Woah!I was once again standing on the same spot. Cold sweat ran from my forehead. The girl just now was me two years back. In the bottom left corner of the machine it shows 60 seconds. I stood there frozen for some seconds.
This is a TIME Turner!O my gosh!
I ran for my home. I pressed the door bell. "What the hell?" Yelled my mom from inside. " It's Eleanor mom!" I yelled back . "You don't need to be so impatient sweetheart." My mom said finally opening the door. "Sorry" I quickly whispered and headed to my room.
Making sure I locked my door I threw my backpack taking the time turner from it. I sat on my desk and started examining it. There are different keys to set the time, date, year and month. A specifical Start button which was written in 'japanese' in the middle.
This is amazing! But who might have thrown it in my way? This is exactly what I wanted. I should test it.
'It is decided then !'
I waited until it was bed time. I took the time turner and set it the night before history exam. I set it for 10 minutes. TIME FOR ACTION! I pressed the start button. And then a bang......a whoosh......
I stand beside my bed. Where 'I' was sleeping. I took a deep breathe and started waking her . I am a heavy sleeper so naturally I wasn't waking. So I screamed in the sleeping figure's ear. And she immediately shot up.
"What was that?" She then looked at me and made a horrified expression.
"Y-ou" She stammered.
"Well I want to explain but-
" This is a dream. This is a dream. Elen calm down. Calm down." My past self started muttering under her breath.
" This is not a drea-
"You" She again cut me off pointing her finger at me. " - are my hallucination. I am just exhausted due to reading too much"
She started freaking out. I slapped her right on the face." See? It's not a dream"
"Oh no! You are ghost. Dad!Mom!Deaann!"
I cupped her mouth with my hands. "Stop screaming damn. You gotta trust me with this I AM YOUR FUTURE SELF. And I came here to help you"
"So If I trust the shit the dream is gonna be over. Right?"
" Yeah. Pretty much like it. So the thing is you are going to write everything you have read and know is right. Don't listen to Peter when he says they are wrong. Understand?"
"But Peter is a good student."
"Well yeah he is that's why he gets 95 while listening to him you get 69"
" '69?' That's an unlucky number. I hate it."
" Yeah. Me too"
" So I can believe you?"
" Yes. I am out of time. Just stay confiiiii-
I slipped my foot and hit it on the corner of the bed and was about to fall backward when the time turner started spinning and the same sensation again. I was in the present time again. I went to check on my closet (NT: I keep my exam sheets in the closet to hide from mom).
From the piles of paper I found it and I let out a deep sigh.
So it worked.
It's been a week since I found the time turner. I still don't know how it came in the first place but I figured some things about it. We cannot select a time of day on it only the year,month and date. If we start it in 4:50 we will reach 'there' in 4:50 but we cannot go in 3:50 when the actual time is 4:50.
Yet we can select for how long we want to stay. It has a range up to 2 hours. When the time is up it automatically stars spinning and takes one back to present.
In the past week I used it a few times. Once for the annual fest and for the student council thing and some other small things. What I've learned is the people around me no longer contains the same memory but they are erased and altered by new one after the time turner use. But my memories remains the same.
A few people has finally started to notice me and for some unknown reason mine and Gracia's friendship has become even stronger. Zake and I sometimes change glances. I give him the dirtiest look possible and he gives me a charming smile.
As I was leaving for school my brother stopped me.
"Hey El wait"
"What and El? Making Elen shorter?"
"Well yeah who cares and do you think I can drive you to school today?"
I left my mouth a gap. He never asks me that. I recovered from my shock and said, "Why I can walk."
"But a ride helps I insist sister"
"Dean are you okay? Do you have a fever or what?" I touched his forehead. No it's normal.
"Oh no! You are on drugs!"
Dean rolled his eyes and said"Stop making up things Elen. I just want to ok? Now come with me." He said sternly and grabbed my hand. Dean has a white 2017 Hyundai Accent. I can't drive . It was my father's car but he got a new one so he gave it to Dean .
I settled on the passenger's seat. Then realization hit me. " It's about Alice right?" I said as a evil smirk plastered on my lips. He looked uncomfortable first then gave me a nervous chuckle. Got him!
He cleared his throat and said" I don't know what you are talking about but we are here."
"I am buying it- " I closed the car door behind me." For now." I heard he cursed under his breathe. Walking a while Gracia approached me. I was not late for once. "Hey Elen" Gracia waved at me. I waved back.
"You're early."
" Yeah Dean gave me a ride."
" Really?"
"Yeah he-
I was cut off by a hand grabbing me and dragging me towards the lobby. I turned to see who it was. 'Alice' But we are not friends. Why is she dragging me?
"Elen I need to tell you something. First we need some privacy." Alice said.
"Wait" She didn't stop." Wait! " I said loudly this time.
"What?" Alice snapped.
" Why the hell are you dragging me?" I snapped back.
" Ok I'm sorry for snatching you from Gracia. It is really urgent just come with me."
"And why the hell are you even talking to me?"
" Did you have a brain damage? We are friends from the beginning of this year."
" I - I don't recall you being my friend." I shuttered.
" Gosh what's wrong with you? We are good friends infact 'best friends'."
" No " I said not believing her. Then I turned and started running in the direction of my class.
Alice or simply called Ali is a cheerleader. She has equal popularity like the queen bee of our school - Tessie. She is a nice girl and very very pretty. My brother had a crush on her ever since he saw her. She is not a bitch but I avoid her anyways.*cough* She ignores me.Who knows how does she know me?
"Elen wait! I can't tell anyone else please." She said in a shaky voice. I didn't paid attention and entered my class. I spotted Gracia and sat beside her. "Grace, are we friends with Alice?How?"
Grace looked confused at first then she said, "What do you mean? We are good friends."
"How did we became friends?"
Grace started her story.
(According to Grace Eleanor's POV)
On the first day of school I was walking through the halls trying to find my class when I bumped into someone and fell backwards on the floor. Ouch!
I looked in front of me and it was Alice. "Do you have the decency to say 'sorry' or 'let me help you'?" I said standing up.
"Well technically you bumped into me so you should be sorry" Alice said with a smile.
" Oh really. I did heard you are not a bitch but boy I was wrong." I walked past her. I should not have been so rude but maybe the stress for getting lost.
After roaming for some minutes I found it and entered the class. I saw Gracia sitting with someone else and the only seat left was beside Alice. I let out a sigh. I took the seat beside her.
"Talk of decency who can't even ask the permission to sit." Alice said loudly in my ear.
" It isn't like there is any other seat left Alice." I said sweetly.
" But asking is what 'decent' people does" she said mimicking my tone from earlier.
I stood up and with bang on the desk,
"The worthy owner of the seat Ms.Petrakis can I have the honor to sit here?" I said sarcastically.
Alice played with her red hair and tilted her head to the opposite direction. " Your sarcasm is not accepted." The two boys behind our seat burst out laughing. I sat down. One of them with curly blond hair spoke," Hey I'm Tristan. Don't mind Ali. She can be like this sometimes." He extended his hand.
I shook it and said," I'm Eleanor or Elen"
*Flashback end*
"So that's how you know Alice and Tristan. After that you did a project together and became very good friends. Then I also joined your group." Gracia finished.
Surprise Surprise