
TRAINING PART 10: Mystery unfolds.

Thursday! Finally, I would get to know what the mystery lesson was. No need to mention again, that had been bothering me for the past two days. What could be weirder than bow and arrows that Tyler wanted to teach me? I’d rather not think about it. I would know in a few hours anyways. I woke up as usual, brushed my teeth, and went for breakfast. As I sat by the breakfast table, my friends arrived and sat by me.

Kaleb – Hey Ques.

Me – Hey.

Ryan – Hey where were you Tuesday?

Me – Tuesday… I was training.

Jace –We came by the training room when we were done, and you weren’t there.

Me – Oh my training isn’t there anymore.

They suddenly grew silent, almost too silent. I imagined all the questions popping up in their heads as I mentioned the change in training location. Unfortunately, none of them would dare ask.

Me – Guys, I need to go. I’ll see you all later.