Huh that happened.

A familiar feeling of weightlessness washes over me as I look around the dark void. Scanning my eyes I look up, down, left, and right. I can only sigh to myself thinking that Truck-Kun is busy.

Shaking my head I start to count "....1...2...3...4...5...6" Continuing to count to 5,184,965 seconds. Until Feel a pull at my navel feeling like a port key dragging me into a small wormhole. I am momentarily stunned by a bright flash of lights I can hear mumbling from around me. Taking a few minutes to regain my eyesight.

Blinking a few more times I look around and see I am in a familiar garage. Looking over I can see Truck-Kun looking like life came and me him its bitch. Chuckling "So how have you been these 5 million or so seconds." All I get in return is a scoff.

"Your lucky I like you or I'd..." I cut him off "Yeah...Yeah...Yeah, Trolls and lube. I heard it before you threaten me with it all the time." I give a small smile at him.

"Well fuck you too then can't even let me threaten you a little. That's one of the perks of the job." I can see a small, but a fond smile spread across his grill. Shaking his hood he looks back at me. "Well, you went apocalypses pretty quick huh?" I gave a sheepish shrug trying to keep a straight face. "Shit happens and worlds get destroyed."

"Well, some fun things happened while you left. Let's see here..." I see his wheel head towards a cabinet that was not there a moment ago. "AH, here it is...Yes, the other world lasted about a week before getting enslaved and turned either into cattle or Wights. So that's fun... the heroes have a 'resistant' movement *snot* more like them and a few thousand people hiding on an island with no naturally accruing resources. I can see them live a few years but that is about it." He leaf's through the papers slowly while chuckling to himself.

Putting the paperback he looks back at me "So what do you want to do with the souls of the heroes?" I must have looked confused for a few moments because he cuts off the remark I was about to make. "Well, you see If you try to absorb all of the powers at once your soul will collapse in on itself. So I being the generous truck I am will make you a deal?"

"Well seems that they are useless to me, but I would like to switch the shield with the sword." He looks at me in confusion for a few moments "Why?" I am surprised he is not digging through my mind looking for the answer. "Well the shield is good and all but I prefer something I can stab, smash, crush, or do bodily harm with," I say with a small smile thinking back to Bravos the smell of blood in the air screaming with despair, and the flailing of broken limbs and bodies.

He chuckles for a few moments and waves his wheel and a shield-shaped light flies out of my chest, followed by a healthy dose of pain. He looks at me still grinning and slams a sword-shaped light into my chest. "There now you are the sword hero. So what do you want for these souls?"

I gained a pensive look thinking "What is the limit for what I can trade." He mulls it over for a little while. "I will make a deal You can choose three powers from this world coming up and I will give them to you. No rebirth though gets old hearing about a grown man shitting himself..." I can only thank him in the back of my mind.

I smile at him "Sounds like a plan so... Spin that wheel." I get a small amused chuckle from him. He rolls over to the wheel and spins it. Looking over at all the images going around and around I can't help but ask "Is it possible to get two worlds twice?" He gained a thoughtful look. Slowly he nodded his head looking back at me "Yes, but they will never be the same world exactly let's say if you get Game of thrones again, you may be before the Long Night, or during the conquest depending on the second spin which I like to call 'WHEEL OF TIME'" I chuckled a little when he did a dramatic pose.

"Sounds like fun. How long have you been thinking that up?" He looks around "You know a long time and stuff.." I give him my most disbelieving glare. He coughed a couple of times and looked back at the wheel. "Well looks like you will be going to...Naruto"


A/N: Powers will be described as the story goes on

Sorry about the delay I have been writing and rewriting the new book and decided to just take a break.

Now for the last two months, life has not been to deal with old me but If I am anything I am a persistent son of a bitch. I'll make it through. Just don't expect the new novel out before. the beginning of next month still figuring out the route I want to go to and trying to make a decent story.

Hope you enjoyed