It was hours later until her dad came home. Leigh was so immersed in her cleaning that she didn't even hear him. The attic was looking better by the minute, especially since the window was cleaned. Luckily for her, the removal of boxes revealed a skylight, making it seem more breathable and light. She could easily wriggle her small body through it, so she could clean her window from the outside. Once her bed sheets were changed and things were vacuumed and dusted, she dropped several boxes down the trapdoor, intending to throw them out or find a new storage spot. She just dropped the last one, which was laden with ancient clothes, when her dad walked around.
"Leigh -? Woah!" He jumped back in surprise as the box fell, nearly hitting him on the head. "What are you doing?" He asked, looking up at her face through the trap door.
"Um... cleaning? The attic is a mess, dad. I can't live with five thousand boxes piled around my head." Leigh replied.
She hopped out, landing in front of her father with a thump. His curls were streaked with grey and white now, and his eyes looked weary and bloodshot. The crinkles on his face that used to suggest laughter now just looked sad and made him appear old. His stomach stuck out in a potbelly, probably from all that beer and pre-made food and KFC. He shifted awkwardly.
"You can probably store it in Skylar's old room." He glanced down the hall. "I'm - I'm going to make dinner, ok? How does KD sound?" He looked at her hopelessly. Hopeless. That's all he was.
Leigh forced a smile and nodded. "Sounds good, Pa." He flinched a little.
Leigh and Sky used to call him Pa all the time, they had gotten it from Laura in Little House in the Big Woods, one of their favourites. He nodded and walked down the hall, leaving Leigh to store things away. Skylar's room was different. For one, all the furniture had been taken out, and - because of Leigh - any pictures and drawings and personal things had been burned. The only thing that remained was the large pine closet.
It used to scare Sky, and she would go running into Leigh's room, begging her to have a sleepover. It used to annoy Leigh a little, but she always said yes. Now she just felt an empty sort of anger. She piled the boxes one over the other, then left just as quickly. Finally, the attic was looking more like home. With some robin egg blue paint she had found in the shed, the dark walls looked better. the floor was made of the same dark pine as the rest of the walls, but Leigh had found a white shaggy carpet that she was pretty sure was in the bathroom a million years ago.
With her things packed away, and the attic looking like something Leigh could live in, she sat on her yellow flower-patterned sheets, expecting to feel satisfaction, happiness, at least something. Instead, the same emptiness followed. Silent tears slipped down her cheeks. She had one more box in the room, which was filled with family pictures. None with Skylar in them. Most of them were of her mother and her, of their glorious life before it fell apart. Leigh wiped away her tears, sitting up straighter.
The next few days went by in a blur of normal. Or, as normal as things could get. On Friday, Leigh got tired of the ugly house and decided to do something about it. Instead of dropping her school bag off in her attic like normal, she dropped it at the door and dove into the broom closet, scrounging any cleaning supplies she could find. By eleven o'clock at night, the house was as clean as it would get. Her father wasn't home yet, but that was normal. He claimed he was 'working' but Leigh knew better. His shift ended at the same time her school let out. Had he come straight home, they would be in the same house for hours. It was a bittersweet feeling, knowing her dad didn't want anything to do with her either. Maybe he just felt guilty. Who knows, who cares.
Anyway, at least she didn't have to move to Ohio with her aunt. This way, she could at least still see Madelaine and Oliver. She would have much preferred moving in with one of them in Banff. She had been living with Madelaine since her mom was hospitalized anyway. Leigh pulled out her phone, looking over all the texts from her friends back in Banff, but not answering any. She felt a little guilty about that. I mean, they were worried, and she couldn't even manage an 'I'm ok' for them. She clicked into the group chat with Oliver and Madelaine, which was littered with things like 'Leigh, you ok?' 'We're worried about you!' and so on.
Leigh.h Hey. Sorry for not responding. Been busy, and a little upset
MadHatter Oh my gosh Leigh! So good to hear from you! How is it at your dads??
g.reek.olive Hey Leigh!
Leigh.h It's ok. We've been basically avoiding each other, but thats ok.
Leigh.h He doesn't get home till late
MadHatter What a turd. Wish I was there with you!
g.reek.olive Same. How's the new prison aka school?
Leigh.h It's ok. Made one new friend so far. You'd like her
MadHatter We'll have to come to visit you soon!1! I was thinking maybe next weekend? Maybe we could stay
over or vice-versa?
g.reek.olive sounds good with me! Banff is getting dull without you Leigh! Been stuck with the Mad Hatter here for a lifetime
MadHatter oi watch your tone. I'm doing your biology homework remember?
g.reek.olive sorry great goddess. Please, carry on!
MadHatter ... I feel like that was a stab at me somehow
Leigh.h You guys are crazy. I've got to go, ok? I'll ask my dad about next weekend when he finally gets home.
MadHatter sounds good Leigh! see you then!
g.reek.olive yeah! we love you!
Leigh's head hurt. She laid down on her bed, staring out the little window. She hoped exhaustion would overtake her from all the cleaning, but instead, she buzzed with energy and odd adrenaline. She got up and walked to the front door, getting some fresh air. Before she knew it, she was at Bonhommes Street. Ash's street. She shook her head, half expecting Ash to be standing at the corner. She turned around, heading back to Pyramid Lake Road. She skipped her driveway, instead walking along the desolate path. It felt cold here, and eerie. The pines bent back and forth, swaying and grabbing at her. She passed Aspen Close, then stopped. Something made her head snap to the left. Carefully, her feet led her through the forest, towards a little stream. The moonlight shone through, illuminating the water and making it run silver.
Shadows danced overhead, and Leigh shuddered. She bent down inspecting the water.
What are you doing here? Asked the irritated part of Leigh. We need to get home! That was probably Rational Leigh. There was something cherry red lodged underneath that rock...
Leigh dipped her hand in the frigid water, pulling out the little treasure dislodging it from the mud. Once it was out, Leigh almost dropped it.
"Oh my gosh..." She whispered. It was part of her radio. The radio that broke the morning Sky disappeared.
She must have taken it or something and dropped it here... Leigh looked up, fear's icy fingers clutching at her heart. She came this way... she came this way, and Leigh had her trail. Maybe she could find her. Or what was left of her...
Before she could, a large hand jerked sharply on her shoulder. Leigh screamed, whipping around and falling backwards in the cold stream. She stared up with wide eyes at the man. He was a great bear of a man, with a grisly beard to match.
"Didn't mean to scare ya' miss. Just saw ya' crouchin' at the stream and I thoughts that were a bit odd. You lost?" He asked, eyeing her up. Leigh shook her head.
"No... no, I was just... I needed some air. Sorry." Leigh picked herself up from the stream, shaking a little from the cold. The man nodded.
"No need to say sorry ma'am. Just be careful around these parts, yeah? Lot'sa' bears. Head on home now, will ya'? Don't need to be worryin' your ma or pa, eh?" Leigh nodded, then strode forward, towards the road. She didn't stop feeling eyes on the back of her neck until she came home.