Chapter 5

"Please?" Rane pleaded with him. Roland scratched the back of his head while looking at Rane.

""Why me? Axel can do it" he asked Rane.

"Eh why don't you ?! You'll just teach Mae, what's the problem there?" Rane's voice grew a little louder. Even though I was far away from them, I could hear them.

I approached them because Rane looked frustrated. I grabbed Rane's arm to stop him from talking so she looked at me. I looked at Roland before whispering to Rane, "Don't force him anymore." I turned my gaze to Roland, "It's okay, you don't have to do this." I smiled before pulling Rane away from him.

We are not too far from him yet someone pulled my hand. At the speed of events I was just surprised that Hero was in front of me. For a moment the world slowed down and my heartbeat quickened as I reflected on his face.

My heartbeat quickened even more when he brought his face closer to mine. I look like a fool who can't look into his eyes. He smiled foolishly. "You don't know how to dance?"

I frowned and cleared my throat, "So what if I don't know how to dance? Why? Would you teach me?" I asked.

" Yeah." I wasn't expecting his answer. I don't think he was joking because he was suddenly serious.

"R-really?" I stuttered. He smiled and nodded as he walk away. My heartbeat keeps beating so fast and I know that this is wrong. I have a boyfriend and I shouldn't be feeling this way.

I turned to Rane and her smile was so wide. I ignored that and just pulled her to the front garden and sat on one of the benches. I sighed. 'Why am I feeling this way?'

I heared Rane clear her throat that made me look at her. She smiled, again. "What's going on with you and Hero?" she asked.

" Nothing" I gave her a one-word answer. It may seem cold but it's the truth.

"I don't think so" she said.

"I have a boyfriend you know" I said, "Although we haven't kept in touch ever since my first day."

She seemed shocked to what I just said. I just smiled at her. "Why don't we go shopping?" She suddenly asked.

" Huh?"

" For our acquaintance party" she answered. " I'll go tell the Lane and Yvonne"


I laid down on the right side of my bed. I'm so tired from walking and choosing clothes earlier with Rane and the others. After thirty minutes, I decided to take a shower and do some of my homework.

I checked my phone to see if Chad left a message but there's nothing. I sighed as I dry my hair. "Is he mad or something??"

After a few minutes my phone buzzed. I thought the message was from Chad but it wasn't. My smile faded because of disappointment. The message was from Hero, "When and where should I teach you?"

"You're really serious about that? You don't need to do that if you don't want to. You have a choice you know?" —Me

"Did I look like I was joking? I'm serious. So where and when?"

"Where should we practice?" I murmured. " We can't practice in my house. Maybe at your house?"

" So you wanna go to my house?" — Hero. "Why does it sound like he's teasing me?" I asked myself.

" That's not what I meant"

"Then what? You know that I know about your secret, right? "

" Yeah, I know. Okay fine, tommorow, nine am. Remember not to bring neither any of your friends nor mine."

" Then it's settled."

I looked at the clock and it's ten pm. already. I should go to bed. I checked my phone for the last but there was still no message from him. I just sighed and lay down on my bed.


After two days...

"Are you ready?" Dad asked me.

I smiled and nodded, "Yes dad"

He gave me a hug and said, "You look beautiful tonight, my princess". I giggled. " You prince is waiting"

I frowned. "Dad, I have a boyfriend and he just offered me a ride" I explained.

"Good evening sir" Hero intervened as we talked. He looked at me from head to toe. I was wearing a wine red off shoulder tule evening gown and a pair of crystal queen heels with white flower lace. "You look beautiful," my cheeks suddenly warmed up, I felt like I was blushing.

"Tssss. Let's just go" I said.

He opened the door of the passenger seat so I looked at him. "Isn't it for his girlfriend?" I asked myself. He just smiled at me so I just sat there. " Thank you" then he walked and opened the door of the driver's seat.

While he was driving, I kept looking at my phone, checking if Chad left a message but I just disappointed myself. I sighed. Why couldn't he understand my reason? Again, I sighed heavily. It seemed like Hero noticed it. "Are ... Are you okay?" He hesitantly asked. I just gave him a weak smile. After five minutes he stopped so I looked outside and we're outside our school. The party is going to be in our auditorium. He went out of the car and opened the door for me. I was surprised when he suddenly brought his face closer to mine as he removed my seatbelt. Suddenly the pace of time slowed down and my heartbeat quickened as if exploding at any moment.

After removing my seatbelt, he stood straight and looked at me as if he's analysing my whole face. Then he laughed. I frowned. "Why?!" I asked irritatedly. He just shook his head as I get out of the car.

"Here" He handed me a mask. I looked at it then loked at him. "Masquerade ball is the theme"

"Ah. Thank you" I smiled and grabbed the mask in his hands. We went to the venue and were greeted by Rane, Lane, Yvonne, Roland, Axel, Cedrick, and Trever. The boys looked as dashing as usual and the girls were much more beautiful today. I walked towards the girls' s direction. "You all look beautiful" then I smiled.

" So can you dance now?" Rane teasingly asked. We just laughed.

"Let's go inside" Trever said and we nodded.

After thirty minutes, the party started. " Good evening students!!!!" as soon as the Emcee greeted us, the crowd started to cheer.

"Welcome to this year's acquaintance party. Remember, this is just the first party of the year and a lot more will come. As all of you know, before this party end, we will announce the King and Queen of this year's acquaintance party so please keep on voting. Enjoy the night everyone!!!! The dance floor is now open!!"

After the emcee said that, Claire went to us. " Mae right?" I nodded. I tried to smile although I'm nervous inside. She smiled sarcastically. "Do not expect to be the face of the night, because that throne is reserved for me."

I gathered up my courage and smiled at her sarcastically "How do you it's for you? Why? Did you threaten the students here to vote for you? If you're that confident, why are you bothered by my presence? Am I that gorgeous tonight that you're worried I can surpass your beauty?" the others were shocked by what I said. I know it isn't me but I just want to enjoy the night and I can't do that if they're going to be around glaring and cursing at me.

She was annoyed that she couldn't answer any of my questions and left with a sour face. Yvonne and Axel just clapped showing how proud they are. That made me smile. I felt relieved.

We all sat at the same round table. The arrangement was [ Hero, Me, Rane, Yvonne, Lane, Axel, Cedrick, Roland and Trever beside Hero]

"I'll go get some food" Lane said breaking the silence between us.

"I'll go with you" Axel suggested. I looked at them while they go to the food area.

"They look good together, right?" I was surprised by Hero's whisper so I looked at him and our faces were so near to each other. We were both stunned and stared into each other's eyes. My heart keeps beating so fast and my cheeks feel warm.

We lost sight of each other and sat up when the others at our table cleared their throats. I could not meet their gaze so I just looked down until Axel and Lan came back to our table with a lot of food for us.

"What's up with the mood?" Axel asked.

" yeah, shouldn't we be having fun?" this time its Lane.

"Wanna dance?" I was surprised by what Trever and Hero asked at the same time.

I looked at the others then looked at them and pointed myself. "Me?" They nodded. "Why?" I asked unconsciously.

"It's a waste of our practice if you won't dance" Hero said.

" You practiced with him?" Roland asked and Hero just nodded.

"Hmmm, I smell something fishy" Axel teasingly said.

" Tsss" Hero looked at me, " So do you want to dance??"

I reached for his hand and he pulled me to the dance floor. A slow song plays. I put both my hands on his neck and it was on my waist. At first I could not keep up with him but later I was able to keep up with him. I was just staring at our feet because I could not look him in the eye.

"Hey" he called me.

"Hmm?" I asked.

" Look at me" he said.

I hesitantly looked at his eyes. Although he's wearing a mask, I can still see his eyes that were almost sparkling. My heart again skipped a beat. I saw him smile so I looked away.

"Why? Are you shy?" He asked. Isn't it obvious?

I've always felt this way everytime we practice at my house. I'm not comfortable and I'm always nervous everytime around I'm around him.

"You're doing great, don't worry" he said. It made me feel relieved. After few moments, the song stopped so we went back to our table. They greeted us with a teasing look except for Trever. He seemed mad and annoyed.

After we had seated, I asked them, "What?" then I ate a spoonful Ice cream.

After we ate, Axel and Roland invited Rane and Lane to dance. They look so cute, they'd make a cute couple. Without them, our table was once again quiet. We're busy on our own phones.

Suddenly someone approached Yvonne so we looked at them. I noticed that Cedrick's facial expression changed. "Can I dance with you?" Yvonne was surprised by what he asked. She looked at Cedrick. He seemed cold but she ignored that because the guy was waiting. She smile at him and reached his hand.

We just looked at them until they were on the dance floor. I looked at Cedrick, looking mad, no, jelous.

""Why don't you just admit it?" Hero suddenly asked.

" Admit what?" Cedrick asked back

"That you like her instead of keeping a sour face everytime someone asks her out." —Trever.

" Tsss. What do you know?" Cedrick whispered but we could still hear him.

"You like her" I commented. He looked at me. "You're having trouble figuring out your feelings. You're not the type of person who can express your feelings easily."

" How sure are you?" Cedrick asked.

"Observation" I answered. " You are cold when she is with you. You say bad things to her even if you don't mean it. You do not show interest in her even if you are really worried about her"

" Maybe you're right" then he sighed.

After a few minutes, Rane, Roland, Lane, Axel, and Yvonne went back to our table.

"Tsk. You're so happy just because you dance" Cedrick whispered.

" Tsh. I was just happy because I made someone happy, that's it. Why? Are you jealous?" Yvonne teasingly asked.

" Me? Jealous? Huh! In your dreams." he replied.

The party is about to end as it has already given a signal to announce Face of the night. "I hope all of you had fun tonight. It's now time to announce this year's acquaintance party face of the night!!" then they all cheered.

" Face of the night, third place!" then a drum roll effects played. The other students shouted the names they want. "Ms. Lesley Rane Hale and Mr. Roland Syllvius "

Rane went up to the stage to receive a sash and a small crown. She was accompanied by Roland. "Next, second place!" another drum roll effects played. "Mr. Cedrick Omega and Ms. Yvonne Ayer!!!" As usual, he's cold though he helps Yvonne up the stage.

"The Acquaintance Party King and Queen of this year is...." another drum roll. " Mr. Hero Riverdale and Ms. Elly Mae De Villa!!!!" the crowd silenced. I knew it, they won't be happy.

"Yah!" Hero said.

"Huh?" I unconsciously asked.

"We need to go there"

"Do I really need to?" I hesitantly asked. He smiled and nodded. He held my wrist before I knew it. His smile was comforting.

I received the crown and sash while Hero received the king-like crown. I can say that it was fun.