"Hey Joon, what should I do? I really wanna take my mind out of these things. If I live here any longer, I won't be able to move on. Those memories will be stuck in my head forever.", I said as a deep sigh escaped my mouth.

"I already told you about the vacancy that we have in the South Korean branch Y/n. I talked to the HR Manager and he said he can transfer you there.", Namjoon spoke. I thought about it and it seemed to be a great opportunity for me. This way I would get to explore a different country, get my head off these things that happened few months back and also as far as I know, they will increase my salary too.

Without any further delay, I agreed to Namjoon's offer and started preparing for a new life. For the rest of the week, I worked at the same place as I was about to move out at the month end and this was the last week. I didn't go to work the last days of the month and Namjoon said that he was really busy with some work at the company but he said that he would see me off at the airport.

"Did you take everything that you need sweetheart? Don't forget to take all essentials with you.", my mothers voice interrupted me. I was busy packing my bags. My mom walked into my room and sat at the edge of the bed. "I took everything I need mom. The only two essentials that I'm leaving behind are you and dad.", I said as I saw my mom tearing up. It would be my very first time being alone in a different country, without them.

After I was done packing and was ready to leave, I called Joon as he and Yoongles planned on dropping me to the airport. They asked me if they can accompany me to the airport, and I just couldn't agree more. After a few minutes, Joonie and Yoongi pulled up at the front of my house. My parents stood at the door while they watched me stuff my luggage in the boot of Joon's car. I bid my farewell to my parents and went off with them.

On reaching the airport, that was one hour away from where I lived, the two sweet friends of mine helped me with the heavy luggage. I hugged them and thanked them for everything they did for me till now. We promised to meet soon. With that we parted ways and just hoped to meet each other soon.

It had been more than two hours we were flying and we had few more hours to go. I thought of taking a quick nap, but that quick nap lasted for four hours. I woke up to the voice a cabin crew member announcing that we should fasten our seatbelts as the flight was going to land. Upon hearing that, I could feel my body tense up. My palms started sweating and I was nervous. A wave of anxiety rushed through my body, as I didn't know how the people here would be, I didn't even know how to speak Korean. I was tensed. It took just seven to eight minutes and the plane landed. I was literally the last passenger to unboard the flight.

While waiting for the luggages to arrive, my eyes landed on a very fine looking man with four other men in uniform which seemed to be his bodyguards. He didnt notice me, but I did. He was tall, handsome, had sleek black hair that were covering his forehead, and his dress sense was out of this world. He looked sooo fine. I was brought out of my trance when I heard the other passengers waiting for their luggages talk.

"Gosh, isn't that Kim Taehyung? He's soo fine. Damn!"

"This is my first time seeing him this close. I'd pass out anytime."

"Omo, omo, Kim Taehyung!!! He's sooo hot."

"Was he in the same plane as us??"

"Might have been in the business class!"

I heard their conversation and was thinking about what he had to do in Singapore. I took my luggages and walked out. Namjoon being a very responsible brother like friend, he already had everything prepared for me. He booked a cab and also he rented a flat for me to live. So currently, I was on my way to the new flat that Namjoon rented for me. During the ride, only one thing was on my mind.

Kim Taehyung.

I reached my new home in no time and paid the driver. By the small talk that I and Joon had while coming to the airport, I remember that he said my flat was on the seventh floor. I took the lift and soon entered my new home. It was a decent flat with one bedroom, one bathroom, a small kitchen, a balcony attached to the living room and a study. I examined the whole place and finally plopped myself on the bed. The mattress was fluffy and I immediately drove off to sleep.

After a good three hours sleep, I woke up with a slight headache. So I planned on making myself some coffee but as soon as I went to the kitchen I realised I had no grocery at my house. I quickly changed my clothes, wore a plain white t-shirt and black sweatpants, and headed to the nearby grocery store. As I was walking through the various sections I heard two male voices, whispering. They were bickering, almost at the verge of kicking each other's asses off. Being an utterly curious person I slowly walked towards the noise and like a creep I peeped through the shelves. I saw a tall and handsome man almost ready to throw hands at the short and cute boy standing beside him.

"He doesn't like that flavour hyung!", the shorter one said. His eyes were not so big and had plump lips, which looked very kissable.

"He likes mango jams I know. Don't teach me.", the taller one fought back. His lips were also plump and his shoulders, DUDE!.

"I'm telling you hyung Taetae doesn't like mango jams. He likes the strawberry ones.", the younger one said.

"Ok fine. So we are taking both. Mango jam as well as the strawberry ones and then we'll see which one Taehyung chooses.", the older said and put both the jars of jam in the basket and they walked away.

Taehyung. This name kept bugging me for no reason at all. Was this model named Taehyung the same person these two guys were talking about, I thought to myself. I bought all the things that I needed and headed back home.

It was currently five p.m. in South Korea. I made myself a cup of coffee and was sitting at the balcony when again this Taehyung guy popped up in my head. I couldn't understand why I was thinking about him but his name seemed to have stuck in ny head. I was sipping coffee when it clicked my mind. Namjoon said that an international model from the same agency that I work in was coming to Singapore for a day. He had some shoot there. Namjoon also mentioned that he was arriving from South Korea at the month end and that this model was well recognized in South Korea. Connecting all the dots, I assumed that this Taehyung guy was the same person that visited Singapore for his shoot. I was reading a magazine when I came across a page filled with images of three models from the same company that I work at. Among those three models, the one in the middle was KIM TAEHYUNG. I gulped hard when I read the article and what I thought turned out to be exactly correct. He was the one that went to the Singapore branch for shoot. Upon thinking that, I realised that we both will be working under the same roof.

It was saturday and being new to this place I had nothing to do. My date of joining was from monday. So I had today and tomorrow to explore the area. It was 2 p.m. and I thought of going for a walk in the evening. I was watching T.V. when I got a call from my mom. We chatted for about forty minutes. We talked about the weather and the people here. I also told her about this Taehyung guy. She didn't tease me this time for she knew what I went through because of Jungkook. She knew I was broken.

I checked the time and it was already fifteen past six. I thought of going for a walk around the neighborhood. I was roaming around when I spotted a small park and went towards it. Few kids were running here and there aimlessly, whereas few elderly women were simply sitting and chatting. As I went further inside the park, I saw a couple, roaming around while holding hands. I stopped at my spot as memories of me and Jungkook flashed in front of my eyes. So deep in my thoughts, I didn't realise that I was standing in the middle of the pedestrian path. It was then when I felt someone bump hard into me making me fall on the ground. I close my eyes shut when my body hit the ground. I felt pain around my lower back and that is when I realised there lay a heavy body on top of me. I opened my eyes only to find a pair of beautiful eyes looking at me and the rest of the face was hidden under a face mask. Those eyes were very familiar. I didn't realise we were staring at each other when a voice called from behind.

"Yah Taehyungah!"

We both looked towards the direction of the voice and he hurriedly got up on his two, that is when I realised he was Kim Taehyung. I recognized the man that called him, he was the same man from earlier in the mall. He was followed by the shorter boy as well. That is when I realised that, the debate on Mango Jam and Strawberry Jam was because of Kim Taehyung.

What happened after that, left me in utter surprise.