After almost three hours of dancing, we sat down.

"I miss this." She spoke and drank her energy drink.

I stared at my reflection in the mirror and smiled. My other side is awake again.

I suddenly remembered my own practice room at the house. After graduating from Senior High School, I haven't stepped inside it again.

"Let's do this thing more and record a new dance cover." She said as she lended her hand to me.

I gladly agreed and in no time, we finished the dance cover.

"I'll upload this soon." She stated. Me, featuring in her dance covers isn't the first time.

I took my phone and glanced at the time. It's almost 10 in the evening.

"Let's eat, I'm starving." I heard my stomach growl.

"Sure!" She picked up her things and both of us headed out the room. She made sure it was locked before we walked away.

At the same time, I saw Yuri stepped out of one of the meeting rooms with SMC trio. I smiled and pulled Lane.

"Hey…" I greeted her. She looked surprised when she saw me.

"Hey! What are you doing here?" She asked and gave me her handkerchief. Probably to wipe my sweat.

"Lane pulled me here." I pointed the girl standing beside me.

"Hello, Yurisses!" Lane greeted her. They fist bumped and smiled.

"Come with us for dinner." One of the members of SMC spoke.

"Sure, Tzuyu-unni!" Lane replied immediately. Perks of being the CEO's daughter, she's close to every artist under the label.

The six of us entered the elevator. I was just silent the whole time which is kind of unusual for Yuri, I guess. She kept squeezing my hand.

"You okay?" She asked me worriedly.

"Yeah, just hungry." My stomach growled making all of them laugh.

We headed out of the building and they even argued where we'll eat.

"Let's go for barbeque!" Yuri suggested making the others stop.

"Let's go!" The trio wore their masks as we walk. We stumbled with some of their obsessed fans along the way.

"They're a pain in the ass somtimes." Dahyun-unni spoke as she removed her mask, when we entered the barbeque house.

After ordering the food, we talked about some things.

"What are your plans after the contract?" Lane asked the three. They're on their 7th year at the company.

"This will be your last comeback, right?" Yuri asked too. I was just listening the whole time.

"Yeah, if ever we don't sign the contract again. This will be the last one…" Dahyun-unni answered.

"However, we're planning to continue. Just like SM's Red Velvet. They're on their 9th year already. We want to prove that SMC can break the 7-year-curse when it comes to girl groups." Dahyun-unni proudly spoke. Chaeyoung-unni and Tzuyu-unni nodded with her.

"Speaking of Red Velvet, I am yet to come to have a meeting with them too as well as Blackpink." Yuri butted in.

She'll be very, very busy. Aside from those groups, it's also her last year in college. She'll be graduating soon.

"I heard that Red Velvet's Irene-unni and Seulgi-unni are to announce their relationship too." Chaeyoung-unni commented.

It has been three years since the whole nation finally accepted the LGBTQ+ community. After that, many rumours between girl groups and boy groups members. But the fans didn't take it hard and instead they showed positive reponses with it. Many idols announced their relationship since then.

"Oh yeah, I heard that too. I think they were in a relationship since their trainee days." Yuri replied.

How do they know these things? I listened intently to them.

"Some rumours aired last month, about Irene-unni and Seulgi-unni." Tzuyu-unni spoke too.

Our talk was cut when the food came but immediately went back to the topic.

"Some said that the two are actually married already. They had a private ceremony with just their parents and the members as well as their close friends." Tzuyu-unni added.

If it was a private ceremony, how did they know it?

"How did you know that?" Lane asked, looking confused like me.

"Some fans saw them went out of that certain place." I internally nodded with Tzuyu-unni's answer.

"Oh! I can't wait for their announcement." Lane replied.

"What about you, Tzuyu-unni?" Yuri asked.

"Me?" The said woman pointed at herself.

"Yes, you. When will you reveal your relationship with Sana-unni?" Yuri eyed Tzuyu-unni intently.

"Soon." Tzuyu-unni just smiled.

Our talk flowed smoothly though I'm just listening to them. They seriously know about a lot of things regarding some idol's life. Their dating issues, the behind cams, and also the idol's habits.

It made me realize something. Once you enter the show business, there's no getting out. Even if you say that you have your private life, cameras will follow you everywhere.

"Anyway, have you seen the latest pictures published by StoryLenses?" Lane asked.

StoryLenses, the popular company that makes money through pictures. They also release photos that might start any issue regarding the idols.

"Which one?" Yuri immediately took a hold of her phone.

"The one with the Blackpink members." Lane replied.

"What with those unnis?" Chaeyoung-unni asked.

"Two members were seen making out but it's blurred." How did they know it if it was blurred?

"They were seen outside the YG building." Lane added.

Yuri soon joined the gossip. All of them are taking their guesses about the two members.

"What about you?" Lane asked me.


"Who do you think these are?" She showed me the picture. It looked so familiar. Both of them were tall or maybe it was the blurred effect that made both of them tall.

"I don't know. I can't formulate a proper guess, the picture is way too blurred." I replied.

"But the way the other one dresses, it looks like it's Blackpink's Lalisa." I added and pointed the one leaning on the wall.

I have seen a lot of photos of that certain member everywhere. Her usual fashion is like mine so I'm really familiar by the way she dresses herself.

I face palmed when I heard them made a bet.

These ladies are seriously…

They even made me their witness, I can't do anything but nod at them.

"So who'll pay the bill?" The six of us looked at each other before we all shouted.

"Rock, paper, scissors!" All of us pulled our hand out.

"Oh come on!" Lane pouted as she lost. All five of us took out scissors but Lane pulled out paper.

"Just pay!" I nudged her making her roll her eyes at me.

We stood and paid by the counter before we walked out. It's almost midnight. We enjoyed talking while eating, I guess.

"See you, kids!" Dahyun-unni waved at the three of us as we parted ways.

"Let's drop Yuri off first." I suggested to Lane.

"Sure!" She immediately agreed.

The three of us walked silently. Only our footsteps made some noise.

Summer is ending, winter is near. It explains why the surrounding is starting to get cold. The wind blows, making our hair fly.

This is peace. I thought.