The President Gal: New Office Setup

I went straight to our standard conference room in the hotel upon returning from the university. If one stands outside the door, it looks like a warzone command center. Phone ringing non-stop, paper strewn everywhere, projector slides changing every two seconds and Steven definitely look like a commander standing in the middle of the room with his perfect built. He noticed me almost instantly and beckoned me near to have a look at the projector screen.

I closed the door behind me and stand next to him to look at the screen. The map that I painstakingly put together is now on the screen but with 3D effect.

"This is so cool!" I shouted."How did you do that?"

"I didn't. The architect firm we hired did. I have informed them that you will be our architecture consultant for Emperor Empire City therefore I want you to go over to their office for training. You will be working with them specifically on this project for the next three years. This architecture application is in favoured by major architecture firm so it will be beneficial if you learn how to use it. The prototype is in that laptop, you can play with it today while the team trashed out the development plan," Steven explained.

I look up at Steven, he must be angel sent. It seems he is paving my way for me. I wish I could have something more than my kissing dream since I have agreed to be his girlfriend but he seems hell bent on work instead. If my suspicious ring true, he is not ready to come out of the closet yet and is using me as a cover but I am getting a lot more out of this than he does.

"YaoYao, do you get me? It will be hard for me to let you go but it is for your own good and you will still come back to me after working hours. I will savour you slowly once I got this out of the way,"a sensual glint cross his face as he spoke or maybe I was imagining it.

I disregard the previous statement and took a seat at the far end corner away from all the actions and start fiddling with the design application. It is user friendly but not as easy as drawing directly on paper. We don't need to stack up design after design to achieve the final version. The application allow changes anytime and will keep a record plus offer suggestions. It is also a good thing that once the design is ready, it is in presentable form and adjustable too. I don't trust the 3D graphic just yet. I believe we should still make plastic or paper model to look at the feasibility of materials and design proportion but this is cool.

The room went silent at someone knocking on the door. A man smiling from ear to ear came in with a document,"Mr. Steven, your lease agreement is ready. If you would just sign here, the office and the penthouse will be ready for you within three days with the modification you have requested."

It is weird that everyone that came into contact with Steven seems to be extremely please. As if he is best thing that ever went their way. It was similar in my case. Is he giving favors to everyone or they are all trying to get favors from him?

Steven signed the documents. Subsequently he announced after the man hurriedly left with the documents,"Ok everyone, our new project office will be below that apartment block." He was pointing to a building not far from the hotel through the window. " Keys will be distributed in three days and we moved over on the fourth. Basco will be in-charge of the local office and Keith will be our representation to liaise with Lee Group. The rest please organise among yourself except for Ms. Qin who will work at the appointed architecture firm as our consultant. She will still check into the office once a week so if you have any geographical and design issue please discuss with her so she can feedback to the firm. As we are wrapping up our preliminary studies, you will need to organise with our head office various department to ensure we have full preparation for future operation."

I mind my own business once Steven finished deployment of tasks,and was so absorbed in the app that everything else was tune out. Before we know it, it is the third evening we had a quiet dinner at the hotel restaurant. The many restaurant around the shopping junction didn't appeal to him perhaps.

I wanted to put my theory to test, so this time when Steven kiss my lips I hold his head between my palm and press closer. It was too late to realise it was a mistake she shouldn't have make. Thinking back later she knows she have tempted the tiger with a piece of meat.

Steven was surprised at first but he took all she offered and greedily angled for more. Untutored she may seem but she managed to set him alight. He flick his tongue at her lips asking for entry and plunged in when she parted her mouth. His arm cage about her and he ravaged her mouth and leave her breathless. She thought she knew kisses but apparently there are more to learn. She felt giddy inside and her leg wobbly. She cling on his shirt for support.

Raising his head, he look at her glossy eyes then rest his forehead on hers while breathing heavily,"Behave love, you will make me lose control then all hell break loose. You will need to do your thing and I, mine."

He push me into my room and bade me goodnight. The phrase "Kiss me senseless" came to my mind. I think my theory about coming out of the closet is inaccurate. The man can kiss! So what and where went wrong.