Chapter 6


Blake POV

After our happy reunion before lunch, note the sarcasm, we walked back to our table which was in front of the glass wall that gave a view to New York streets. I was still mad at mom for giving me such a punishment for having fun. I mean let’s not forget she was also looking for fun.

I know what she has in store for me; for all who have been wondering, mom is going to try to set me up with daughters of her friends or even relatives and god knows whom. And if this does not suffice, she might set a blind date where everything related to sex would be off-limits.

I’m not sex addicted or something but if I had to date someone, I would like her to be compatible with me in every aspect and I think sex is one of those important aspects. After all, healthy sex life is also important for a healthy relationship. I can definitely adjust without a thought if I fell in love with someone but I don’t want my relationship to be based on adjustments. I want me and my partner to be free and happy and not be someone who is always trying to adjust instead of being themselves.

I shake off my thoughts and look around to see the whole restaurant buzzing with life and then turned towards the glass wall. Just as I thought I can appreciate silence my phone vibrated and I sighed. I checked my cell only to come across a missed call from Alex. I looked up to inform mom that I need to take this call but saw her engrossed in finding the perfect dish to celebrate and a smile graced my lips.

Whatever it is, she is always so choosy about it. I really find it very intriguing how she married dad at a very young age with her own free will. I shook my head when I saw her scrunching her nose at something and turned towards dad and pointed to my phone indicating that I need to attend an important call while he just nodded and fixed his love-filled stare at mom again.

I soundlessly slipped out of my chair and went towards the exit to call Alex. It took me about twenty minutes to get done with the call with Alex. Apparently, Carrefour shifted the meeting to tomorrow which means overworking with Alex. The meeting was is scheduled for tomorrow morning which meant just a night is all we have.

I sighed and went back to our table and saw my parents waiting for me while talking in hushed voices. I sat on my chair and muttered a small sorry before piling food on my plate. Shortly, we were making light conversations about stuff and old memories which were refreshing.

I was enjoying this family lunch since mom didn’t start any controversial topic which is none other than my love life. But like every other good thing, our playful and refreshing lunch came to an end. I was ready to leave for my office when mom asked in her motherly tone “Son, did you forget about desserts?”

“Umm, No mom. I just thought you want to skip desserts.” I replied hastily.

I was struggling to add something more when dad chuckled and said “Cut him some slack, Love. He is the CEO; it’s bound to make his life a bit stressful. And let’s not forget he is working very hard.”

I was relieved by dad’s words while on the other side mom just pouted. I smiled and was about to say thank you when he added “You don’t need to come over on weekend, I know, you are having a hectic week. Just show up on the usual family dinner.”

I just grinned and nodded my head while mom pouted again in a sulking way. But before she could complain dad kissed her and said in a hushed voice while winking at her. “The weekend is ours. We are going on a road trip.”

I decided to intervene knowing well I need to leave soon. “So, are we still having desserts?”

Mom nodded and looked at someone standing at my back and did a little hand gesture to get their attention. Must be the waitress appointed to our table I thought, and went back to check the updates and information sent by Alex.