"Ms. Y/n, did you bring all the necessary documents that we asked for?", the receptionist asked.

I just completed my graduation as a Fashion Stylist and right now I am searching for a permanent job. I had been working as a fashion intern for a few months now. I have always had big dreams to achieve. I have seen my parents work their asses off just to provide me with the best, no matter what that is, may it be food, clothing, or education. They wanted me to have everything that I ever wished for. I wanted to pay my parents back for whatever they have done to give me the best of everything. I did apply here, the biggest modelling agency in the country, a few days back, and I was a bit nervous as, this modelling agency was huge. When I say huge, i mean it. It had its branches all over the world and I was currently in Singapore. I thought I might not get selected as I didn't have much experience compared to the other candidates that applied. So, here was I standing at the reception with all documents and my portfolio. I wanted to get the job, it meant a lot to me.

"Oh, yes. I did.", I replied.

"Very well then, you have to wait for a few minutes before the interview starts.", the receptionist said. She looked like as if she has been working here for a long time now. All the other employees here seemed to be very friendly. She smiled at me and I felt at ease. I have always had social anxiety, and don't do good when it comes to communicating. The way she smiled, I felt a bit relaxed.

I waited in the waiting room, when I saw a very handsome man entering. He had a file in his hands, which made me think that he was here for the interview. We looked at each other and our eyes met. He came and sat beside me, our arms slightly touching. He looked at me, smiled, and then extended his right hand for a handshake.

"Hi, Jungkook here.", he spoke. His voice! Goddd! So heavenly! I never felt like this before. It was as if I never had social anxiety.

"Oh, hi. This is Y/n.", I said, taking his hand in mine and gently shaking it. I didn't ask anything and tried to keep the convo short as I know if it lasts long, I'll end up embarrassing myself.

As if God was with me that day, a lady in her early 30s came in the room and called my name. I hurriedly stood up, grabbing my purse and file, when I heard that heavenly voice again.

"All the best with the interview, Y/n.", he smiled. It was as if someone put a gag inside my mouth and I couldn't talk. I simply smiled back and gave him a little nod before walking out.

The walk to the interview room was really something. I was nervous, my palms were sweating and I just couldn't gather enough courage to keep up my confidence. On reaching the room, the lady guided me in and I saw three men and one woman sitting. As soon as I stood in front of them, they gave me a warm smile and gestured me to take a seat. I did. The interview started, everything went well. I initially thought that I won't get selected, but I guess I was wrong. I got the job. We talked about the salary and stuff, they gave me the offer letter and asked me to join from the upcoming week. I was happy, very happy.

I came out of the agency building and was waiting for my Uber to arrive that I booked earlier. Exactly after, 2 minutes, I heard that same heavenly voice from earlier.

"Hey Y/n!", I turned around and saw him. He was walking towards me with a bunny smile platsered on his beautiful face.

"Hey Jungkook!", I said, and then I realised he came and stood beside me.

"How was the interview Y/n?"

"It was good, I got selected. What about you Jungkook? When I was called, you were still in the waiting room, then how come you came out early?", I said. Around him I really didn't feel uncomfortable. I felt I could talk without my social anxiety attacking me.

"Oh about that Y/n, I came here to audition as a model. The auditions were done on the 5th floor, after you were called, I was also called for the audition. I did well and got selected~", he said while doing his little dancey dance. I smiled at his childishness.

"Are you by any chance free right now? We can hangout for a bit, if you don't mind.", he said and I stared at him in utter shock.

I had always been that shy type of a person that never goes out partying with friends nor the fun loving one that does fun activities out of boredom. To be very honest, I never got bored with my own company. I always loved to be alone. At school everyone used to call me a nerd because of that. This was the very first time anyone asked me to hangout with them.

"Umm, I actually already booked an Uber. It'll arrive anytime soon.", I said.

"I brought my car Y/n. If you wanna come and grab some coffee, I can drop you home after that.", he winked and I almost DIED.

"Okay, sure then. I'll cancel the ride.", and with that I took out my phone and cancelled the ride. I was shocked by my own deeds, like how the fuck wasn't I uncomfortable around him. I couldn't believe my own self.

We both walked side-by-side to his car. Oh boy, the view. Damn! He had a fucking Maserati. I was shocked. I'd lie if I say I didn't guess him to be rich, but again, not as rich as to own a fucking Maserati. Being a gentleman, he opened the door for me to get in. He still had that bunny smile on his face.

The car ride was silent, until he decided to break it.

"Umm, so Y/n, how long have you been living here? I mean in Singapore. Are you new to this place?", he asked with his eyes fixed on the road ahead.

"I actually was bron here itself. My family, education and everything happened here in Singapore.", I said and he lightly nodded to that. After taking pause for a few seconds, I asked.

"What about you Jungkook?", to which he replied,

"I was born and brought up in South Korea. My family, friends, everything is in South Korea. I moved here a month ago. I wanted to audition for this agency.", he said.

"You could have auditioned for this agency in South Korea too, they have their brach there."

"I could have Y/n, but I didn't want to. I wanted to move out, I wanted to experience life at a new place. That's why.", he smiled looking at me to which I just nodded. With the end of the conversation there, we arrived at the destination. It was a small, cozy, and soothing Korean càfe. There weren't many people. Few couples could be seen, few college going students with their books and stuff. I examined the càfe from outside. The transparent glass windows made it clear what was inside. We walked in, and were greeted by a very sweet smell of coffee and cakes.

"What do you want to have Y/niee~?", he asked and I chuckled at the way he said my name.

"Anything that tastes good and can suppress my hunger will do.", I said with a small smile, and he smiled too.

"What may I bring for yo- Oh, that's Jungkook I see. It's been long brother.", a not so tall man said with a friendly smile. His features screamed HOTNESS. Honestly, I've lived here for some 21 years of my life amd I have never seen such hotties around the town.

"Oh hyung, how are you? I was a bit busy actually with this audition and things.", Jungkook said. How much of the language Korean I knew because of K-Drama and K-Pop, I can tell that Hyung means Older Brother.

"Oh, I absolutely understand Kookie. Anyway what would you like to order?", he askeed looking at both of us. Jungkook then palced the order and the guy went away.

"His name is Yoongi. Min Yoongi. He was the first person that I met in Singapore. I came here daily but recently I stopped coming as I got really busy making my portfolio. He's really a nice guy.", Jungkook spoke and I just smiled and nodded. After a while our food arrived and we both started eating as if there was no tomorrow and as if we haven't eaten for weeks. We didn't speak a single word while eating as we were so engrossed in it.

After eating, Jungkook insisted that being the man he should pay the bills. No matter how many times I tried convincing him, he wouldn't just let me pay.

We got back in the car, and he asked for my address. I told him and he drove us to where I lived. The ride was full of talks on random topics. We talked about college, friends,and family. I came to know that his parents own some well known business in South Korea and he is the only child so he gets whatever he wants. I also told him how terrible I was at making friends and he was the very first person I hanged out with. To my surprise he wasn't schocked. He said he has a very close friend in South Korea that is also like me. But the difference between me and him, according to Jungkook was that he had issues with his attitude and was very egoistic whereas I was very polite and sweet.

He dropped me at the entrance of my house and rolled down the window.

"Bye Y/n, thank you for hanging out with me today. I hope we get to meet everyday at work.", he said.

"Thank you for taking me out today. I felt good to be around you. Bye Kookie~.", I teased remembering the name that Yoongi, that owner of the càfe, called him. He smiled. Waving his hand and pressing the gas pedal he drove off.