Soul food

I meet up with the old turtle and tell him what happened during the meeting he just chuckled about it. I turn to him "How would you like to move all of the demi-humans into my world?" He looks at me I decided to show him around the world. To say he was shocked "Young one you are truly surprising this old one, again and again, it shall call a meeting between the four heads and the other demi-human nonaffiliated parties." I nod while he is talking "Sounds good but know there are rules there for everyone including my people just follow the rule. Here is a contract for citizenship to my world I would like to take all of the demi-humans on the world before leaving." He gives me a long look knowing I will leave them if they don't want to go. "I shall get back to you as soon as I can" He walked away from the presumed meeting.


I head down to the dungeon and meet the king he is chained up and when he sees me I have to silence him to not alert anyone I am here. "Hello, there 'king' how are your accommodations meeting your standards?" I lean in "What's that I cannot hear you. Oh well, let's get this done." I start rooting around in his mind looking through it, it seems that he hates all demi-humans because one of his family was killed by one before he became king, and cannot seem to let the hatred go. "aww does the little king miss his brother?" He just stares at me with hatred " Oh what is this you are from Faubrey kingdom and the third in line for the throne, hmm and you hate me because I am worshiped by demi-humans wow you are a shitty king. You love your daughter enough to let her kill the other daughter. Wow, you have some fucked up morals, and you are a Hero? Staff hero? Oh, that is nice. Now time to remove some things from here." I start to remove a lot of his personality he is no longer a kind older man to everyone, not demi human now he is a hateful bitter old man who hates everyone including his wife who he now blames for his problems.

Wonder how that will go when he tries to do something stupid. I leave with a chuckle. heading towards his neighbor.

I make my way to the dungeons to look into something that was bothering me Malty's soul if she is some crazy ass bitch wanna be goddess-like in some stories I have read then I have the perfect plan. But first, I want to check it out. Opening her cell she is chained to the wall and given the bag of oranges treatment. Walking over to her limp body I grab her hair and pull her eye level to me prying her eye open I start going though her head OH GOD...She was a whore and a half good thing she never went to church or she would burst into fire, over half her memories are dicks just hundreds upon hundreds of dicks. OH, Truck-kun I need brain bleach fuck as I am about to pull out I see a dark corner of her mind filled with an indescribable madness named Karen she just wants to burn the world down one shopping mall at a time.

I pull out of her head.... and went back to my world and grabbed the children of the forest blood from unwilling victims, a heart full of hate several types of LSD, and a containment crystal. We appear back in my compound after setting up a ritual I go and grab our victim laying her in the circle the children add more precision to lock on the soul leach, and start making the soul fragment into a Horcrux as children start chanting I add protections around the room so no one knows what is happening inside here. After a few hours of chanting I force the bloody heart concoction down her throat after a few minutes, I see her convulsing and screaming I guess ah brings back nice memories.

While she is in pain I start looking at her soul then I start cornering and directing the soul shard. After getting it in a nice spot leaving plenty of room I start to tear and rip the chunk which the shard is attached out of her not caring about lasting damage. After I have the chunk barely holding on I grab and pull until I hear a snap forcing the shard into the containment crystal. The runes start to shine and start to purify the shard I grab it and sit cross-legged not worrying about being taken over because nothing can mess with my head. I start refining the soul shard forcing my power into the shard breaking it down little by little wiping out everything from the soul including the memories attached to it slowly but surely consuming it making my powers go up even by a little. The best way I can describe it is ice cream that is too hard to eat so you put it in the microwave soften it up then consume it. It is slow but easier than Viserys soul it is getting easier with time.

I take a break grabbing and removing Malty's memories of the last few hours and giving her the same treatment as her father now I wonder how long she will last without her inhabitation. I can only chuckle darkly as I put her back into her cell. With one last look, I go back to devouring her soul. I can only imagine how hard it would be without having an impenetrable mind as the soul tried to success mess with my head as it slowly consumed and powered up my soul.

A/N: Hope you enjoyed the chapter

Thanks for reading