Chapter 2 : Unexpected Encounter

If you didn't figured it yet that I am a total waste of space then add the morning event. Which consequenced me to mop the floor in the school now.

Before first period

I was innocently walking towards my locker to get my books when I was about to open the locker clearing the combination...........

Boom.. something exploded and the next thing I knew I was covered with ketchup. Yes! FREAKING ketchup! All over my dress. And not to mention all over the floor. I wanted to step back and my foot slipped and I fell on the floor basically kissing it. Ugh! And in that process swallowing some ketchup. 'Whoever' did this is so gonna die.

But someone else was a bit more pissed than I was.

"WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING THERE?!" Our Principal Mr. Bruce Roy yelled.

When I looked around the whole school was looking at me. Now that's embarrassing. Then I noticed two boys were laughing their ass off and another boy had a horrified expression in his face. I immediately recognized him as 'The Zake Henrey' a senior year student and the most popular boy with soft but messy black hair and emerald green eyes.

I heard him whispering to his friends, " Shit! That's the wrong girl. I don't even know her. "

"What ? But- are you trying to say that we picked the wrong girl's locker?" The first guy exclaimed.

How lucky I am. Right?

"Yes. Will" Zake said not so happy about the fact.

Mr. Roy must have heard their little chit-chat.

"All of YOU! In my office NOW." He angrily stormed off to his office.

I glared at Zake and quickly followed. We sat on the chairs in front of him.

"So care to explain what were you doing with ketchup in your locker Miss. Fellen?"


He just didn't asked the victim that why he was dead. Did he?

"Ok let me rephrase it. Why did you put ketchup in her locker Mr. Henrey? And what exactly is the deal with you three? This office is now your second home over the last years. Is it your love for me or any other reason ? " Mr. Roy spat with venom.

I looked at Zake in shock. He said," Nah. It's just my excessive amount of love for you." He paused and winked at me.

Ok now it took all of my will power for not to puke.

"And for today's record Chris and Will got the wrong locker. Actually we were supposed to prank Leona but-

"Ok . Cut the crap. You did it. So your friends over there gets a week detention and you two clean the mess. You are dismissed." Mr. Roy stated.

I was shocked that's the best he got and morover I had to clean it? I wanted to snap ' If you think after getting martyred on the first hour of school I will willingly pay for something I wasn't a part of you can GO TO HELL '

But instead I politely said,"Why am I supposed to clean that when he - I paused glaring at him." DID it?"

"Well that's why he will help you. And if you haven't heard me clearly I told you are dismissed"

"Will gladly do it sir ." Zake stood up and smirked at me.

I was dumbfounded. One thing I was totally sure of 'He is an class -A asshole.'

Now today's lesson you should be careful even for opening YOUR own locker.


And here we are now. I didn't got the time to wash myself. The ketchup was stinking. Gross! Zake wasn't helping at all. He just stared at me and grinning like a maniac.

"Are you gonna help me or what?"

"Sure what can I do for you Mi'lady?"

He said smirking.

I had enough of his devilishly handsome smirks. For the past hours he was just flirting with me. I took the mop and threw it on his face and for sure he caught it.

"Do the rest." And I angrily ran from there. School was just two hours left. So I thought I will just go sit on my biology class. I looked back and saw Zake had a hurt look. I could care less about him.

There are few of my past cases where I wanted to cry. Last year on the the annual function I was selected for the drama . I always had a thing for drama. But on the final selection I totally messed up my dialogues and my role was given to another student.

I was always a member of student council so was Gracia. But on the beginning of this year Gracia did something wrong for which she was about to kicked out when I took the blame myself and so I was kicked out.

Quite the saint ain't I?

I have a thing to become popular. Don't get me wrong I'm not one of those crazy attention seekers but wishing to be popular is not that bad huh?

I mean what will you do when you are the dull one in the family and have a 'prince charming' like brother. He is good in everything and my parents' favorite. My dad always lectures me about how I should follow his foot steps. But that being the last thing I will ever do I just nod whenever I was told that.


The day finally ended and I was currently walking back at my home still in my beautiful appearance . I was walking on the quiet lane feeling the cold breeze soothing.

Just then something caught my eye. It was looking like a cellphone from a far. I looked around. There was no one. I slowly walked towards it and picked it up. It wasn't a cellphone it looked like a walkie-talkie with several buttons. I wonder whom does it belong to.

On the right corner of the screen it was written 12 February 2018. Today's date. But the year was two years back. I was examining the thing when I pressed a button mistakenly. Then......a bang.....a whoosh.....a huge amount of light blocked my view. It was like an explosion but except here was no sound.

It felt like I was drowning. My mind was like floating. When I snapped from my thoughts and opened my eyes I was standing on the same spot. I took in my surroundings and assumed the time was same. The thing that I was holding was spinning.

I was waiting for something to happen. When I saw someone was coming, I hid behind a tree. She had long black hair. The uniform she was wearing was my middle school's uniform. She was slight shorter than me by 2" or 3". I couldn't see her face turn around baby....just turn around DAMNIT!

At last she finally turned around and when she did....... well let's say it wasn't something expected. I was definitely freaking out. The familiar blue eyes pierced through mine. I didn't even get the time to scream. When the gadget in my hand started to spin again. And a bang..........a whoosh.........