Old Trouble

Another month storm passed with meeting after meeting, lunches and dinners with business associates and organisation reshuffling to meets the new dateline of the 3 big projects. I have a feeling that my ear and mouth should just stick to the phone. I brought it up one day and there is a brand new headphone with mic on my desk the very next day. Even though I knew it was Xavier who bought it for me but I have no way to thank him when he is not even in the office. I knew he came back because I saw laundry and crumpled sheets when I clean the hidden bedroom. I do it daily now since Xavier didn't seem to mind rather he thank me for it.

I have also called my parents to relay the good news that I have finally got a full time job in the biggest company in the city. Although I am still under training, I promised to work hard and eat well so they do not need to worry. I have also send half of my salary home to pay off our family debt. It will be cleared in 6 months if I keep sending the same amount.

One Monday, Xavier texted me to go to his apartment to change his suits and accessories in the office bedroom. Men it seems doesn't need as many type of clothing as women. His only colors are Black or Grey or Blue and it's suit for business and tuxedo for functions. A security guard waited for me at the apartment concierge and registered my handprint for access. He declared that Xavier has authorised my free entrance to his penthouse. Ever since, I make sure to rotate Xavier clothing every week just like what Alex is doing for me.

On the last day of the month, trouble brew. A lady has sneaked up to the 32nd floor demanding to see Xavier. I went outside the office when I heard a lot of screaming and shouting going on. Linda was in a heated argument hands wide open into a capital T with an unknown lady right in front of the door.

Linda: Ms. Naomi, your contract has ended 6 months ago. You are no longer allowed to contact Mr. Lee.

Naomi: Did he tells you that? Look honey, he hasn't sign another contract with anybody else as far as I know of and I am the last one in line. Maybe he still has lingering feelings for me so be good and let me in so I can talk to him. You will be in great trouble if he knows that I am here and couldn't get to reconcile just because I was blocked by you.

Linda : Mr. Lee never renew any contract Ms. Naomi. You knew that.

Naomi: Yes and that is why he is in for real this time. No contract. Just me and him.

I call for security before I step out of the office. Ms. Naomi eyes almost popped out, she inspect me from head to toe. I am quite confident in the vintage pinup dress that Alex prepared for me today. I look demure, professional and very pretty at the same time.

Naomi shouted: Who are you? What the fuck are you doing in Xavier's room?!

Linda have an exasperated look while I gave her a wink. She faltered a bit but remained with her capital T stance to block off Ms. Naomi.

Yuki: Ms. Naomi I presumed? Do you have an appointment with Xavier coz I have not been told?

Naomi: Who do you think you are?

Yuki: I am special to Xavier or so he said. Not only he wants me to wait for him in his office everyday, he also let me know everything about himself including women he used to date. He promised me he never take those women seriously and he is just fooling around. He is so very handsome is he not? He is a man in his prime full of libido hence I must forgive his folly before he meets me. So begone before you regret what is to ensue if you continue the disturbance.

Naomi: No, no, it cannot be true.

A strong masculine voice interrupted," It's true. What are you doing here Naomi? We have a very clear breakup according to the relationship contract. The legal with follow up with you on the compensation and imprisonment as per the contract. I hope to never see you again."

Naomi turned to see Xavier was standing behind her immuned and hardened with four security guards. Naomi begins to apologised profusely,"I am sorry. I am so sorry Xavier. Please don't do this." She was reaching out to hold on to Xavier's arm when she was stupefied motionless by Xavier anger dagger stare and Linda started to tremble in front of me from the frightening atmosphere. The security guards came forward to seize Naomi by her arms and left with her screaming out her apology. I have never seen this side of Xavier before, somehow it does not scare me.