me some walking death machines I cannot help but look forward to using a Hog's main gun like a normal Minigun.

As I get into my house I see I have a guest the old turtle "Hello old man, what brings you to my humble abode?" He chuckles "It is refreshing to have someone who doesn't care about titles." "Oh, you have titles Mr important?" He chuckles "Yes but let's not worry about those, the queen is getting more and more insistent that even messing with her is getting annoying would you like to meet her?" I think it over for a long time I could just put her off until the next wave but I need to get this over with, "Fuck it ill meet her, let's see if she is good at manipulating as I think." The old man gets up and walks away laughing.


with the queen

I have been here for almost a week going from ass-chewing to ass-chewing on how the Shield hero has done nothing wrong and a bunch of thinly veiled threats directed at my husband and daughter. I am glad they have not attacked us which would not surprise me if their stories are true. Now I am waiting on the Diplomat of the Silvelt kingdom to give me hopefully good news on the shield hero. When we first arrived I was hoping that it would be easy but I did not hope too much. It seems that my daughter thought it would be a good idea to go around and try to order around the demi-humans like slaves which ended with her getting attacked and thrown in a cell in the jail followed by my husband who tried to intercede in the arrest. How am I cursed to be around such idiots now here I am just praying that the shield hero will meet with me. Back home is not too good the nobles did not seem to take my threat seriously and a lot of them have been killed and their families were thrown out of their castles. Who did they think she was some kind of liar?

As I sit there and ponder the old turtle walks in he said to me "He will see you now. Remember your kingdom is not that important to him he would rather watch it burn than help, you have nothing to offer him, and do not worry he could care less about you and your kingdom Good luck." he chuckled. I already knew this I just have to try all I wanted was peace between kingdoms but then it all had to go to shit. "I will try my best" I had to force myself to smile.

As I follow him to the Shield Hero's compound looking around I see no less than fifty giants guarding the compound. Entering the main building I follow the old turtle to a door he knocks and I hear a 'Come in' mentally preparing myself for another ass chewing and hoping for him to be reasonable. We entered


I sit in my office I hear them knock "Come in" I see the old man walk in and behind him is the Queen dressed lavishly with a fan in front of her face after her eyes widen at the sight of me she bows "Shield hero" I nod "Queen of Melromarc"... *silence* "I have come to discuss some important details with you "Oh and what would those be?" I try to sound interested try "Well first I would like to apologize to you personally for what my daughter and husband have done to you." .."Which part are you apologizing for the bounty, the hunts, the accusations, or just the amount of disrespect that a hero was shown? Since the moment I stepped into this kingdom I have received nothing short of perfect reception from them. Now your kingdom not only made me fight my way out, but it had to gall to call me a thief and a rapist and then try to hunt me like an animal...which one?" I can see her flinch at every word I said thinking about how to spin this around.

"Well, I brought them here for you to punish any way you see fit." I laugh "I do not fucking care about them they are just a foreign ruler in my eyes with no power over me just two people who reached past their standing, they may have been in charge but their leashes were too loose. You trusted a man who you thought loved you but the moment you left he went against you in every way, then there is your daughter the new 'queen' after she kills her little sister your another daughter who you set in my path to have a way to talk to me did you not trying to win over my 'protective nature' being the shield hero but that is only for a few, and She almost succeeded in that endeavor. Hell if I did not know any better you were the one behind the scene pulling the strings of your 'family' trying to get your family in a stronger position with the other kingdoms if you knew about their hate for me why let them summon me? You always knew what was happening all around your kingdom with the shadows just one or two following your husband and knocking him out with your daughter and all of this would have been avoided." Now, none of this is true at least that is what I can tell from the thoughts running through her head now she thinks, That I think she is the mastermind behind all of the attacks on me.

She looks shaken "Can we discuss this at a later date" I smile "Sure see you around queen".

A/N: hope you enjoyed the chapter thanks for reading.

What do you guys think help her or not??