A new Yuki

At the present moment, I am wearing a high neck black silk shoulderless dress. The material covered my chest and run up in an A shape claps at the back of my neck. My back was bare down to above my buttocks. The brest padding was sewn-in otherwise it will be so uncomfortable like showing my nipple in public. The hair stylist has opted for grecian style hairdo with a few loose curls down my back. I would never wear something like this before I work with Xavier.

For the last 2 months, Alex help has been building up my confidence in what to wear and how to wear. I feel like a new me altogether. Today I feel bold and I think I will need it for that talk with Xavier after the function tonight.

When we arrived below the office, I got down and stood by the car waiting for Xavier. I saw the other secretaries does this, they only got into the same car with Xavier after him and not before. I must be too comfortable with my boss to have done that previously. I should not take things for granted knowing what has happened to Naomi a few days back.

I managed to clarified with Linda after a lot of begging and threatening to quit since me; the personal assistant, do not know about Xavier's personal relationship. What if something like this happens again? I want to be prepared, finally Linda relented.

Xavier is a very private man and he keeps his relationship private as well. Being the CEO of Lee Group means he is one of the most powerful man in Country Y not considering overseas influence that he wields. He is also the only heir to Lee Group therefore security is of utmost important. It is one of the main reason Lee Group acquire Diamond Media and Entertainment 2 years ago with the sole purpose to control the Press and media influence.

He always had woman, one every six month to be precise and every single one of them need to sign a relationship contract. It is one of the standard clause in the contract that the lady should not attempt to contact, connect or reconcile with Xavier in any way within any method upon termination. Everything within that six months is only physical and the lady in question will have generous compensation enough to support the rest of their life. Some exceptions will request for opportunities arranged for them for the next five to 10 years in various fields. Breaking the clause will land them in a 10 years prison term together with the return of investment or compensation; not a penny more, not a penny less. These conditions ensure that the other party do not have unrealistic demands. Naomi is the third one in the last five years to go across the line.

I make a resolution to study how to be more professional instead of an inexperienced assistant who don't even know the basic etiquette as I stood by the car.

Xavier exit from the building lobby and he came to a halt when he saw Yuki. She saw him approaching and turn to open the door of the car. A sharp intake of breath could be heard; Jesus! Yuki smooth fair skin on display ended just above her round bottom. He has a mind to just skip the bloody function when his phone rang," Don't worry, I will consolidate enough shares tonight and put that lazy ass on the wagon by end of the year." He closed his eyes trying to clear his mind and calm his boiling blood; Lord, help me to get through the evening without humiliating myself. He will kill Alex if his plan fails.

Xavier approach the car,"Good evening Yuki. Have you had an enjoyable time at Solace?"

"Yes, everyone is very kind to me," Yuki responded.

Xavier state,"Just wait for me in the car next time. You don't need to stand outside."

"Hans and his team does whenever they are out on an assignment with you,"insisted Yuki.

Xavier smiled leisurely,"Ah..but you are the special one and we will talk all about it tonight and after tonight if you want." A shiver went down Yuki spine as she felt Xavier palm guiding her back to be seated in the car first.

Both of them remained silence up to the hotel hosting the event for Emperor Empire. Many more head turns their way especially Xavier has possessively claimed her waist. Yuki do not know if she should allow such intimacy act although Xavier has already done that when she almost fall in the company lobby prior to this but she choose not to create discord when they go around the crowd straight away. Xavier seems to be in a rush.

Yuki was feeling a bit hungry after an hour of circulating around. Her stomach growl in anticipation and sure enough heard by Xavier,"Sorry my dear, I was not being very considerate this evening. Would you care to go over the buffet for some food?"

I went over to the sumptuous spread after I assured Xavier he doesn't need to accompany me and I will just take a bite before returning to his side.