Wave Three shit happens

Opening my eyes I look around and I see the other Three hero's one looks drunk, another looks half-dressed, and the third is in a compromising position... Yeah, this world is fucked I think I had something to do with that. I just shrug looking around I see an old-school pirate ship. I just walk away calling out my Marines and vampires to repeat the last wave I also call out Filo and Raphtalia sending them off to the side to fight some monsters and sending some vampires to watch over them.

As I watch the heroes fighting if you could call it that I did not think that they could fight worse they are fighting the 'bosses' but in reality, they are fighting the shades. shadows? Illusions? whatever they are they just keep hacking and slashing at the Illusions. Looking around I look at the top of the mast and see Glass the spirit lady or something. Looking at her she just looks depressed that the heroes are getting their shit pushed in. She looks around and sees me just sitting here drinking a beer, looking back at her, I raise my glass and turn back to the ass-kicking going on in front of me. I can feel her just staring at me. I look back up at her and pat my lab making a come here gesture. She looks confused but I can see the gears start to turn in her head.

She throws something at me I just put up my Old One shield and see it is a blade when it touches my shield it dissolves. I yell "Nice throw Sweat heart" She looks offended and jumped down and with a glowing yellow fan attacks me I just block her attack, she keeps up at a good pace. She overreached on her last strike and kicked her in the abdomen with half power, she flies backward and slams into the side of the ship. She comes back out staring at me with red eyes promising pain. I chuckle "Come on little one let us see what you got." She needed no more prompting. Charging me with all she had. I have to say I am disappointed in her fighting all she has is a bunch of stabs and no fighting style, no cohesion, and no different moves besides stab, I grow tired of this she comes back once more I hit her in the face with a fast jab she flies back teeth and saliva flying out of her mouth. She started to get up I appeared in front of her and stomped down on her chest. She spits up blood. I walk over and grab her by the head dragging her back to my sitting area still knocked out.

Watching the hero's being stupid they don't even check and see if the heath is going down at all and I can see the soul eater in the captain's quarters doing nothing. Looking around I see all of my Marines tearing anything apart that gets close to us and then taking them out. The vampires are looking for any leftover peasants in the surrounding kingdoms and around this kingdom. After a few hours, I notice the eyes flutter of Glass.

She mumbles something incoherent and finally opens her eyes looking at me with a little awe and not so little hate. "Why am I alive" I look over at her "I am entertaining." She looks at me "Why are you not helping your fellow heroes?" I looked right at her just staring, until I Burst out laughing "Fellow Heros? they do as well as a chimpanzee trying to fuck a door nob." I chuckle. She looks confused and wanted answers "Why not help them?" I just stare at her with a deadpan expression "Why would I do that they hate me for no real reason besides jealously, and not being able to differentiate real-life actions, and I don't care about them besides the entertainment value." She is speechless "what about this world?"

I chuckle "What about it, all we are is entertainment or a power boost to a higher power why not have fun with it, before this world is over ill be long gone, for now, I am just enjoying the moment." 'and taking everything that has value' i smile, and she looks at me "Will you kill me now?" I just stare at her fidgeting under my gaze "NAH but ill have to send you back I will probably be gone by the next wave." She looks confused and in deep thought "I will go back to my world now" She walked away I just watched her go wondering if I should send some undead to her world to wreck it. Smiling to myself I call out 4 White walkers "Follow her take ten thousand undead and wreck her world as long as you can." they nod and leave.

Looking back to the heroes they are slowly but surely getting tired after they run out of potions they will more than likely die. Before they pass away I have some of my vampires grab them and set them up into another ritual. I wonder if I will get their powers if they die. After they are gone the soul eater finally comes out I send a wave of ice and fire at him and start making a vacuum around his head. I continue to burn him and then freeze him rinse and repeat until he dies and the wave is finally over.

Heading into my world with the 'Hero' in tow I don't want to deal with them so I just give the Draught of the Living dead and I call the children of the forest setting up the ritual so I can consume their souls and hopefully weapons from them but who knows. As the ritual starts I prepared three crystals. Soon the ritual comes to a close after an hour of screaming from the three 'heroes' after that is finished I hear some vampires start to yell while coming in I look over "What is the matter?" "Sir there is something you need to see." I follow in out of my world looking around I see the skies are dark, the ground is shaking, lightning flashes, and there in the distance is a huge fucking turtle I guess my killing of the Hero set into motion a fail safe of this world. "Grab everyone you can who we wanted to come and leave the rest when you are done come and find me! GO NOW!" "Sir what about The queen and Melty?" "fuck it might as well also grab the queen and Melty they may have some use just tell them the other hero's died and I was all that was left." all of my vampires are gathering everyone as fast as they can while this is going on I head back to my world. "well I guess shit happens did not see this coming"

After an hour I watch the Giant turtle starting to swallow the souls of the dead I hear someone walking behind me "Sir everyone is in the world we are ready to go" I nod "Head back ill pray."

"Dear truc..."

A/N: I will be stopping the chapters indefinitely sorry for it suddenly stopping. Hope you enjoyed the chapter

Sorry also for the sudden closure of this world but I thought it would be better to do this than to drag it out and make shitty chapters forcing myself to write bad ones. Sorry again Hope you enjoyed that chapters.