I opened my eyes and rubbed it. I heard a giggle, I blinked and saw a certain blue-haired girl on the screen of my phone. She was watching me as I sleep.

"Hi." I said huskily. She chuckled and smiled at me.

"Good morning, Miss Choi."

"Good morning too. I'm still sleepy." I buried my face in my pillow after saying those words.

"Get up now or you'll be late."

"But I'm still sleepy and I got no classes." I pouted at her and showed my puppy eyes. She shook her head which made me pout even more.

"Nah-uh. That won't work on me, princess. Get up now." I got up and immediately took a bath and wore my casual clothes. It's Intramurals, we're allowed to wear casual kind of clothes.

Being a lazy ass, I just wore simple black ripped jeans topped with a pull-over that I paired with my black combat boots. I peeked on the screen of my phone as I blow dry my hair. I saw her munching her breakfast. I smiled when she looked at her screen and waved.

After finishing it, I brought my bag and phone downstairs. I placed it in the table and ate peacefully.

"Hey, I'll be going now." I looked at my phone's screen while eating.

"Are you gonna end the call?" She shook her head as an answer. I saw her went out of their house and started to walk to school. I immediately drank and washed my hands. I kissed my parents goodbye and received my daily allowance after grabbing my phone and bag from the table. I also grabbed my denim jacket hanging near the living room and wore it before going out of the house. I entered my car and the driver starts the engine.

"I'm near." I said as I look at the screen. She was already at the school's gate. After a few minutes, the car stopped in front of our school's gate. I went out and walked in. She's already in her classroom. I saw her fist bumped with some of her classmates before sitting in her seat. She was watching me as I walk to our building. Students passing by congratulated me. I smiled and thanked them. At last, I reached our classroom. I entered the room and the whole class was sitting lazily at the floor. Some of my classmates brought a foam bed and laid there.

"Yuri!" Mav shouted which made me look at her. I dropped my bag at the floor and sat with them.

"Who's that?" Den pointed at my phone. I showed it to them. They waved at Vin and covered the whole screen with their faces.

"Move, move." I said and pushed their heads to the side. After talking and laughing for almost another hour, she ended the video call because their teacher came.

"How long was it?" Mav asked. I showed her the time.

"11 hours, 33 minutes and 56 seconds?!" She said exaggeratedly. I pushed her forehead and shushed her.

"We both fell asleep at the call and I woke up with her staring at my sleeping face." Remembering it is making me feel so much embarrassment. They laughed at me and said that Vin is turned off already because she saw my sleeping face. I shook my head at their antics and slapped their forehead.

"You little nosy birds." I pinched their ears and led them outside.

"It hurts!" Mav pouted. I frowned at her pouting face but she just laughed at me. We walked until we reached the field. I saw Cleo and Jay walking as we sat under the shady tree.

"Cleo! Jay!" I called them. They looked at me and ran to me.



They both opened their arms and smashed me with their hugs. I pretended to get hurt and laughed at their worried faces.

"That's not funny, you poop." Cleo flicked my forehead.

"I missed you both." They aww-ed and pinch my cheeks.

"Let's go to the karaoke after dismissal." Jay said.

"Do you want to come?" She asked Mav and Den. Both of them didn't refuse. "What about CL and Vin?" Jay asked.

"Ask them if they want to come with us." I suggested.

"I'll ask them later." I nodded. "Anyway, congratulations!" They patted my back or more like hit my back.

"It hurts, you two!" I tried to reach my back and massaged it. They just laughed at me and bid us goodbye. We waved at them and watched them walk away. We remained silent and enjoyed the cold yet warm breeze of the wind. It's almost Christmas! I closed my eyes and leaned on Mav's shoulder.


"Wake up now, sleepyhead." I opened my eyes and rubbed it.

"It's lunch time and almost dismissal time." Mav explained. We stood up and walked back to our classroom. I continued my sleep there leaning on Den's shoulder this time. I felt a hard slap after a few minutes.

"What?!" I opened my eyes only to see the whole gang looking at me.

"It's already a quarter past one, you idiot." Cleo flicked my forehead again. I pouted and stood up. I fixed myself for a minute and grabbed my things.

"Let's go." We all headed out and walked to the karaoke place. The others are constantly bickering and fooling around. I was at the back along with Vin. She held my hand all of a sudden. I looked at her but she was looking away. I squeezed her hand and we continued walking. This kid is so sneaky. We reached our destination after some more minutes of walking. We bought tickets to enter and some foods.

"We're here! Let's party!" Jay said and we entered the karaoke room. We started to get loose and after a few minutes the foods came. Since we can't drink hard drinks, we ordered root beers and some chips. Our gang started to party and sing songs. I watched them be hyped up and laughed as I took a seat at the couch inside. I drank from my can of root beer and took some chips. Vin sat beside me and joined me in pigging out.

"And I~ will al—." We laughed so hard when Mav fell from the table when she sang her favorite line. I almost choked from the root beer because of laughing. These girls are natural comedians. They continued to laugh at Mav while this girl beside me rubbed my back for I was coughing badly because of the root beer.

"I think I'm gonna get my abs back because of laughing so hard, gosh." I exclaimed after coughing. I took a sip again and picked some chips from the bowl. Den gave me a mic and pulled me. I smiled and stood with them. They chose a familiar song and started to cheer for me when I started singing it in trot style. They fell on the floor laughing because of what I did to the song.

"Ouch!" I laughed so hard again when Cleo bumped her head on the edge of the table. Gosh, these girls are really something.

We continued partying and singing like there's no tomorrow. We took some photos and finished our food. We had a toast and laughed a lot. I'm thankful to have these girls with me.