Chapter 7

Chapter 7

Rose POV

I was standing at the back of the table I was serving when the sweet lady from earlier made a little hand gesture to call me. I waved back at her showing my index finger, giving her the universal sign of 1 second. After I was done from the table which was nothing but collecting the cheque, I walked towards the sweet couple but my eyes soon noticed the presence of one more person this time.

As I was heading their way, I felt that creepy feeling telling me to go back but as always with the lucky charm I possessed, I was already very near to the table and there was no way of going back now. I took a deep breath and went to the table I was dreading to face, after all, how bad it could be.

As I got nearer, I saw the old lady gushing something in her husband’s ear while he was smiling fondly at her. It bought a smile to my own lips and the creepy feeling was forgotten for that moment. I walked to their table and said in a sweet voice “what can I get for you, ma’am?”

She just smiled at my way and pointed towards my side to the new company they got. I turned to look on the side with a bright smile on my face only to come across the same forest green orbs I was trying to forget.

Once again, I was drowning in those orbs as I was held captive by them like everything was slowly fading until it’s just me and him staring at each other with so much intensity that one could be mistaken thinking we are long lost lovers and as the thought came to my mind the notepad, I was holding slipped from my hand breaking the trance I was in.

I look down while muttering a quick apology and asked in a more formal tone with a fake smile this time “what would you like to order sir?”

I saw him grunting and mumbling something to himself and then pressing his lips into a thin line. For a second I thought he is not going to order and started to turn towards the couple, probably his parents to take their order but stopped in my track when I heard “Cornhusk Meringue”.

His voice is deep, baritone, and melodious at the same time. One could probably hear his voice for hours and not get bored or maybe it’s just me. I was so engrossed in my thoughts I didn’t notice the hand waving in front of me and then a slight tap on my shoulder got me out of my daydreaming. I muttered a small “huh?” looking dumbfounded.

I was still staring at the handsome man sitting in front of me who has amusement twinkling in his eyes. Clearing his throat, he repeated himself “I will have Cornhusk Meringue for dessert.”

I noted the order while nodding my head and then continued by taking the order of his parents and went back.

‘It was hard dealing with work on my first day and now I have one more problem, Mr. Greek god.’

‘But you are liking the distraction.’

I huffed at that and went back to put give the orders. In no time, I was walking back to their table to serve the desserts and came face to face with none other than the Greek god himself; uff my life really needs a break.

I just focused on serving the desserts and soon I was done serving them. With a polite smile, I was ready to go back but my eyes caught the weird smile adorning on the lips of his mother. I took this as my queue to leave and went back inside the staff room and asked one of my colleagues to take the rest of their order saying I’m not feeling well.

I noticed her rolling her eyes but didn’t acknowledge it and sat on the bean bag while my eyes closed on their own accord and a sigh escaped from my lips. My mind drifted back to today’s encounter and how I reacted to it. I had completely forgotten how to conceal my emotions for once from those eyes. It was so wrong of me knowing full well no one could know my secrets, I decided it then and there; I need to stay away from him, it's better this way for the both of us.

I was still thinking when I felt a hand on my shoulder and I jerked up instantly only to find an amused Luke looking at me. “What are you doing here?” I asked him after recovering from the shock.

“I saw you here, so, I thought you might need some help since you are new here.” He replied and I just hummed while he sat next to me.

We both were engrossed in our own little world, full of thoughts. But are we thinking the same thing? Are we concerned about the same issues? Maybe or maybe not, only time will tell. I sighed and went back to stare at the white walls of the rooms.