Chapter 6

Mae's POV

It's been three weeks since I transferred here and I still haven't heard anything from Chad. "Should I reach out for him first?" I murmured.

"Who?" I was startled by the voice of a man behind my ear and I can clearly recognize the owner of it, Hero. I sighed. He called me here in their room right after my class ended. He sat on a couch.

"I'm curious about something" I asked.

" What?"

" When will you stop torturing me?" I asked sarcastically.

" Me?" He pointed to himself " Torturing you?" He pointed at me and I just nodded. "When? And how?"

"Seriously! You don't know?!" He just nodded and smiled. " You keep on calling and telling me what to do as if I'm your nanny!!" I shouted due to frustration.

" You agreed to this" he calmly uttered. " Aren't you afraid of me, revealing your secret?"

" Then go ahead! Tell them my true identity! And once you've done that, pleasee!!!! Never bother me again!!!" I shouted and slammed the door after I got out of that room.

My blood is boiling right now! He keeps getting on my nerves. "Should I hang out with Lane and the girls?" I reached out to my pocket but didn't felt my phone. I checked my purse but it wasn't there.

In panic, I opened the door of Hero's room and saw him holding my phone. He seemed shocked. I walked towards him hurriedly and snatched my phone in his hands.

"Is he your boyfriend?" He asked and I just nodded. He saw my lock screen. It was a photo of me and Chad on our first date. I looked at him and he seemed somewhat disappointed. I didn't want to have a conversation with him again because I don't want my blood to boil again. I went straight outside without glancing at him.

After I went out of that building, I called Lane and invited her to have a drink with me.

After two days...

Hero has not called and asked me to do anything for the past two days. Why do I feel this way? There seems to be something missing. I just sighed. Why is it like this? Shouldn't I be happy?

"Is there something wrong?" Lane whispered. I just shook my head as an answer to her question. I remained silent until the class was over.

Chad texted me last night that he was busy and can't make it to our first anniversary. I've been waiting for his text this past few weeks but he just said he can't make it. He should've done something to make it up to me. I sighed.

"We may end up breaking up sooner or later" I whispered.

"What?" Rane asked.

"Nothing" I answered.

"Wanna have some fun?" Yvonne asked.

"How?" —Lane.

"Let's go to an amusement park" —Yvonne. We nodded and checked my money.

After an hour, we arrived at the nearest Amusement park in our city. This place was not that crowded so there were only few lines. "Why aren't we going in?" I asked.

"We're waiting for the boys" Rane answered.

"You mean you invited them?" She just nodded while smiling. She seemed excited.

After a few more minutes, Hero, Cedrick, Axel, Roland and Trever. Hero didn't even looked at me. "Hi" Trever greeted with a smile. I smiled back.

"Let's go?" —Rane. We all agreed to go inside. Hero was unusually quiet. Our first ride was Viking. I'm afraid of heights but I didn't want to kill the fun mood so decided to join.

As we seat, I was so nervous but I didn't want them to notice so I just smiled. Trever and Hero are both beside me. As time goes by, the ship started moving that it made me more nervous than usual. I breathe in and out. I closed my eyes as the ride goes higher and higher. I couldn't see anything but I felt like I was floating. After a few seconds I felt a hand holding my left hand. I opened my eyes and saw Hero's hand holding mine. At that moment I couldn't feel the nervousness as I look at him. Time started slowing down and all I could see was his straight face. His eyes that was looking at me. Eyes that was telling me that 'its okay'. At that moment, I could feel comfort.

I didn't notice that the ride had stopped. I couldn't hear them call my name because all I could hear was my heart beating.

"Elly!" the reality came back to me. I looked at Rane. "Let's go," she said.

Our next ride was roller coaster but I decided not to go. "You're not gonna ride it with us?" Lane asked. I smiled. "Then who's gonna stay with you then?"

"I'll stay with her" Trever and Hero said at the same time.

"You choose" —Lane.

"Don't you want to ride that?" I asked them. Hero and Trever just shook their head. "Okay, then stay, I'm fine with that" I said.

"Okay! You can go play games over there, have fun!" Axel said excitedly.

We just watched them get on the roller coaster ride. "I'll just go to the restroom" Trever suddenly uttered.

"We'll just wait for you over there" I said while pointing at a bench next to a game shelter.

After Trever left, the atmosphere between Hero and I was so cold. No wanted to talk. I cleared my throat.

"I'm sorry" we said at the same time while not looking at each other.

"Y-you go first" he stuttered.

"Sorry about my temper two days ago" I said.

"It's okay, I'm sorry too if I kept on making you do chores that you're not supposed to do. I took advantage of you" He said.

I looked at him and smiled, "apology accepted. It's all in the past now." He smiled. He looked forward then I looked at my feet. He suddenly stopped when I was about to look at the direction he was looking, he suddenly hold my face preventing me to see what he just saw. My heart raced again but this time it was few to nervousness. I felt that something was wrong.

I hold his hand and slowly put them down. I turned my head and saw something that was beyond my expectations. Tears started to fall down from my eyes and I couldn't do anything about it. I tried to hold it back but I couldn't.

I saw Chad with my best friend. He was holding her hands and was walking towards us. They didn't seem to notice us. When Chad turned his head forward, I knew he saw me. Not just him but also her. They were shocked.

"Why?" that was the only thing that I could say.

"A-ahh, M-mae" Chad stuttered.

"M-mae it's not like what you think it is," Maecy said.

I laughed. "What?" I asked her. "It's not what I think it is? I just saw you giggling while holding each other's hands and it's not what I think?!!" I raised my voice. I don't care about who hears me.

"L-lets not talk here" —Chad.

"Yeah," I agreed. "Let's not talk, let's not talk ever again"

"W-what do y-you mean?" He asked.

"I'm breaking up with you" I said and turned around. I looked at Hero while trying to hold back my tears. I didn't want him to see me cry. I tried to smile. "Let's go?" I asked Hero and he just nodded.

We kept on walking and walking and walking. Hero was behind me. When I knew that we were far away from Chad, I broke down in tears. I couldn't hold it anymore. My heart broke into thousand pieces. It's like a dagger was stuck in my heart.

I could feel Hero's hand patting my back as I cry. I couldn't feel what I felt atelier when he held my hand. I could hear footsteps and voices calling my name.

"What happened?" It was Trever's voice.

"A—" I held Hero's wrist preventing him to speak.

"Nothing, I'm going home" I said.

"I'll drive you home" Hero suggested.

I didn't answer him, instead I just walk towards the parking lot. He opened the door for me.

I remained silent. He cleared his throat. "Sometimes it's okay to let go than being a fool. Don't blame yourself about what happened because it's not your fault. He had let go an awesome woman like you, it was his decision, not yours. He cheated on you so don't waste your tears for someone like him" His words are somewhat comforting.