Chapter 8
Blake POV
After thoroughly enjoying my dessert I waited for ‘Angel Eyes’ to come back and ask about our orders. I finally named the beautiful girl with those mesmerizing honey brown eyes. You can’t blame me for coming up with such a cheesy name because she really has those eyes that resemble an Angel with so much innocence. I was counting every second just to see her but was greatly disappointed when a new blonde waitress came to our table. The waitress asked the usual ‘Anything else, sir?’ while I completely tuned her out and stared at the glass wall. My eyes surely were looking at the New York streets but my mind was barely paying any attention. I was busy recalling my recent encounter with Angel eyes.
Her voice is much sweeter and melodious when she is happy. I was holding my breath when she turned around and stared into my eyes with unequivocal intensity. It was like we were drowning in our own world but the moment broke when her notepad slipped from her hand making a thud sound and just like before she was back to her emotionless voice. I released an inaudible sigh when she was done asking and then she was turning to mom at my silence.
Without wasting a second, I spoke up and saw her stopping in her tracks. It was like she loved staring at me because once again she was staring at me but had a faraway look on her beautiful face. From the corner of my eye, I saw my mom looking between us with a mischievous smile. Taking that as my queue, I waved my hand in front of her but got no reaction. With amusement dancing in my eyes, I tapped her only to hear a dumbfounded reply. Once again, I was speechless from her innocence and had to clear my throat before speaking.
I was smirking the whole time, still in my own world when dad called my name and I turned to him with a questioning gaze “You don’t want to order anything, right? I already asked for the bill. You were quite busy there to pay attention.”
I was surprised that dad actually caught me but masked it and nodded while replying “Yeah, I’m done. I was just thinking about the meeting, it has shifted to tomorrow. Nothing to worry about though, we are all done just have some last-minute preparations.”
Dad had a smirk when he said “You sure were thinking about the meeting. Right, honey?” he turned towards mom as he finished his words.
Mom just nodded with a mischievous glint in her eyes and I knew I’m in for an argument. The next family dinner was successfully ruined again due to another argument about my dating life. At the newfound news, I just closed my eyes and sighed.
Soon our bill arrived but to my dismay once again I was greeted by the new waitress. This time I was paying attention to her because I desperately wanted to know why Angel eyes didn’t come. I was itching to ask her directly about Angel eyes but I knew it would be like digging my own grave. Mom is probably thinking about setting us up and this would just give her the confirmation. Finally giving up on asking, I resorted to thinking about the numerous reasons for her absence.
But luck is on my side today I guess, because when I thought I won’t be getting any of my answers and was about to push my chair back to stand up; mom asked the question I badly wanted to ask “Where is the girl who was serving us earlier?”
The waitress made a mean face and replied with a bit of arrogance, “She is not feeling well, ma’am.”
I was intrigued and wanted to ask more but as before kept mum. I was surely concerned for some reason but not enough to invite trouble. I was still battling with my thoughts when I heard mom question her again “What happened to her? She was completely fine when she last served us.”
This time the waitress rolled her eyes and replied in an irritated voice “How can I know? She just joined today and I would say not to think much about her. She can’t handle this job so she would be out before you return for another lunch.” And she smirked at last, her audacity.
I was so done with her bitchy attitude. No one has the right to speak like that to my mom. I was ready to give her a piece of mind but from the corner of my eye, I saw dad with a very calm look on his face. He was far too calm from his usual self and I knew it’s a calm we experience before the storm. It also made another thing clear that I’m not to intervene.
“CALL THE MANAGER, NOW.” Dad shouted in his booming voice, grabbing the attention of every occupant.
I saw the waitress’s face paling and her blue eyes widening from fear but before she could utter a single word, we heard fast approaching steps. In seconds the manager was standing in front of us still breathless and desperately trying to catch his breath all the while struggling to maintain a professional look. My dad turned to him with the same furious look and I watched the manager paling and audibly gulping in fear. “YOU BETTER START TEACHING YOU STAFF NOT TO SASS OR IT MIGHT BE YOUR LAST DAY HERE. FIRE THIS GIRL, NOW. HOW DARE SHE TALK TO MY WIFE LIKE THAT?”
I thought dad was done but then he turned towards the waitress who has a horrified look on her face and said in a calm voice “And you, young lady, do not sass around your workplace. It might get you in more trouble next time. It is your lucky day that you are just fired from here or I could have done so much more. It’s because of my wife; I’m leaving you with no further damage. You better be thankful to her.”
It was then when my gaze drifted to mom’s hand which is holding dad’s bicep so tightly that I was sure her nails were digging in his skin but I didn’t utter a word. The blonde waitress said thank you to mom and went back while the manager gulped again when he found himself alone in front of my father. Yeah, that’s the effect dad has on people. They are terrified of him when he is angry because he does not rest till he destroys the person completely. I was bought back from my musings by dad’s voice, “You may go now.” It was a very short yet stern command.
Once we no longer were the source of attention mom took no time in pulling dad to the parking lot and I had no choice but to follow them dejectedly. I wanted to see Angel eyes one last time, for god’s sake I don’t even know her name but then we already had enough drama for today. It’s better to drop by some other time and know her name. With these thoughts still lingering on my mind I went to my car and sped off to the office.
I sighed while entering my office and thought about the long night I’m going to have. Slumping on the black leather chair, I started working on the meeting and in seconds I was drowned in work.