Chinese New Year

Morning started with tea ceremony for the elders as the couple has not had a real marriage celebration. The Zhang couple who has taken a liking of HuangMin took the opportunity to claimed him as godson during the special occasion.

Yuki decided to stop by Lucia's engagement party after family lunch. Many heads turned as she enter the Tangs home. At last a boy around her age came forward,"Yuki? Yuki Zhang?"

Yuki smile and nodded her head at her previous class representative; Alan Ki. He has been a good influence on her and help her in the scholarship submission too. She was too blind to not recognized his good intention when he was warning her against her best friend that time.

"I knew it was you! You look so good! Have you managed to find a full time job? I am so sorry to hear about the overseas scholarship,"said Alan.

"It's not your fault that somebody tries to sabotage my opportunity but it all turns all well," replied Yuki.

"Who? Who was it that sabotaged my Yuki?" out came Lucia dragging a young man behind her into the crowd. By now, ex-classmates and townsmen who recognises Yuki has came forward to exchange greetings with the beautiful girl.

"Well, you and your family Lucia. It is how you ended up with my scholarship to the States right?" Yuki being straightforward.

Lucia was just planning to show off her fiance and new overseas graduate status didn't expect Yuki's behaviour to change too. In the old days, Yuki wouldn't dare to say against her and wouldn't be so bold in public either. Her parents has informed her that they have met her boyfriend who is a farmer just like her dad two to three months back.

"Look Yuki, if I knew that you will be so devastated after losing the scholarship to offer yourself to a farmer boyfriend and turn your family residence into a brothel, I wouldn't take it from you,"Lucia said apologetically.

Yuki used to blame herself everytime Lucia belittle her and turn the story around just like the time when she forced Yuki to skip school with her so that she can meet with a boy from next town. Both of them ended up being caught and Yuki ended up being the one who went to meet a boy while Lucia was forced to accompanied her.

Lucia's parents came down the main living room supporting their daughter. "Yeah, her farmer boyfriend must not be able to satisfy her hence there was at least a dozen men at her home during reunion celebration when we went over to deliver the invitation as a token of sincerity," claimed Mrs. Tang.

Yuki could see clearly now the difference between friend and foe,"I never knew my husband was a farmer but I could ask when he comes in. He needs to finish a phone call in the car."

Alan exclaimed,"You are married Yuki?"

"Yes, Alan and very happy," Yuki was beaming with pride wrinkling her finger with her diamond ring.

"Oh my god! That's a pink diamond and such a big one too,"someone voiced out in the crowd.

Lucia was annoyed,"Well, my fiance, Michael is an ABC; american born chinese. He is representing the Lee Group in the States and will be transferred to the headquarter in City Y after the holidays. Do you know Lee Group, Yuki since you are working in the city? It is the top investment company across the globe worth billions of revenues per year. I am sure you have at least heard of them, their logo is everywhere."

Michael extended his hands,"Hi I am Michael, pleasure to meet you. I have heard from Lucia that you were her best friend in school. There seems to be a understanding between the two of you somehow and landed you in a precarious position. Let us know if we can help."

Yuki scrutinised Michael and make a phone call in the middle of everyone to the HR director," Director Tom, is there a transfer from the States in the next two weeks?...Can you retain the transfer?....I am meeting the candidate as we speak, he is good but too inexperienced....Thank you."

Michael was not happy although he is not sure what he is hearing was right. If the information fed to him by Lucia and her family was accurate, this lady in front of him shouldn't have any relation to his work. He choose to treat her fairly because she looks pretty, elegant and harmless. He always have a partiality towards the fairer sex.

"Miss Yuki, your pretense has lead me to utter distaste of your presence in my engagement party. You can no right to act as if you have the power over my work position in front of our guests to shame us!" Michael snapped.

"She has absolute right as Mrs. Lee of Lee Group,"Xavier enter the premises with Kong.

The crowd start to stand back from the main characters in dispute sensing a formidable aura from the majestic man who just enter the house with a bodyguard at his side.

Xavier nod his head at Kong and Kong speak through his mouth piece clipped on his collar, ten other men in black came rushing into the premises to control the crowd. Michael was staring at Xavier in shocked. His phone rang but he didn't pick up. Who in the group wouldn't recognised their own CEO. What farmer?! What brothel?!

Yuki went closed to Lucia upfront,"You can follow your fiance back to the States if you choose to since his transfer has been cancelled but never come close to my family again. The same applies to your parents. As you can see, the bunch of men you saw yesterday who were merely having their reunion dinner are all very well trained. Everyone of them recognises you and your parents who are banned from entering our family premises. I wouldn't want to pay your friendship and kindness with unnecessary damaged."

Yuki throw a glance at the Tang couple before she went up to Alan and passed him her business card,"Call me if you still haven't got any job offer after the holidays, we can work something out class rep. Thank you for thinking of me and hope to see you again."

Xavier hold her close when she came close,"Are you done, wife? It has come to your husband attention that his white rabbit has turned into a fox?"

Yuki laughed while holding onto Xavier's arm and happily went home.