It has just been three days I am working here, and I already feel like I have known these people my entire life. They are so good and friendly, except for one.

Moron Model Taehyung.

I, for once thought about what that older guy, who is moron model Taehyung's friend, said to me at the park the other day. I really thought he was a good person who just don't know how to show emotions, but I was wrong. UTTERLY WRONG.

"Excuse me Sir! The designs are ready. I just want-", I was cut off mid-sentence again. I don't know what is the exact problem with this man, but whatever it is, he just always gets in my nerve.

"Yeah fine. Just keep it here and leave.", he spoke while pointing towards the wooden table.

I placed the file on his table, it had at least seven to eight costume designs, out of which he had to select one. I just really don't understand why he has to behave like that always. Can't he be less arrogant and rude at least for one minute? I have never seen him smile or talk to someone politely. I know it has been just three days, but a normal person would at least smile once in a day right, may that be any reason?


It has just been three days and I already am having a soft spot for her. Everytime I see her, I feel like embracing her and never letting her go. I wanna have her in my arms, but again, I am afraid to fall in love. What if she leaves me? What if she doesn't love me? What if I get cheated on again?


It was already seven months we were dating. She was never so affectionate, but I was okay with that. I loved her and she was with me, it was all that mattered. I planned on surprising her, so I thought visiting her house would be great.

I was on my way to her house when I saw a flower shop. I knew she loved Jasmine, so I thought of getting her a bouquet. With that I headed to her house.

I always had a spare key that she gave me saying that I am her boyfriend and I have the right to have the spare key to her house and said that she trusted me. So using that, I opened the door and went inside. While on my way to upstairs, I could hear some sort of weird noises. My body tensed up.

I went near to her bedroom from where the sound was coming and turned the doorknob. The sight in front of me broke my heart into millions of pieces. The girl that I loved with all my heart, my first love, Eunji was making out with my closest friend, Jungkook.

They both already knew each other as their families were in the same business. Both their fathers were close allies in the mafia business and after their father, it was them who were supposed to carry it on. But I knew that they never liked it. Eunji once said that she wants to go away from all these things and about Jungkook, ofcourse he wanted that too. Me and Jungkook grew up together and I knew him well, but maybe not as well to know that, I will one day find him on my girlfriend's bed.

"Taehyung!", Eunji spoke, her eyes wide.

"Hyung! I- I ca-", Jungkook was speaking when Eunji cut him off.

"Tae li-listen baby. I- I am so-sorr-", this time, I cut her mid-sentence.

"First thing first, don't baby me! And secondly, what are you saying sorry for huh?! You literally just turned out to be a fucking whore. You knew that he is my best friend and yet you did this?!", I was fuming with rage. Anger was clearly visible in my eyes. "And you Jeon Jungkook! I never knew you would betray me like this. You knew that I loved her. All the times that I talked to you about her, you were just doing these filthy things behind my back?!", I yelled. I was really hurt and then, soon a single drop of tear rolled down my left cheek. I was obviously hurt because Eunji cheated on me, but the fact that it was my best friend, I couldn't stand it anymore. Jungkook's deeds hurt me more than that of Eunji.

"Hyung I am really sorry. I just couldn't control myself anymore. I have always liked Eunji but I never told you as I knew that you loved her, but I just couldn't see you both together anymore. And Eunji fell out of love Hyung! She doesn't love you anymore. She lov-", he was speaking but I just couldn't take it anymore, and I cut him off.

"She fell out of love?", I said while chuckling bitterly. "She probably never loved me at the first place.".

"I am really sorry Taehyung. I did love you, but Jungkook told me that he is leaving the country for good and even I don't wanna stay here, so we were discussing about all these things for few weeks now and we grew close. It all happened so sudden that even I didn't understand my emotions. I am sorry Taetae, but I am leaving with Jungkook.", she spoke.

"All the best for your life ahead.", I said with a fake smile plastered on my face. With that I turned around on my heels and walked out of her house. I could hear them calling my name, but I didn't look back for once.

I walked back to my house. I was broken. I cried my heart out that night. Out of all the men in this world, why it has to be my best friend that I grew up with. Eunji was my first love. She was different than all the other girls that I had met, that is what at least I thought in the begining. But turns out, she is just like those other sluts that will leave once they are done.

I changed. I have always been an arrogant person, but this time I turned into someone that I never expected. I completely changed. I turned into a very rude person. I never liked women after that. Women disgusted me. Wherever I would go, these sluts would give me seductive looks for I knew all they wanted was my money and just an one night stand.

After few months, I came to know that Jungkook and Eunji tried to escape, but they met with an accident and Eunji died. I never heard from Jungkook after that. No one found Eunji's body so what they assumed was Jungkook somehow managed to survive the crash but Eunji was burnt to ashes when the car blasted.


I find Y/n different from other girls. She somewhat is like Eunji, few of her habits resemble Eunji in a way, but I guess she isn't a whore like her. I sometimes see pain in her eyes.

I don't know why but, at moments I feel like I would do anything for having her in my arms and the other moment, I feel like pushing her away for I am afraid that I will be heart broken again.


After work, while heading home, I bumped into someone. That someone turned out to be moron model Taehyung's short friend. As soon as our eyes met, he smiled at me. His smile was really cute. His eyes would completely vanish when he smiled, making him look cuter than ever.

"Ohh hey! I am sorry. I actually was busy on my phone!", he spoke. He has voice of an angel.

"Umm, it's okay.", I said while picking up my purse that was now on the ground.

"By the way, is Taehyung being a jerk towards you or is he behaving a bit different around you?", he asked with a slight smirk on his face. I guessed moron model Taehyung must have told him about me.

"Uh- why would he behave different towards me? He's just so rude to everyone.", I said with annoyance at the thought of how moron model Taehyung treats everyone.

"Ooww, seems like he's palying it hard. Okay. No problem. He'll soon be different towards you.", he said while smiling mischievously.

"And what do you mean by playing hard?", I asked while raising one eyebrow.

"Uhh it's nothing. By the way, my name is Jimin.", he said and extended his right hand for a handshake. I returned his gesture and replied.

"I am Y/n."

"I already know. Anyway, see you later. Gotta go. Bye.", he said and left.

I stood there dumbfounded for a while, thinking what he meant by playing hard. With that I walked back home.

EXPLANATION OF THE CHAPTER (if you are confused)

I don't know if anyone has any doubt but still here's the explanation.

Remeber in the very first chapter when Jungkook and Y/n were on their way to Yoongi's càfe, Y/n said that she doesn't have many friends and all these things. That time Jungkook said that he also a very close friend in South Korea that is like her, but there was a slight difference in them, that is, his friend is arrogant but Y/n is polite.

That time Jungkook was referring to Taehyung. Taehyung was dating Eunji but Jungkook and Eunji ended up betraying Taehyung. They tried to escape but that car crash happened and Jungkook somehow survived, but Eunji's body wasn't found. Jungkook basically being a jerk he left Eunji alone there and she was taken to the hospital by the locals that nobody knew. Eunji begged them to not tell where she was. So after everything was fine, she also moved to Singapore where Jungkook was already living after escaping from South Korea.