This man standing right in front of me started blaming me instead of apologizing. I thought this Taehyung guy would be polite as he is a renound model, and knows how to behave nicely. But all that I expected was wrong. He was very arrogant and a rude person. He was the one that bumped into me and instead of apologizing to me, he straight blamed everything on me.

"Are you fucking blind? Can't you see?", that rude brat spat.

"You were the one that bumped into me Mister. You should be sorry.", I spat back.

"Are you nuts? Who the fuck stands in the middle of a fucking pedestrian path out of nowhere. This is for walking and not just standing in the middle like a moron.", he yelled at me. By now all eyes were on us. Everyone was watching us. People didn't recognize him as he had a mask on. I was always a sensitive type of person, that hated it when someone yelled at them. I wasn't used to it, therefore at his sudden loud reaction, my eyes were a bit teary. I still tried to maintain my composure so that he doesn't feel that he had an impact on me or I was weak.

"How can someone be so rude? It was all your fault. You landed on me like a fucking flying moron and now you say that-", I was cut off when a very angelic voice from Taehyung's back spoke.

"I am sorry Miss. You had to go through all these because of him. I am saying sorry on behalf of him.", the shorter guy said while sending glares to that Taehyung moron.

With that, he came and grabbed Taehyung moron by his arms and pulled him away with him. I was about to walk away when a voice interrupted.

"He's actually not a bad guy but it's just that he doesn't know how to be polite. He is a bit cold at heart and doesn't show emotions much. I know it's late but I'll teach him.", I stood there listening to everything that the older guy said but I didn't respond and walked away without looking back.

Could my second day at a new country get any better? I already had a fight with this moron model and from overmorrow I will be under the same roof as him for fucking 8 hours for he was modelling for the same company that I was working with.

It was already Monday, and the thought of being in the same building with the moron model was eating me up alive. I somehow dragged my body to the bathroom, did my morning routine, had some cereals for breakfast and headed to work. I was wearing a simple knee-length dress of light blue colour with a pair of BLACK BOOTS~~ I told ya, I love black boots.

Upon reaching the company building, my eyes were wide open. The building was huge, like literally huge. I was kinda happy as I thought that me and Taehyung moron would be at different ends of the building and the chances of us crossing path would be slim. I walked inside and was greeted by a smiley receptionist. I told her that I am here as the new stylist and got transfered from the Singapore branch. She went through a few documents and said that I have to start with work immediately as there was an important shoot coming up for one of the top three models of the comapny and I would be the one assissting and styling him. She said that I would find him on the twelfth floor in room number seven.


After that incident at that park, I couldn't take the thoughts about her out of my mind. I have always been cold and rarely showed emotions towards anyone but this time I don't know why, when I saw tears in her eyes when I yelled at her that day at the park, it affected me. This has never happened before. Her eyes were so beautiful. One could easily tell that she was sensitive. She didn't like it when someone yelled at her. Her lips. OH GOD! So juicy and kissable. The way her lips moved when she was talki- Ugh Taehyung No! You can't! You can't have soft spot for anyone. I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't realise that the telephone on my table was ringing. The ring brought me out of my trance and I picked the call.

"Yeboseyo?", I spoke.

"Uh, Taehyungssi! The new stylist that we told you about, she has arrived and she will be assissting you till the project gets over.", the receptionist spoke.

"Ok.", I replied shortly and cut the call.

These guys informed me that there is a stylist that got transferred from the Singapore branch and she will be the one styling and assissting me for the nascent shoot. Just then, I heard a knock on my door.

"Come in!", I said.

The door slowly opened and I looked up. There stood my manager, Mr. Choi.

"Taehyungah, your shoot will start from 5th december and today is already 27th november. We have to hurry things now so-", I cut him mid-sentence.

"The receptionist called me just now and said that the stylist that got transferred has arrived. So don't worry I guess, she'll manage everything I hope.", I said, to which he nodded.

"And also Tae-", he was speaking and I cut him off again.

"Mr. Choi you may leave. I have a headache and I don't wanna talk.", I said, might have sounded a bit rude but I don't care. With that, he walked out and closed the door behind him.

A few seconds after he left the room I heard a soft knock on the door. I was frustrated by now, so I yelled.

"What is it?!....Don't you unders-", I stopped mid sentence when the door slowly opened and I saw her. The same girl from the park the other day. She had her eyes fixed on the ground, maybe she was scared?

"Ohh, umm, how may I help you?", I asked politely.


When I turned back and started walking away from the reception, I looked back and saw the receptionist calling someone. I guessed she called the model that I'll be styling to inform that I arrived. With a slight hesitation, I walked towards the lift and boarded it. I remember the receptionist saying twelfth floor and room number seven.

I reached the twelfth floor and searched for room number seven. As I was walking in the hallway, I spotted a man come out of a room. I looked at the number plate on the door and it said seven. I softly knocked on the door and heard the same voice from that day and my whole world seemed to stop.

"What is it?", someone yelled and I immediately recognized who it was. It was none other than moron model Taehyung. After two seconds or so he started yelling again when I opened the door.

"Don't you unders-", he stopped mid-sentence and I could feel his eyes on me. I didn't dare look up at him.

"Ohh, umm, how may I help you?", he asked politely. POLITELY. That is when I looked up and our eyes met.

"Uh, I- I'm yo-your new s-stylist. I'll be ass-assissting you from n-now.", I said while stuttering like a child. He could easily understand that I was nervous and might be scared as well? He was looking at me and didn't say a word for good seconds.

"Huh?!", he said with his eyes wide open. "Ohh, umm, ok then. Uhh- umm, let's uhh fuck! No! I mean let's get started with the work! Yeah?! Haha.", he said and laughed awkwardly. IT WAS AWKWARD.

With that he guided me to the couch, where we sat and discussed about various ideas. Out of all the other stylists in the company why it has to be me? And even if it is me, why does it have to be him out of the three models? GOD! UGH! All the time that I was sitting there with him, in his room, my eyes would automatically fall on his face. I tried so hard to not look at him but seems like my actions were controlled by my heart and my heart, did want to see him. His coffee brown eyes, gosh, so beautiful. I was drowning in them. His voice was so deep and his hands, better not talk about it as it could easily do the job of the best and the most expensive choker. They were long and pointy. He had broad shoulders and his hair was sleek black that covered his forehead. For a moment Jungkook's face flashes in front of my eyes. Even he had fringes that would cover almost all of his forehead. I quickly shrugged off all the thoughts and focussed back on the discussion.


I could easily tell that she was stealing glances at me. Everyone does when they are around me, and I used to get annoyed. But this time? This time I didn't get annoyed, rather I was flustered? What The Fuck?! How?! Why was it so difficult for me to get annoyed by her? Why couldn't I put her where I always put other people? Why was I failing now?

All these questions and thoughts were rushing though my mind when she spoke.

"I guess this should be fine. I'll tell the designers to get it done within three days.", she spoke. Her voice is so sweet. Her voice sounded as if having a cup of hot chocolate on a winter morning, or should I say finally getting a peaceful sleep after a tiring day! It was so soothing.

"Yes. That's fine.", I replied and she asked for leave. She left the room and I was attacked by my thoughts again. I knew what I had to do in order to not catch feelings for her. I knew I had to behave rude and arrogant towards her although I didn't want to do that. I honestly don't know what is waiting for me in the future, but one thing I know for sure is that Love Hurts.