
"The way you enjoy your food does not befitting your elegant and sexy self miss," an Adonis looking man said while approaching me.

Yuki grimaced at the familiar face but couldn't recall where they have met,"Do I know you sir?"

The Adonis introduced himself,"Danny Mo Chung Tian, people call me 'D Mo', an actor under Diamond and I endorsed a handful of exclusive brands for Emperor Empire.

Yuki swallowed hard as she remembers she has seen this guy on TV in a drama she used to watch before she became too busy surviving in the city,"Can I have your autograph?"

D Mo laugh out loud,"Sure, who should I attention it to?"

"Oh, my name is Yuki," Yuki respond excitedly.

"It seems like we have a little fox scurrying about seducing men here,"a hostile feminine voice interfered our short interlude.

I recognised the lady as Ashley from the movie promotion campaign I have attended with Xavier. Now it triggers my memory that both Ashley and D Mo stood side by side. They were also together during the campaign, they are the male and female lead of Lee Group biggest movie investment this year. If I could get their autograph in advance perhaps I can trade it with HuangMin for 3 months of free coffee and bread. The movie was all he talk about for the last month.

Shamelessly ignored her earlier statement I demanded,"Can I have your autograph too?"

A nerve twitches on Ashley face as she lean towards D Mo and circle his chest with her finger,"Why? Can't you get a copy of those ready for distribution since you have climbed into Xavier Lee's bed now. Has he already ditched you so you have to look for new prospect? Are you interested in D Mo too?"

D Mo froze, stared out at a man coming close behind Yuki and push Ashley off his chest.

Oh! She has the audacity to humiliate me when she is acting like a fox herself! Yuki was enraged. Before she can come up with a retort, Xavier came behind her looking like death itself. For once it seems to be directed at her as well and she felt as intimated as everyone does. The furios scowl on his face is too dangerous to provoke. He throw a deadly glance first at D Mo while his hand reclaim my waist.

D Mo put both his hands up in a form of surrender,"My apology, I didn't realise." Xavier is obviously staking his claim. He excuse himself at once.

Ashley stood motionless, searching for a hint from Xavier for the chance that was offered to her a few months ago before this wench shows up.

Xavier looked at Ashley with contempt,"I don't care who you spread your legs for but if you come close to her one more time, I will make sure you never get to act or crawl on the runway again. You disgust me."

Ashley trembled from the threat, she has been trying to invite Xavier to all events related to the movie but he has only attended the first promotion campaign. Even then he already has a new partner who look prim and chaste. It was definitely not his usual taste hence in Ashley opinion, that woman must have some tricks in bed to latched onto Xavier. Ashley hate women who does not possess enough curves and choose innocent as their weapon on men instead. Xavier should be experienced to weed her out but that wench is still here. Ashley thought being persistent will help her get Xavier attention instead she might run herself to ruins.

Yuki do not know how to react to Xavier ruthless ways to dismissed the two. She is not used to Xavier being so cold and brutal. She could understand why people fear him; he can be callous with people he do not like and cruel towards his enemy. She felt helpless when she ponder on how kind and considerate he was towards her.

Xavier watched the different expression passing through Yuki heart-shaped face. He knew they need to talk. He has achieved what he is here for, it's time to take care of his own matter. With that thought he lead Yuki out of the hotel.