"Exploration, babe." I answered Yuri's question.

"Oh, you two did it?" She asked the two casually.

"I always knew it! Mav is too wild." She added.

"Oh that's what they're talking about." Cleo-unni spoke out of the blue.

"Wait, you didn't know?" Mav-unni asked the dimpled lady.

"No." She answered truthfully.

"Since we're all talking about this. Put your hands on the table if you have reached second base." Mav-unni spoke. All of us put our hands on the table except Den-unni.

We all looked at her, hoping for some explanation.

"What? I don't have anyone." She retorted.

"Put your hands on the table if you're still clean and untouched." Only Mav-unni and Kath didn't put their hands on the table.

"So, who leads?" We exchanged looks between the two red-cheeked ladies.

They exchanged glances before the both of them pointed at Mav-unni.

"Oh!" Jay replied playfully.

"Put your hands at the table if you lead the intimate session." Jay, Mav-unni, and I put our hands on the table.

"I'm surprised to know that Yuri doesn't lead that." Jay spoke.


"She knows a lot of things about those. She's the one who taught me about it." I eyed the innocent-looking lady beside me.

"What?" I shook my head at her.

"Yuri's wild." I joked. She hit my arm after I said it.

"Don't tell lies." She rolled her eyes earning a pit of laughter from the whole squad.

"This one right here…" Yuri pointed me.

"She's wild." She said and pulled down her hood exposing her marked neck. The others looked shocked.

"You're no different." I said and did the same.

"You two are wild." Kath spoke.

"Said by the one who did it already." We all laughed at CL's line.

"Do it too so you won't be bitter anymore." Kath replied.

The whole vacant time was spent like that. We talked and laughed again like the old days.

I seriously miss being in high school. Though our squad chose this university so we'll be together, wearing our high school's uniform is still one of the best. I miss the days when Yuri and I will sleep while doing a video call. She became busier as the days go by.

Just like now.

"I'll be stopping by DYP building for the comeback meeting." She spoke after I sat on the driver's seat.

"Sure. Shall I pick you up later?" I asked.

"No need." She replied while typing on her phone.

"Nayeon-unni wants me to work with her too." Yuri spoke.

"Who's this group anyway?" I never heard of the new DYP group yet.

"It's SMG. DYP's best selling girl group, their contract will end soon too." She answered.

"What group will you work with at UG?" I asked again.

"The Bluepunk-unni's." She replied casually.

"At UM?"

"Rye Ven-unni's Ririn & Sol tandem." She answered.

She got a lot of artist to work with. I hope she doesn't forget her health as she work.

"Don't forget to eat as you do things." I reminded her which she replied with a hum.

I stopped by DYP building's entrance and she kissed me before stepping out of the car. I watched her enter before heading home.

I'll probably spend my night alone in my room while reading those boring business books.

I opened the gate for myself and parked the car at the garage. The house is still silent as ever. My brothers are in their rooms. Mom is out of town.

"Harri!" I turned my head before I walk upstairs. It's my cousin, Lane.

"What do you need?" I asked her.

"Let's go out." She said while smiling widely.

"Not today, Lane. I'll do some reading." I answered and proceeded upstairs.

"Oh come on! Did your girl made you do that?" I turned and faced her midway the staircase.

"No, why would she even? She's not like your idiot ex-boyfriend." I replied. She just rolled her eyes.

"Hmm'kay fine. Go rot with your books." I chuckled at her answer and ran to my room.

After changing my clothes, I sat on my swivel chair and opened one of my thick books.

I tried to read for almost an hour but nothing comes to my mind.

"Argh!" I closed the book and flopped my head down the table.

I hate this.

I searched for my phone and turned it on. Yuri messaged me, telling me she'll probably go home by dawn or by morning.

I typed my reply and pressed the send button.

I heaved a sigh before calling Lane.


"Let's go out."

"Here by your door."

I rolled my eyes as I heard her say that. I stood and went to my closet. I picked a plain cap and my shoes.

As soon as I finished, I grabbed my phone and my wallet by the table before heading out.

"What made you change your mind?" Lane asked me.

"Nothing comes to my mind." I simply answered.

We started walking in silence.

"Where are we going anyway?" I asked Lane.

"Dad's company." Lane spoke and clung unto me. Her father owns DYP Entertainment.

"What are we gonna do there?" I asked her again.

"I missed dancing." I just nodded at her.

She used to upload dance covers way back high school. But since she stepped into college she declared an indefinite hiatus from her channel. It has been almost 4 years since she last uploaded a video, I think.

"Don't you miss it too?" She asked me.

"Of course, I miss it." I quickly replied.


It helped me in a lot of ways. From gaining my confidence to fixing my health.

I was diagnosed with obesity when I was in fifth grade. Dancing helped me get into shape along with my proper diet. And when I reached high school, I joined the baseball team.

"What about volleyball?" I replied with a hum. We still play volleyball whenever we have time.


"Kind of. It has been 7 years since I last played baseball." I replied and smiled as soon as I remember Yuri, wearing my baseball jersey.

"What's with the smile?"

"I just remembered something." I replied.

Soon after we reached the building. Employees greet us and we just bow at them. Lane immediately pressed a button at the elevator as soon as we hopped in.

She have her own practice room inside this building and it's at the same floor as the meeting rooms.

"Let's go!" Lane pulled me out of the elevator and ran to the practice room. Only her, knows the room's passcode.

"At last!" She opened the door and turned the lights on.

The room is painted in navy blue and the lights at the whole ceiling is shaped like 'LANE'.

"Let's take a look at this." She showed me her phone and a dance practice video of a certain idol.

After studying the routine, we tried to dance to it.

I let my body become one with the beat and made my expression match the power of my moves.

Just like that, I felt my other self being alive once again.