Homeward bound....

Tree....tree....tree "So many fucking trees." Looking around the forest I see nothing but trees I can't see the end of them. Looking up making sure I am heading in the same direction compared to the sun. Every few hundred meters I cast a 'Revlio charm' which sends out a burst of magic looking for hidden people, passages, or most anything that is a secret. Again nothing....fuck.

Where in the Truck-kun am I? Wait I pause my steps to think. Will the charm reveal ninjas hiding? Shaking my head for being stupid. I stop again and go toward the closest tree and start to bang my head against it 'stupid stupid stupid' "I can fucking fly" 'If only I had access to my world, but no I can't until I kill a Kage level ninja stupid ass.' I sigh to myself willing myself to become one with the air floating up. Looking at my transparent body I cannot help but recall the air demon from that shitty Nick Cage Ghost Rider movie.... and taking off in the same direction I was walking earlier.

"Finally Water" I swoop down to the water's edge and scoop up a handful full taking a sniff. Throwing down the water and shaking my head. 'Salt water' I mutter to myself. So trees and ocean I narrowed my location to a few thousand positions. 'Fuck does magically make me forget common sense or something. I can just do a point me. Looking around I grab a stick and cast a point my charm. I stilled and looked back in the direction I just came from. 'Common sense lacking with me it is...' "FUCK!!!" my voice booms over the trees and catches an echo.

Fuck I hate flying now. I sigh catching a ping on my charm I smile to myself and decided to play possum. Stopping in a clearing I look around and decide to stop and 'take a break. "Just a little nap will be good," I say out loud to my audience. Focusing my hearing in the direction I hear muttering coming from I can make out broken sentences. "Come on pussy..... kill... nobody around." "Did you not see him... has to be strong and you ...." "Yes now do it.." I hear muffled footsteps coming up to me trying to be quiet. "Big fucker you are" I hear one of them mutter involuntarily. The other one stilled and held his breath. Closer and closers until I can feel their wrenched breath on my face. Heartbeats are increasing in their chest. The one who didn't want to rob and kill me let out an involuntary whimper.

Step...step....step when they are within arms reach. I snap my eyes open and grab the by their necks. I give them a charming 'demonic' Smile.' "Ello' Puppets." I can tell they would scream if not for the pressure I am exerting on their vocal cords. I am about to speak when *sniff* *sniff* *sniff* "You shat yourselves didn't you." Looking at them with barely hidden contempt. They both franticly nod their heads "Hel..hel..hel" Shakings my head "Ta...ta...ta... today junior." they both flinch back at my baritone voice. Still holding them I stand up at my fullest height. I chuckle at their comical expressions. "Don't worry boys your virginity is safe from me..... They both stare at me with mortified expressions...

"So do you know our lord and savior Jashin...." I say with a shit-eating grim spreading across my face. I didn't know that they could get any whiter than they already did. "Seriously where the fuck can I find a hooker and some blow around here." Judging by their looks they know. "Now tell me where I can find a town or city around here" They looked at each other and nodded... are they having a broment now? "Well will tell you giant but...." *Snap* I twisted his neck in almost a full circle. "Sorry, you did not pass go.." Looking over at the other guy "So where is a town, city anything." He started yelling at me "You killed steve, why did you kill steve.." Wait.... steve.... the fuck....

"Steve?" He nodded his head "Yes that was his name." He all but screamed. Wait why am I even talking with him 'Legitims' Scrambling and ripping apart his whole life before my eyes looking for all the useful information and disregarding all of the useless information? Leaving his mind and dropping him on the ground. "Now time to test some things." I stand over him and shove my hand inside of his ribs and grab his heart and start pouring necromantic magic inside of him and flooding his chakra coils into him turns out he was a Genin-level ninja.

Watching his form started bubbled and convulsing on the ground I watch on in fascination as he starts emitting ice and death magic into the area. Looking at the trees and grass wilting and freezing it is not stopping. Looking back at him I can see him stand up he grew from about five and a half feet to a shocking seven feet tall with glowing blue eyes his skin is now a see-through veil I can count the veins in his body and see his teeth. It looks beautiful and deadly. He looked over at me "MAsTAH" I smile at him as he kneels on the ground.

Looking at him over and casting diagnostic charms. It seems my necromantic magic over his charka coils now produces what I can call pure death. Looking at the Smokey vapors coming off of him and holding a deer in place as the vapors pour over it rotting its skin and turning it into a coal-like substance with blue cracks on it. "Try to command the deer to rise." He follows my commands. After a few moments I see the deer twitch and the same process takes over the deer stopped convulsing and stands up. 'It mutated' I look on at the deer continues to grow by the time it stops I am standing at an impressive fifteen feet tall. 'Now I have a mount for here.' I chuckled.

Looking back at my newest creation. "Go and raise your friend we are moving." I watch his back head toward the clearing. So I am at the beginning stages of the Second Shinobi War. The first Hokage is dead, the Second Has yet to try to come to a treaty with Kumo. Where the Second will die to a sneak attack by the Gold and Silver brothers. Wait.... didn't they have some badass gear ripe for the taking.

A/N: sorry for the delay guys been taking care of my mother she came down with corvid and my vehicle is in the shop and is killing my bank account. On top of that, I am now looking for a job so shit went downhill fast. Wish me luck.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter.

AA/N: Just going through with Grammarly checking my old Books over and it was rough. Still dead.