Chapter 42: Too much

"Are you fine, my Lady?"

I flinched and looked at Kacper. "P-Pardon?"

He is sitting beside me, resting. Kacper pursed his lips as he raised his right eyebrow.

Hmm... I feel bad thinking of him while I'm with Kacper.

I smiled when I remembered the time I fell for Kacper. Whenever I see him, my lips curve into the beam. Then I almost saw my eyes sparkle as I met him first thing in the morning every single day.

"I said, are you fine?"

I looked at him. My lips parted as I bit my lower lip.

"Of course, I am."

I'm certain that I saw his eyes change and they sparkled for a second. "You sure?"

I looked away and nodded. He's handsome, I admit that. He is more, but I don't feel the same anymore. It doesn't have an impact. The sparkle got away.

Why would I fall for someone who's two years older than me and treats me like Reina, like his younger sister? He made it clear, but my heart was restless.

Huh, stupid me.

And I was thinking...
