My weekend was great. I got the job that I wanted, made a new friend who is extremely handsome, and now it was already Monday. I was standing in front of the mirror in my room, all dressed up for my first day. I decided on wearing a light blue turtleneck with white pants and balck boots. I looked good, that's what at least I thought. Duh! No matter how hard I try I'd never look good. With a liitle amount of excitement in my chest I went downstairs. My parents smiled at me warmly for they were proud of me that I finally got the job.

"Bye Mom and Dad.", I said as I walked outside the house. We lived in a decent house that was bought by my dad 10 years back. As soon as I stepped out, I saw the same Maserati from the other day. You know which Maserati I'm talking about right?! The same Maserati that belongs to the owner of the most heavenly voice I ever heard. I was a bit taken aback when I saw his car. As I walked out of the main entrance, I saw HIM. He was sitting inside the car, looking as handsome as ever. For how much I could see, he was wearing a white shirt, whose top three buttons were undone, giving a view of his chest. He had bracelets on his right wrist and a watch on his left. His hair was pushed backwards with hair gel exposing his forehead, I could tell that easily as the first day when I saw him, his hair was covering his forehead. He then suddenly looked up and our eyes met. He gave me that famous bunny smile and came out of the car.

"Hey Y/n, I thought you already went off. I came to pick you up. I would've informed but I didn't have your number.", he said while scratching the nape of his neck.

"Ohh, I was a bit, umm, startled when I saw you here. Let's get going then, we'll get late if we don't leave now.", I spoke and realised that he didn't listen to any of the words coming out of my mouth. He was checking me out. It isn't like that I didn't like it. I might have developed a small crush on him.

"Jungkook?", I called out his name again.

"Uh- oh- umm yes Y/n?"

"We should leave before it gets late.", I said and he smiled. Nodding to what I said, he quickly went to the other side and opened the door for me. I got in, he closed the door, went to the driver's seat and we drove off to our new workplace.

We walked inside and were greeted by few new faces and few old faces. We had an orientation for all the new employees. We were introduced to almost all the old employees and models. You had to go to the front and speak about yourself. I mean like, are we some nursery kids that we have to introduce ourselves like that? School going students do that, duh! I was nervous and I can tell that Jungkook figured that out. He gently squeezed my hand and gave me a reassuring smile. I could tell that his big doe eyes were telling me everything will be fine. It was now my turn. I walked up to the front, looking down, didn't have enough courage to utter a single word. I looked at Jungkook and he smiled, gesturing me to start talking and to just look at him so that I don't get distracted by the others. I did so. I introduced myself and felt confident by the way Jungkook was looking at me and supporting me without even saying a single word.

The day was almost coming to an end. I was really happy that I managed to not embarrass myself on the very first day. It was then when I suddenly heard a very deep voice call my name.

"Y/n?", as I looked up, I saw a very handsome and tall man standing in front of me.


"Hey, I am Namjoon. You are the new stylist right? I actually have a task for you.", he said.

"Sure, what is it?"

"There's an upcoming project for the national magazine of Singapore. I went through your portfolio and I found that you are very talented. So, I wanted you to work with me for the new project."

I was happy hearing that. Could my first day get any better? I already got a new project to work on the very first day and I promised myself that I'll work hard.

"Sure, Mr. Namjoon. I'll be glad working with you."

"Call me Namjoon or just Joon, it's fine.", he said showing his dimple and I nodded smiling.

The day was over, and Jungkook was already waiting for me at the foot of the building.

"Hey Kookie, why are you still here?", I asked.

"Oh Y/n, I was waiting for you. I'll drop you home and from now I'll pick you up and drop you home everyday. "

"And why would you do that?"

"So that I can spend more time with you.", he said. I couldn't read his eyes that time. My cheeks seemed to be heating up and a pinkish tint was visible on them. He smiled and took my hand in his. He guided me to the passenger's side of the car and opened the door for me. We both also exchanged our numbers that time. He dropped me off at my house and we waved goodbye to each other. He said that he'll wait for me tomorrow, in the morning, outside my house. I don't know why but this unfamiliar emotion kept bugging me. I had never been in love before, but the way Jungkook made me feel in just two days, I can say that this boy with big doe eyes and a smile of a bunny has my heart. As I stepped inside, I was greeted by my Dad smiling at me.

"Who was that handsome man dropping off my precious daughter home huh?! Is he my future son-in-law?!", he teased me. The only reason why I hated my dad was that he loved teasing me this way.

"DAD, NO. He is just a friend!"

"Yeah yeah, we'll see about that! Haha, only time will tell!", he said and left me dumbfounded.

That was the time when I was contemplating things. Was he really just a friend to me? Or was I falling in love? What was it? I couldn't understand my own feelings. It was kinda irritating that I couldn't find the answer. The night went by. No matter what I do, my mind would always drive off to the thoughts of Jungkook. The notification on my phone brought me out of my trance.


Hey princess, wyd?

I gulped hard. PRINCESS??!! He fucking called me PRINCESS??!! WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK!!


Nthg much Kook. Wbu?


I was just thinking bout u!


Thinking bout me?! Y so?


Idk princess. I kinda miss u rn.


What's w this nickname Kook? Princess??!!


Y? U don't like it? I thought u'd like it:(


No, it's not like that.


Then shld I call u Babygirl?! ;)

And that was it. I almost choked on my saliva. I didn't know what to say. It was all very new to me.


Ew, cringey. Princess is better than that word.


Haha, u r cute princess. Sleep tight n dream of me;)

I'll pick u up tom. Goodnight babygirl;)


Yikes CringeX100.

Goodnight Kook:)

With that our chat ended. I couldn't believe what just happened. Although for people of my age, it would be nothing but I was very unfamiliar to these things. Without thinking any further, I put my phone away and slept.

I woke up to the sound of that idiotic alarm. I dragged my feet to the bathroom, got freshened up, wore a yellow dress reaching my knee and black boots. Black boots were my favourites and I just can't imagine my outfit without them. I had a final look at myself in the mirror and headed down. I never had breakfast at home, I would have breakfast at the workplace canteen. As soon as I got down, I saw my mom look up at me and smirk. I didn't understand why and that is when my dad spoke.

"Go Y/nie, you boyfriend is waiting for you!", and they both started laughing and teasing me. I hurriedly went out and saw him waiting for me outside his car. He was wearing all balck. Head to Toe all Black. We greeted each other, he complimented me and we drove off to work.

The days were going exceptionally good. I was working with Namjoon. He was really a very nice and responsible person. We worked together and the project did great. Weeks passed. On the other hand, Jungkook and I grew a lot more close. He also had a shoot for a local magazine which was also a success. Me and Jungkook went on cute dates here and there. Mostly we would go to the Korean càfe run by Yoongi. He was one of a kind. He was very lazy off work. But when he is working you would never find him lethargic. He loved to work. He had some real good cooking skills. Because of me, Namjoon and Jungkook also grew close. One day, I figured out that it won't be wrong if we name Namjoon, The God Of Destruction. We were at Yoongi's càfe and we four sat down at a table and were having small talks and were laughing. Yoongi talked about one of his embarrassing childhood stories and we bursted out laughing. On the other hand, Joon started banging on the table with his hands formed into a fist. After a while, everything put on the table fell and the table broke. He loves breaking things. Since then, we call him The God Of Destruction. Like that months passed, and it was the time of my birthday. That birthday I received such a gift that I never expected.