Here we are, another day to go to school. I woke up feeling good. I looked at the mirror at the bathroom and saw happiness in my eyes. I feel free. I took a bath while singing. I wore my uniform and headed downstairs bringing my bag with me. I proceeded to our dining room and saw my parents having breakfast. I greeted them and ate with them.

"You seem happy, Yuri." My father noticed. I smiled at them and continued eating.

"I have broken up with my boyfriend." I said and they suddenly stopped.

"How long were you together again?" My mom asked.

"Almost two years and a half." I answered.

We talked about what happened yesterday and I'm glad that it didn't affect me anymore. My father gave me some money and drove me to school. I kissed both of them goodbye and entered the school.

I walked to our classroom and saw Mav with Den inside. I smiled at them as I sat beside them. Mav look closely and examined my face. I moved back a bit.

"Yuri look happy. What happened yesterday?"

"We broke up." I smiled at them. Mav and Den's mouth formed a big "O".

"Wow, I never thought that your break-up with Kart can cause you happiness." Mav stated.

"I didn't know also. But I'm perfectly fine and happier than ever." I smiled widely showing all of my teeth.

"Since you already broke-up with him, what are your plans now?" Den asked me. She was silent this whole time, attentively listening to me.

"I guess I'll love myself more and continue being happy." This may sound common that is what a person should do after a break-up instead of crying over the past.

This day is so much better than yesterday. After how so many years, I feel more free today. I feel happier and more calm today.

I felt another hard slap on my face. I looked at Den, puzzled.

"Stop zoning out for pete's sake." I rubbed my nape and smiled shyly. I was drowning again in my thoughts, but this time it's happy thoughts. After some minutes, our dismissal came. I fixed my uniform and grabbed my bag. I walked alone since Mav and Den got something to attend to. I was about to exit the campus when I felt a vibration from my pocket. I looked and saw Jay's name. I answered it and her loud voice escaped from the speaker.

"Lower down your voice, will you?!" I shouted back at her which made her silent for a second. "Why? What happened?" I asked her immediately. After telling me what she needs, I ended the call.

She asked me to wait for her in front of our building and accompany her with her friend from Junior High School Department at the mall. I called my driver and told him not to pick me up today. After some minutes, Jay came with a girl. She's wearing short jersey shorts and a thin headband. I guess she's a player.

"So where are we going?" I asked Jay. She just pulled me and we ran outside the campus.

"Why are we running?" I asked her again. She just shook her head. I face palmed and pull her with a force which made her stop.

"We can walk slowly, you know." I said to her and she just pinched my cheeks. I rubbed my now red cheeks because of her.

"We'll eat lunch and stroll at the mall." Jay finally answered my first question. I nodded and linked arms with her. I noticed the girl she's with has blue hair. After entering the mall, we headed to a popular fast-food chain. Jay opened the door and entered. But the blue-haired girl, opened the door and told me to enter first. I'm kinda flattered because of her gentleness. She made a good first impression to me. I think we'll click.

After ordering, we sat at the secluded area of the fast-food chain. Jay was the only one speaking. It's kinda awkward, I don't even know the blue-haired girl's name.

"Oh! I forgot! Yuri, this is Vin." Her name made me look at her. Her name is Vin. I suddenly remembered my great great great grandmother's story that was told by my parents to me. I washed the thought away and bowed at her.

"Should I call her "Unni", Mama?" Vin asked Jay. "No, I think we're almost the same age." I answered quickly.

"Jay, I didn't know you have a kid." I smiled at her jokingly. "Stop it! She's my so-called-kid with CL." I laughed when they started to argue. They stopped when our order came. We could've eat peacefully but they started bickering again. I told them to stop and they immediately stopped.

After eating, we strolled at the mall silently. We went to different stalls and suddenly Vin pointed a shirt and I can't help but to laugh at her silliness. Jay asked us but we shook our head while laughing. We stopped when Jay pinched both of our ears. I rubbed my ear and pouted at her.

"Don't look at me like that." She said as I used my puppy eyes to her.

After strolling for some hours, we decided to go home. Jay stood by my side while Vin is standing too, puzzled. I called my driver to pick us up in front of one of the biggest mall here. We waited for 15 minutes and a black car stopped in front of us, my driver stepped out of the car and opened the door for us. Jay entered the car but Vin remained standing there.

"Come on." I pulled her hand but we both let go as electricity flowed in our hands. I guess we'll really click, we got some spark. She entered the car before me. I sat in the middle as usual. We dropped Vin at her house then Jay before going home. I didn't forget to thank them both for today. As I arrive at home, I ran to my room and changed my clothes to a more comfortable one. I laid at my bed and stare at the ceiling.

Vin's face flashed in my mind. That blue-haired girl looks cool. Her face keeps on flashing in my mind. I shook my head and washed away that thought. Her name though, I'm curious about where did she get her name. Was she related to the Vin, my parents told me about. I felt my phone vibrated as I get lost in my own thoughts again.

I looked at it and a name appeared.

'Vin Shin sent you a friend request.'

I sat and held my phone tight. I pressed her profile and scrolled through her account. She doesn't post much, I see. I pressed the accept button and a group chat appeared. Jay Hwang,my friend added me. My phone continued vibrating. It irritates me. I opened the group chat and flood of messages appeared. I guess I can't live a peaceful life because of my friends.