Chapter 2

The Next Day......

Hero' POV

I woke up early because of the sunlight that hit may face coming from the massive window beside my side table. I rushed into the bathroom and brushed my teeth and took a bath with a hot water while singing. For some reason I feel so energetic. After half an hour, I went down to eat pancakes that my nanny cooked. I live with my grandma but she's not always here because she always goes to a business trip. My mom is in Korea. Im used to being alone.

I used my motorcycle to go to school like I always do. As I get off my motorcycle, girls went around me as usual and I hated it. They're ruining my mood. A girl holding a cake walked towards me. I frowned.

"Hi" she said with a shaking voice.

"What's that for?!" I annoyingly replied.

"For you, Im confessing my love for you"

"I don't like you, so get lost" I was going to walk away from them but was stopped by that girl. I turned my head to face her. I looked at her with a an anger visible on my face.

"A-at least take the c-cake" I took the cake from her and dropped it. They were all shocked because of what I did and I don't care. They know how I hate cake and confession.

I went straight to 'The Pent' room and sat at the sofa. They totally ruined my mood. "Aishhh!!!"

I waited for Axel, Roland, Cedrick, and Trever for thirty minutes and I think they know that I'm in a bad mood because I was frowning and not talking

"Hey" —Cedrick.

"Hmm?" I replied.

"Who made our baby mad?" Axel asked in a baby talk to tease me while pinching my cheek. I looked at him angrily that made him release my face. They say I was the most childish among them that's why they often call me baby and also I was the youngest one.

While waiting for our first class to start, they are playing chess and I am browsing on facebook. I kept on scrolling down until a certain live video caught my attention. A girl who's very familiar is lying down on the floor. The hands of the person who's taking the video is for sure trembling. There I saw Claire and her two other friends. They looking at.... Elly?!!!

I quickly stood up and my actions made Cedrick and the others surprisingly look at me. I quickly ran outside to go to where all the commotion s were happening.

Protect my daughter at all cost...

His words kept on repeating in my mind as I ran. After a long way run, I reached the business and performing arts cafeteria. There were so many students gathering around the center of the place. I pushed them to get through and looked at what was happening. There I saw Elly still lying on the floor. I am facing Elly that's why I can see all her reactions while I am behind the girls who were bullying her. Elly eyes were full of fear, it was shaking. Her hands were trembling and so is her lips. It gave me the Idea that it wasn't the first time it happened to her.

Claire's friend brought a large cup containing coke. She handed it to Claire and there Claire faced Elly. I quickly moved. I grabbed her hand preventing her to splash the coke to Elly. I saw Claire's reaction as I was now looking at her, standing infront of Elly. Claire's expression quickly changed. It changed from being so mad to being frightened.

"H-Hero" she uttered, "w-what are y-you doing h-here?!" She was trying to get my hand off of her because I was still holding it so tight.

"And you what are you doing here?" I asked angrily and let her hand go.

"A- I was j-just teaching h-her a lesson" she answered, I saw Roland, Axel, Trever, and Cedrick entering the cafeteria. "Wait a minute" I faced her again and she looked so serious now. "Isn't it you who's supposed to be bullying her... " she pointed at Eleanor " because she's a transferee?"

"I've changed" I smirked and crossed my arms. They seemed so surprised. Why? Is it not possible?

She laughed that made me frown. "What? Changed? Ahahahhaha" while her hand is on her tummy. " All of a sudden? No way" still laughing...

Instead of answering her, I looked at Elly and saw her still in shock while sitting. I decided to help her stand up. "Are you okay?" I asked sincerely.

She looked at me and I saw her eyes forming tears " Y-yeah" she answered as she nod.

"So you're not kidding?" — Claire interrupting us.

" Do I look like joking" I said with a serious face.

" What's happening here?" it was from a voice I know, I looked at her direction. It was Yvonne, Trinsley, and Lesley. Elly quickly walked towards them. Then Cedrick and the other members walked towards me. Claire quickly smiled when she saw Cedrick and she even dared to wave at him.

"Get lost" Cedrick said with a cold tone embarrassing her. Her smile disappeared. I didn't wait for Cedrick to thank me as she was sobbing while Lesley pat her back. It made me think, Did this also happened in her past school that she's so traumatized and her father asked me to protect her? Who really are you??

I walked quietly and I know they are just waiting for a chance to question me. I stopped, "I know you want to ask me something" I said while putting my hands inside my pocket.

Axel walked beside me and put his hand on my shoulder and asked with a serious face. "Are you serious about what you said earlier?" I nod and it made him smile so wide and that made me so curious.

" Why are you smiling?" I looked at him and turn around to face them and they have the same expression. They're smiling so wide that makes their eyes smaller than usual. "What?"

"Our Baby is now a man!!" Axel teased me while patting my back that made the others laugh out loud


"You know we were just waiting for you to realize that we have to stop bullying." Trever happily walked towards me and put his hand on my right shoulder. "What you did out there is so manly"

"I wonder who made you change?" —Roland

" Tsk! No one!!! " I shouted.

" No one?? Are you sure? " Cedrick teasingly asked and it made us surprised. He's not the type of person who tease someone and laugh so easily. It wasn't the first time but it feels like it is. Maybe we just got used to his coldness that we didn't notice his soft side.

I don't also know why I did that. Why I decided to help her. Why my heart race so fast when I saw her for the first time yesterday. Why it feels like she's my responsibility. Am I falling for her?

Our business class will start in ten minutes so Roland, Trever and I decided to go straight to our classroom. After some time, our female professor Mr. Candor came. I wasn't focusing on what she was saying because I was thinking. I kept thinking on what I really feel about her. What happened to you that you're so scared to fight back and just accept what she was going to do to you?! Aisshhhhhh!!!! Am I really in love? With you? A person who has so many secret? Did I fall for you the first time I saw you? Why do I want to know everything about you?

My head has so many questions but doesn't have an answer for now. I know time will come that all my questions will get an answer. Right now isn't the right time.

Mae's POV

I burst into tears as soon as I went into Rane's arms. I wanted someone to embrace me. Its happening again. Rane kept on patting my back as we sit on our table. It was nice to have friends who can understand how you feel. I stopped crying and that made them feel relieved.

"So what really happened?" Lane finally asked.


I was walking down the hallway of the 3rd floor of the business building when sir Francia called my name.

"Can you grab some coffee for me in the Cafeteria??" he asked

"Of course sir, where should I bring it?" I answered while smiling at him

" In the administration office, on my table" he said, " thank you" before he walked away. I went to the cafeteria to grab a coffee for Mr. Francia when I was going to go back, Mr. Francia was at the entrance of the cafeteria so he walked towards me and I gave her the coffee. He said he was going grab a cake for Ms. Collins so instead of making me comeback here once I brought him his coffee, he came here. I went to the cashier to grab a coffee for me and Rane when I remembered how early she woke up. When I was on my way to the Cafeteria exit, I bumped into someone and spilled the coffee on her blouse.

"Im so sorry" I apologized as I try to wipe her blouse. She looked at me like I was a criminal.

"Are you blind or just stupid??" She sarcastically asked.

"Do you know how much her blouse cost?!!" one of her friends exclaimed. How would I know?

" Dont you know me? " The girl I bumped into asked while pushing me with her hand.

I remembered something on what she just said. It was the time when I was a freshman in my previous school. I closed my eyes trying not to remember but it was not enough. I felt so scared. My hands started to shake, I couldn't look at her, I had to bite my lips to stop it from trembling. My heart started to race.

"Hey!!" She shouted as I couldn't focus on what she was saying. That's when students gathered around us as if there's something interesting to watch. I tried to run away but she grabbed my wrist preventing me to walk.

"How dare you ignore me?!!!!" She shouted again as she pushed me so hard that I fell on the floor. My butt hurts so much because of the impact. I still can't fight. I hate myself for being such a coward. I still cant handle them. Again.

I couldn't understand what she was saying that moment. My heart raced again much faster than earlier as I saw a familiar face that stood out from the crowd. It was him again. I looked at him with a hopeful eyes. Telling him to save me, again. Why are you always there when I need help? Why is it always you?

*End of Flashback*

"That's the reason why I hate her" Yvonne aggressively said. "She thinks she's somewhere near The Pent's level just because she's Cedrick's ex- girlfriend. Tsss" she crossed her arms.

" But you know what? " — Lane

" What?? " We asked at the same time. The gloomy atmosphere was nowhere to feel right now. It was as if it never happened.

"I think Hero likes you" —still Lane. My eyes widen by what she said.

"That's impossible" I said while laughing. It must be some kind of a joke.

" It is possible" — Yvonne. I looked at her. "I mean he keeps saving you and he just said he changed"

" So??? "

" Maybe he changed because of you" she further explained.

" Am I the only one who can be the reason??" they shook their head. "Besides he still has his family and his own friends"

" Yeah, your right" Rane agreed to what I said." Our class will start in any minute. See ya"

We stood up and wave at them before we went to our classroom. A boring day started, again.....