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I run and throw things behind me, so they don't catch me. Being used to them I know exactly what to do. I see a narrow lane that I walk down quickly. I run, my feet are tired but I keep going, I sweat so much that drops fall on the floor, I need to stop, my heart is beating too fast and I have no more air. My T-shirt is wet in the freezing weather, increasing, the goosebumps that have formed on my skin, I turn and see, two more behind me. They are not ready to let go of me.

I see a dark part in the alley. If I hide there, they will pass the part where I was hiding and search for me without knowing that they are chasing someone unseen. I start to laugh in my head as I imagine the scene. I run to the dark part of the alley and hide, they pass me without seeing me. I wipe my face and slowly catch my breath after the marathon I had just participated in. When I accidentally glue myself to the gravel wall, I knock down a group of small woods, causing a small noise.

- Fuck, I whisper.

- Hey guys ! You didn't hear a sound.

- No, you must have been dreaming.

- You never know, this kid is smart.

Me, kid? Moron goes. "Oh Lord, make sure I don't get caught," I said to myself.

- It's good, go! We continue to search elsewhere.

- Phew! I was hot !

Even if they are gone, I still remain hidden, they can pretend to leave to get me out of my hiding place. I'm not so stupid to let myself be like this, like an idiot.

Counting the seconds, I stand there for at least ten minutes and then decide to get out of my hiding place.

- Take your hand in the bag! One of my attackers exclaims.

- I told you she was smart. Another repeats, proud to have been right.

They surrounded me, these dirty men, who work for this scumbag that destroyed my life.

* What were you saying again? They catch you, that would mean you're an idiot. Idiot, said a voice in my head*

*The farm ! Always there at the wrong time *

* If I were you, I would look for a solution to throw them off, but since you're an idiot, you argue with me instead. *

* When I get out of this, you'll see ... *

* First you have to get out of it. See you *

They must not catch me or all my plans will collapse and all my suffering will be in vain. They will not have served any purpose. I can't let myself be fooled like this, I have to do it for them.

Looking at them, I counted six so a devious idea sprang up in my head. I look around and see a lot of wood and iron blocks.

"This time, you won't escape us," said the man who appeared to be the leader of their gang.

- We'll see.

The six approach me, I take an iron bar which is nearby. However, they know I cannot beat them, there are too many of them.

- She takes an iron bar, she thinks she can beat us with it. Their leader laughs.

They approach, I look everywhere ... When they come, everything happens in slow motion in my head. I see a very small space on the left side of their circle, I think I'm thin enough to fit through. When they are about to grab me, I notice luckily there is a puddle on the ground. I slide on it even though sliding the floor hurts my skin at the time, but that's okay. I leave the circle in which I was imprisoned. I take an iron bar that is next to me and hit one of my attackers hard then I run away.

I wonder why there was so much wood and iron in that alley.

* think about running away instead of thinking about it silly, resumes the voice in my head. *

* You're not wrong*

- Catch her! Their leader orders them.

- But chef and Thomas?

This must be the guy I hurt. Here we are again for a new marathon. I run quickly even though it tires me. I have to hold on a little longer and I will get there. But no luck, I slip on a rock and I fall. I hurt my knees and my body is covered in scratches, but that's not the most important thing. I get up immediately and start my sick race again. My opponents caught me a certain distance so I have to run even more. My breathing is choppy, I know I won't be able to hold out any longer, however I continue to run giving the best of myself, I don't even have time to appreciate the freshness and calm of the city.

* Do not run, think of the freshness and calm. When they kill you, don't worry, you can enjoy the peace *

* I hate when you're right *

* I know *

This little voice motivated me, I run and I see the place where I usually hide. I hold myself against a wall, they pass and this time I do not go out on the same side. I take another path and arrive in my home, my little cabin.

Today, I was hot. I have to find it and do it quickly.