Sabrina's POV
After that incident, I felt like Red avoided me. Not that we're that close but I'm not just used to him being silent and cold towards me. It went on for days, I don't want to make a big fuss out of it but I can't help but think why he's being like that.
Now, it's our Acquaintance party. The program started with a speech from our College Dean. He talked about the College Mission and Vision and the future of our College. He also encouraged that now is the time to get to know one another. Lastly, he commended the officers for a job well done for a successful party.
Dinner time came and the food was superb, even Louise is all praises with it. The program went well. There are intermission numbers in between that entertained us until the host announced to take off our masquerade masks and we will do a count down. It was an exciting moment for everyone. Shock and laughter filled the venue when we all took off our masquerade masks. We were allowed to roam around and socialize with others. Lively music started playing and many went to the dance floor and enjoyed the music with friends.
Louise excuse herself for a moment so I was left there with some of the girls but later on the girls went to the dance floor too. I checked my phone and saw messages from my parents. They are asking if I'm okay and reminded me to enjoy the night. I want to text them that I want to go home already but they might think that I'm not really happy with this so I just refrain myself from texting them.
The music started to get loud so I stood up and decided to go out for a while. I am heading to the exit door when someone blocked my way. He was in a formal suit and I can't see his face because his Masquerade mask is still on.
I avoided him and took a step on my right and was about to walk past him when he removed his mask.
"Eric?" I said when I recognized him.
"Yes, the one and only. Where are you going? I hope you're not going home yet!" Eric said.
"Nope, just going outside for a while."
"Ah okay. I'll go with you then" he said and walked with me.
The garden's landscape is spectacular. There are beautiful benches near it so we decided to sit there.
"By the way, you look dashing tonight," he said and smiled at me genuinely.
"Thanks" I awkwardly said as I'm not used to any compliments.
"I believe this is your first time attending right?" I nodded at him.
"So how was it?" he curiously asked me.
"It's okay. i enjoyed it and I must say the food was great" I said which made him laughed.
"Really? just the food?" he said and looked at me amused at what he had just heard.
I just laughed at him. We were silent for a while when Eric suddenly talked.
"By the way, I'm sorry about how Red reacted the last time you did your report. He's sometimes sensitive or emotional especially when it's about family" I looked at Eric and I saw how concern he is to Red.
I suddenly remember how Red talked to his Dad at the parking explaining himself but his Dad didn't believe him.
"I didn't mean to pry but is he from a broken family?" I said out of curiosity.
"Well, you can say that. We were in high school when his mother died and he quite blamed himself for that," he said with a hint of sadness in his voice.
"I see, but why is he blaming himself?"
" I think that's not my story to tell. I'm sorry but maybe Red was just stressed that day or something happened that's why he reacted that way." Eric said as he explained Red's side.
"Of course, I would understand, it's a family matter and I respect that'" I said assuring him that it's okay.
He nodded at me and smiled.
"Well--" Eric's cellphone suddenly rang so he excused himself.
"Yow?" Eric said as he answered the call "I'm just here outside". He was silent for a while and seemed to be listening to what was being said on the other line.
Instead of listening to their conversation, I tried to keep myself busy by checking my phone when I heard Eric mentioned my name.
"I'm with Sabrina. Yeah, I'll be there in a few!" I heard Eric said before ending the call.
"Red is looking for me and I can't leave you here alone. Let's go back?" he said and then stood up.
"No, you go ahead. I'll be okay here" I rejected his offer but he is eager to let me go with him. He even reminded me that it's our acquaintance party so I was supposed to meet and gain friends. He also mentioned that he will introduce me to their friends.
Thinking that Louise might be looking for me too so I just said yes and followed him.
Eric took me to where Red was sitting. With him, are some familiar faces but I only know Clara. Hoping to see Louise, I kept looking around but I couldn't find her.
"Hi, I'm Lawrence, you're Sabrina, right? I must say you look lovely tonight" said a guy in his white long sleeves and the first two buttons on his top are loosened up already.
"Thank you. Nice to meet you, Lawrence" I awkwardly smiled at him. Some introduced themselves but I couldn't hear their names well as the music is too loud. Lawrence offered me his seat and I abruptly decline but he put his hands on my shoulder and guided me to sit.
"Leave her alone, Lawrence. If she doesn't want to sit, then let her be" Red said coldly, the reason I looked at him and saw his dark expression. Even his voice brings an angry note.
What's wrong with him? If he has issues with me or with Yuseff, he should talk to us rather than giving us cold treatment. I'm not asking him if we could be friends or give his attention to me but what I'm trying to say is that he can confront me. It's just so sad that he's not like that. He chose to just avoid me rather than talking it out. Well, if that's his way of handling his problem, so be it. I must respect it.
Red doesn't want me here. I knew it would be a bad idea to join them.
"Let me take care of Sabrina, Red. I bet it's her first Acquaintance party so let's make it memorable, okay?" Lawrence said and grab a chair and sit beside me.
I didn't hear any reaction from Red after that.
Lawrence asked me a lot of questions. He also talked about how he ended up taking Civil Engineering. I'm not just comfortable because he has to whisper it to me. After all, the music is too loud for us to talk normally. We could hear but we have to shout so instead of doing that he has to whisper it to me.
I really want to go it's just that I don't know how to say it politely to Lawrence. Feeling hopeless, I looked at Eric who's busy with his phone. I hope he looked at my way just once but I noticed him stealing glances at Clara whose busy talking to Red.
I looked at Red and Clara and accidentally caught Red staring at me. I almost rolled my eyes at him. If he doesn't want to talk to me, then don't. Simple. I looked at Eric again and thankfully he looked at me. I think he got my message just by looking at me when I saw him stood up and walk towards me.
"You wanna dance, Sabrina. Let's go?" he said and gently took my hand and I hurriedly stood up.
I politely excused myself to the others, but I didn't bother to look at Red. What for, right?
"Thank you," I said and let out a sigh of relief. Eric chuckled at my reaction.
"Lawrence did give you a hard time, huh?" Eric said as we walked.
"You can say that, but it's bearable" and I smiled at him. "Anyway, you can go back now. I think I have to go home. Thank you"
Eric offered to accompany me while I wait for our driver but I assured him that I'll be okay at our table. He nodded and then said his goodbye.
"Sabrina, where have you been?" Louise asked me, she's on our assigned table and now with some girls around her.
"Sorry, did you look for me?" I apologized. Louise introduced me to her newfound friends and invited me to dance with them but I politely decline that I'll be going home already. I said goodbye and then went out.
I'm happy that Louise found new friends.
I shivered when the cold breeze hugged me the moment I went outside. I was heading to one of the benches where I sat earlier when I felt someone walking behind me. I stopped and looked back.
It's Red. We made eye contact but I avoided his gaze immediately.
He's alone, thinking that he's heading to the benches as well. I slowly stepped back. I can't stay there. He's been avoiding me this past few days and I don't want to bring it up to him anymore. So, I tried to walk past him when he suddenly blocked me.
"Can we talk?" he said as he studied my face like he could find the answer there "Please?"