Save log 7: One Giant Golem

The cart is rattling as it's going through the wavy road of the Mist Mountain. The branches scratch the side of the wagon covered with white curtain. Suddenly the holfs stopped as the cart stopped with them as well.

“Alright, this is the far I can take you.”

“That will do. Thank you for driving us here, Wilde.” I said to the cart driver as I got down from the cart. The whole mountain was covered with silver mist. I heard it always stays like this whenever it’s summer or not. It’s freaking cold.

“You have that horn thing that can scare away monsters. Still you're scared of going into the forest.” Lina stayed in the cart stretching and waving her tail.

“I am still not sure if it really works or not. Now, get out of the ride. I need to get out of here fast.”

Furara and Lina got down from the cart. The driver wished us good luck and drove away as quickly as possible. We continued to go to our destination. We will reach there after 10 minutes by walking now.

After walking for 8 minutes or so, we could see the ruins from a distance through thin fog. A big boulder like object was resting in front of the cracked rocky ruins.

“That boulder there is likely to be the golem we are supposed to be fighting with.”

“What? That boulder is the golem? I thought it was its food or something.”

“Golem don’t eat rock you stupid cat.”

“They are created by ancient civilization in order to protect their house and property I think. I am not sure how they still operate even though they were made thousands of years ago.”

“It’s just sad we are just going to destroy it. I wonder how much work they have into these to make them.” Joro gave out a sigh.

“It can’t be helped. They have gone wild don’t you know? No one can tame them and use it for ourselves. It’s better just to destroy them then watch them destroy us. But the question is, how the heck are we gonna break that rock body? My arrows are completely useless against that.”

“I guess we can’t do anything. Let’s head back and tell Siyol that we failed.”

“We have come this far. We should at least try and see if we can take it down.” Furara whispered.

“We need a huge amount of firepower to take that thing down. I don’t know any magic like that.” a deep and dark voice came from Joro.

“The only person who has that kind of magic is.....” all of us turned to the hooded girl standing along with us. Furara flinched to see us staring at her all of a sudden.

“Wh-why are you guys looking at me like that?”

I think I got a plan. Not sure if it will really work, and it’s very risky too. I will just give it a shot. Razahan-sama, what’s the probability of this plan to be successful?

“I will tell you if you offer something at my church after this.” he is demanding a bribe.

"This is not a bribe."

“Alright, I will do it. Just tell me already.”

“Who are you talking to Hanji?”

“Okay, the probability of your plan is 10% chance of....”

I was slowly approaching the big boulder. I can now see it’s hands, and it’s body shape. The golem looks bigger up close. It’s at least a three-story building tall and covered with moss.

We hid behind a bush and turned to the place where Joro and Furara are waiting. Lina looked like is going to cry. Her cat ears weren’t so lively, they were dangling over her head. I give an ok sign to Furara. Furara nodded her head and raised her hands.

“By the power of the fire magic and the wind magic, I shall show the world the destructive power of the explosion magic! Powerful enough to destroy a mountain and so like.”, Furara chanted as the red and crimson like magic effect surrounded her. Is she planning to kill us all with the golem?

The golem suddenly got motion and started to stand up hearing Furara's chanting. It's as big as I expected. It turned to Furara.

"Gawaahhh!" it roared out. It started to pick up a rock around it.

I signaled Lina and equipped my bow. Our job was to help Furara cast the magic successfully and keep her safe if the golem attacks her.

"Power shot snipe!" the arrow hit the golem's head and it dropped the rock. Then Lina is going to make the golem unable to move using her bind skill.

"Greater Binding!"

A large vine wrapped around the golem's body. It struggled to get the vine off. Now the golem won’t be able to do anything. According to Razahan’s probability on my plan, the failure rate is 10% and success rate is 90%. Alright, our job here is done. Now, WE HAVE TO RUN AWAY BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE!!

"....Turn this golem into pebbles. *Kaze no Bakuhatsu!"

(*Wind of Explosion)

There was a huge explosion sound. Both Lina and I took cover behind a large rock. The hot air passed by us leaving our skin with a burning sensation with rocks flying over our head..

"Itai Itai Itai Itai!"

"Stop screaming like that! You are making the burning worse."

Once everything went back to normal, we got out from the rock and checked on the golem. The place where the golem was standing now has some rocks. The fog which covered the surrounding area is now evaporated and the area almost got destroyed by the explosion. The ruins barely withstand the impact.

All that matters now is that the golem is out for sure. We did it?

"Yes! Look Hanji! That golem is now all rocks and pebbles! Furara and Joro did it! Did she lose her memory again?"

"Probably, let's go check on her now. We got nothing else left to do."

We turned around from that place and ran to where Joro and Furara were doing their work. We found Furara standing there rubbing her forehead. Well, that's what I think she is doing. Joro was standing on her shoulder.

"We did it Joro. The golem is out for good."

"Yes, I can see that. Draken gave out a lot of mana on her for that. I was wor-worried if he gave her the amount to des-destroy this whole place." Joro said with a trembling tone.

"I was thinking so as well. Thank god it didn't happen." I gave out a sigh of relief.

" Hey Furara. Are you alright? Did you get your memory messed up?"

"....No….I did not……?! I did not? It didn't happen this time? Ye-yes! This is so wonderful! I didn't lose my memory for the first time!" Furara became excited all of sudden then became quiet just like she became excited.

"Well, glad to see you didn't. I guess we can use Joro and Draken to solve that memory losing problem of yours."

"Hmph, using my power as a tool. Unacceptable."

"Don't get mad Draken. By the way, what's this problem of memory loss you keep saying about Furara?"

"We will tell you once we get back to the guild. Come on! A grand of 100,000 azul is waiting for us!"

"Hai hai!"

The celebration got interrupted by a rumbling sound. It sounded like some rocks were hitting each other. We turned to the source where the sound was coming. A green shining orb is floating in the air, the place where the golem was standing. The rocks that got scattered all over the place started to float around it.

"That thing looks pretty!"

"Cut it with that greedy act of yours! Can't you see the golem is regenerating?"

The rock started to form the shape of that golem bit by bit. Thi-this is madness!

"We weren't informed that the golem could regenerate itself back." said Joro.

"This is a big problem. I am not sure if I can fire the explosion spell again. Even with Draken's power."

This is just complete madness! How are we supposed to defeat this thing now in this state?! Getting its original form back, the golem stared at us with a creepy look. Just when we thought we got everything done smoothly, it turned into a worse case of senorio.