Reunion Dinner

Yuki asked while unpacking and resting in their room,"Xavier, did you noticed the strange things going on between Kong and HuangMin in the car earlier?"

Xavier who working on his laptop answered,"What strange things?"

Yuki shrugged,"I don't know. Kong seems unfocused and HuangMin is just angry. What happened exactly between them?"

"I never asked personal matters of my staff, love. As long as they do their job, I rather not know to avoid being sentimental."Xavier state as a matter of fact.

Yuki understood and agreed with Xavier working attitude since there are thousands of direct employees under Lee Group not to mention the affiliates. She is reluctant to question HuangMin too since he didn't want her to know. She will just let it be until he is comfortable enough to open up to her. It's just a matter of time.

They finally descend for dinner when they see the elders are all dress up for the reunion dinner. This is the first time Yuki sees her parents paid as much attention to what they wear as what they have for dinner. They really look like noble from ancient time with the traditional wears.

Mrs. Jung was beaming with pride as she has successfully churned out a whole new menu incorporated with different variety of chinese herbs under Mrs. Zhang instruction. She did not forget to prepared a special soup which is good for childbearing to Yuki.

HuangMin eyes darted outdoor more than once and Yuki finally voiced out,"So much food, maybe we should ask everyone in service to eat together."

Mrs. Jung who was standing on the side informed immediately,"Thank you Young Madam. We will be eating the same food at the tea pavilion later. The security department are setting up the tables there as we speak to be able to enjoy reunion night as well. Old master has already permitted this in advance. Please enjoy your dinner without worrying about us."

Everyone was enjoying dessert when HuangMin excused himself to take a walk to wear off the alcohol in his system. Yuki elbowed Xavier and grinned.

Not more than 30 minutes later however, there is a big commotion at the front gate. HuangMin was in an argument with Lucia who has return from the States. Lucia has refused to wait at the front gate as instructed by the security guards and barged into the tea pavilion where the staff are having their reunion meal.

Lucia: You said this is still the house of Yuki and her parents right? Why can't I go in? I was her best friend, I used to walk in and out of her house without permission. Who are you bunch of brute to stop me?

Kong: Miss, we are requesting your patience to wait as we verify your identity and permission to enter.

Maid: Miss, please have a cup of tea and wait.

Lucia slapped the hands of the maid and hot tea splatter on Kong who was standing next to them which in turn angered HuangMin who was sitting with the guards on the dining table.

HuangMin: Who said you are Yuki's best friend? I am Yuki's best friend and I do not know you. Who teaches you to enter other people home without permission?

Lucia sniggered: You are sitting with a bunch of brute and claimed to be her best friend? Who is lying here? Are you a customer?

Yuki came in the middle of the commotion,"What are you doing here Lucia?"

Lucia: Yuki, my girl, there you are. These people said I need permission to see you. What a joke? They didn't know we are basically inseparable.

Yuki: Your parents didn't mentioned that you and your family are no longer welcomed here? We have come to a few conclusion when you were away.

Lucia: Oh....don't be silly over a few misunderstanding and what happen to you clothes?! Don't you like how you used to dress? I thought we found the best fits for you. I came to give you an invitation for my engagement party tomorrow on new year's day. Please come with your farmer boyfriend and we will talk then, I've invited our old classmates too. Don't worry, I won't tell them that you are entertaining a bunch of men at home but you won't be able to hide this kind of business for long. Anyway, I better get going as my fiance is waiting outing in the car, see you tomorrow.

Yuki let out a long exhaled after Lucia was gone and turn to look at the security team, two maids and HuangMin. Some just came out of shower, some were off duty while some are still on duty but on dinner break so not everyone was in uniform. That doesn't excuse Lucia's indecent thoughts.

Yuki has became less forgiving after going through a reflection of her relationship with Lucia through high school. Lucia was the one who commented on Yuki unmanageable soft curls hair and emphasized to cover her tiny bosom so people don't make fun of her. Yuki now knew better how to managed her curls so they don't entangled in messy knots and Xavier worshipped her breasts.

"Sorry. It is my wrong judgement on friendship during my younger days. As you can see, my judgement has greatly improved." Yuki said while pointing out HuangMin with her chin. She winked at him too.

HuangMin was at a loss with her reaction until he realised Kong has stand next to him in a protective stance putting hands around HuangMin's waist during the argument. HuangMin slapped off the hand instantly but draw laughter from the crowd instead. Yuki can see a colour of red creeping from her best friend neck to his ears. "Oh, shut up and drink!" he shouted in the end.

Yuki went back to the family mansion and delivered the news. She has refrained her parents from getting work up over it and promised to visit the Tangs tomorrow.