Chapter 1

He's a tall person so I had to look up just to look at him and study his face. He has a face of a charming knight. His eyes are color brown and is a bit puffy. His nose is very pointy. His lips are pinkish that makes it a kissable lips. His face isn't that big. He's just so perfect in every way

"Wanna know my name?" He said while looking down at me and smiling. I was surprised by what he said and I'm sure he noticed that "I mean, you're staring at me so I thought you wanted to know my name" he added.

" Ahh" that was the only word that came out of my mouth.

" Anyway, I'm Hero Riverdale" he's still smiling when he said his name that made his eyes unseen.

"Elly Mae De Villa, transferee" and smiled at him and to his four other friends.

He was going to say something but was stopped because of a quick light that I think came from a cellphone. I saw his expression slowly change. He slowly frowned and lost his beautiful smile as he face the direction where the flash came from. I also looked to where he was looking. There I saw a girl holding a phone. She was the only one who was holding a phone among the girls around us. He walked towards the girl so I followed him with a gaze. The girl's face look so frightened.

Hero quickly snatched her phone and looked at her. "Who do you think you are to take pictures of me?? " he asked the girl and his anger was obvious in his tone. The girl couldn't answer him. I can see her hands trembling. "Delete it or I'll smash it until you can't use it anymore?" It was just a picture, what's wrong with that?

" A—" she opened her mouth and looked at her phone "I-I'll delete it just don't smash it" she said with a teary eyes. There was only at least 14 inches of distance between her and Hero so she was able to catch it when he threw it at her. She quickly run towards the exit of the entrance and Hero walked away from me and towards the square table beside the window. The other boys and some girls followed him and some walked away to the exit.

I seated on the chair where I was standing earlier. A man came to me and said "I heard you were looking for me" he said

I stood up and asked him " Are you Mr. Francia? "

" Ahhh yeah I'm Mr. Francia, and you are? "

" Elly Mae De Villa from Mendel University"

" Ahhh Youngest daughter of Robert and Mileen De Villa"

" Shhhhh! "

He was surprised when I prevent him from speaking by covering his mouth.

"Why? Is it a secret?" He asked

"Yes sir, my father and I made a decision not to reveal my identity until my birthday"

" Ahh, well then I'll tell my co- professors and the dean not to tell anyone"

" Also sir, can you tell them to treat me just like a normal student"

"Okay, you can count on me" he smiled and formed the okay sign on his hands. ()

"Sir Francia!!!" We were both startled when someone called his name with a very deep voice but with joy in his tone. We slowly turned our head to face the direction where the voice came from. There we saw a man waving his hands with a smile, he's with Hero, he is one of the boys earlier.

"Oh Mr. Remington!" Mr. Francia wave back at him and walked towards him. I had no choice but to follow him because he looked at me as if he's inviting me to come over. "Hi there, Miss Fall" then he laughed at me.

I raised my right eyebrow, crossed my arms and asked him "fall?"

"Yeah, Miss Fall" he then laughed again that made me frown. So annoying, grrrrr!!!!

"I have my own name, so don't call on such nickname, it's annoying" I said angrily to him.

" Oohhhh" the four other boys teasingly said while laughing at him.

" She's got some nerves" he said defensively.

"Who is she?" the other man asked Mr Francia, the tallest among them.

" She's a transferee student from Mendel University" he answered. " They are Hero Riverdale... " he said pointing at Hero, the most charming among them, "Trever Stallar ..." pointing at the man who's holding a book and didn't even bothered to look at me. Tsk! "Axel Remington..." he pointed at the guy who called me Fall, "Roland Syllvious ..." while pointing at the one who asked, the tallest one, "and Cedrick Omega" he pointed the last man that had a frowning face.

"Hi" I said, "Elly Mae De Villa"

"We'll go ahead" Hero said before they walked passed us. Tsk! Miss fall?? Why the heck did he called me Miss Fall?

Mr. Francia walked towards the exit so I followed him. After a few minutes, we stopped at a room. He told me to wait outside until he says I can come in. I can't really hear him because of the girls murmuring in the hallway.

I saw came from the bathroom. Her outfit is different from what she was wearing earlier. She's wearing a fit black jeans, a tube and a blazer. She's still wearing her heels and carrying a paper bag.

"Hi" I greeted her when she stopped in front of the door where I was standing. She smiled at me as an answer and went inside the classroom. I looked inside and saw them getting scolded by Sir Francia. He then looked at me and asked me to come inside.

"Class, this is Elly Mae De Villa, she will be joining your class in my subject as of today" he uttered loudly.

" Hi I'm Elly Mae De Villa, exchange student from Mendel University. I hope we can be friends in the future" I said and then smiled and bowed. Some of looks irritated as if I did something wrong while some looks uninterested. Rane was the only one who was smiling.

"Class please be nice to her" he said before leaving. Rane walked towards me and offered me to join her in the Cafeteria.


As we go inside, I can already feel the eyes that was looking at me and it made me feel uneasy in some ways, it was as if they're studying everything about me just by looking. I hold Rane's hand because I felt nervous. She brought me to where I was sitting earlier.

"Why are they looking at me?" I asked her without looking at her.

"I think it's because of what happened this morning"

" They knew about it, this soon? "

" Yeahh" she nodded, " News travel so fast if it involve The Pent members"

" The Pent? "

" Yeah, they're Hero, Cedrick, Roland, Trever and Axel "

" Sis! " a girl shouted from the entrance, we faced it at the same time. I saw two very gorgeous ladies. One girl was wearing a fitted off shoulder dress. The other one was wearing a simple high waisted shorts, an oversized shirt and a pair of adidas rubber shoes. They sat on the chairs in our table. "Hi"

"Hi" I greeted her back and smiled at her and at the girl she's with.

" Why are you here? "Rane asked, "Don't you have class, Yvonne?" while looking at the other girl.

" Nope, It's my break so I went to see Trinsley" the girl replied.

" By the way, this is Yvonne Ayer, Cedrick's fiance" Cailey introduced the girl. She's engaged? " This is my sister, Trinsley Lane Hale" while looking at the girl who called her earlier "this is Elly Mae De Villa, my classmate" I smiled at them.

"So you're Miss. Fall" Trinsley teasingly said. How did they know that?

"How did yo—"

"I'm friends with Axel as we're classmates" she explained.

" You look familiar in some ways" –Yvonne

In what way??? It made me nervous. Don't tell me they figured it out, this soon?

"She's the girl Hero helped" –Rane

"The lucky girl" –Lane added.

"Lucky?" I asked...

"Yeah" Rane said while nodding.

"You see...." Lane looked at me and smiled "... Hero isn't the type of person who helps a person intentionally. He or they are known for being bullies. They target weak nerds, transferees and freshmen. His parents own this school and his grandma owns the famous Hailey Art Company and Riverdale Jewelries"

I was so amazed by what she said. He's really wealthy and popular. I bet he's lonely that's why he's doing those awful things. Her words made me think. Why would he help me when he's not the type of person to do that? He also seemed familiar.

"Where are his parents?" I asked.

"His father is dead and his mother is not here in the Philippines" Yvonne replied.

" Cedrick Omega, her fiancé..." Lane continued and looked at Yvonne " He gives Yvonne cold treatment and he's a very ill tempered person. Cedrick is the son of the owner of O. Hospital, a major stockholder of this University. He's in Medicine."

" Trever Stallar," Rane said "He's the smartest, kindest and the most gentleman among them. I'd say he's too perfect" she smiled widely " she's always on top 20 of the University Honors and Top 10 of business honors. He always join academic activities."

" Axel Remington," still Rane, " He's in Theater and Performing Arts. He's a womanizer because he's too friendly. He graduated in Remington Art High School and they own it. "

" Roland Syllvious, he's the sportiest. He knows baseball, volleyball, basketball, tennis, and badminton. Son of Mindy and Romeo Syllvious"— Yvonne

They really are amazing. They're not just good looking but also powerful.

After we ate snacks, Rane and I came to our next classes. I encountered so many girls murmuring. I didn't want to get in trouble so I just walked passed them and did nothing. Its my first day after all...

The day passed by quickly. Yvonne, Rane, Lane and I agreed to go to a restaurant tomorrow. I jumped right into my bed. I'm moving in a apartment next week to make my disguise perfect and flawless. Im so tired that I fell asleep without knowing it.